Thursday, February 22, 2007

After Godhra 68 killed by fire in 'Peace Train' near Panipat: Mush Laden & Lashkar

Does Fire in Samjhuta or in Samjhauta Express? Blair gifted a billion pounds to Mush for making Madarsas modern; Don’t cut beard otherwise.. Osama operations hub in Pakistan

It is coincident that two compartments of the train took fire at Godhra and more than 68 karsevaks burnt alive as to day on Feb 19. Fire took place in two compartments of the Delhi Attari Samjhauta Express. Both incidents are the cruel work of the pro-Pakistani anti-India elements. Both tragedies are inhuman and should be condemned. Why should there differentiation?

Secular UPA Government’s vote bank politics decided to give 7 lacks each to the Gujarat riot victims. It is good. Railway Minister Lalu announced 10 lacks each to the victims’ families including Pakistani nationals of Samjhauta Express. It is better. But why should not burnt karsevaks’ families?

India and Pakistan started the Samjhauta Express, which links New Delhi with the Pakistani city of Lahore, and another train services to promote people-to-people contacts as part of peace talks they began in early 2004.

The incident came a day before Pakistan Foreign Minister Khurshid Mehmood Kasuri was scheduled to arrive in New Delhi for talks. Kasuri is to chair the India-Pakistan joint commission along with his Indian counterpart Pranab Mukherjee which is expected to review the peace process as well as discuss a newly-launched anti-terrorism mechanism.

Security personnel onboard various trains and at railways stations across Punjab were put on high alert today following the explosion on Delhi-Attari special train in Panipat in Haryana, which killed 68 people, including Pakistani nationals.Various security agencies, including Disaster management officers, Punjab Police and the Railway Protection Force (RPF) have been asked to remain on maximum alert, Punjab police sources said. They have been asked to be on the look out for suspicious objects and persons as part of attempts to check further incidents.The checking in trains coming from Jammu has been ordered to be stepped up, the officer said. A senior Punjab Police officer said here that they were also probing the blast in the Attari special train from Delhi which is the link train for the Lahore-bound Samjhauta Express. Security in the Delhi-Lahore and Amritsar-Lahore buses was also being tightened.Train Burning at Godhra Vs Delhi Attari train burning
Home Minister Shivraj Patil, Railway Minister Lalu. MP of the local area and former Union Home Minister I D Swamy are among the persons who visited the spot where train blasting happened. Media is also covering the panic incident properly. We hope that UPA Government, Railway Minister Lalu Yadav and other so called secular leaders would not take this tragedy lightly as they had took the burning of Karsevaks in train compartment at Godhra in the past.

We further hope that Pakistan also will take it seriously which is the result of Pakistan sponsored terrorism. Pakistani MP and Parilamentary Defense Minister Tanvir Hussain admitted in open debate that he was a member of a banned terrorist organization which is suspected of involvement in extremely violent attacks in India! (Regular readers of this page may recall this stunning news; those seeking more details should read"

Blair gifted a billion pounds to Mush for making Madarsas modern
Tony Blair went to Pakistan in Nov 2006 with a quarter of a billion pounds in his back pocket and high hopes of making a trade, but from the look of things he only made a donation.
'Tis the spirit, one month early, perhaps?Blair's meeting with ex-General (now-President) Pervez Musharraf was a great success for Musharraf, but not for Blair.Blair's visit to Pakistan was apparently part of a concerted effort to break a deadlocked struggle for an extradition treaty.The money -- a 250-million-pound increase for "moderate Islamic madrassas" (schools which teach Islam without violence!), raising Britain's contribution from 230 to 480 million pounds (almost a billion dollars) over the next three years, must have seemed to Blair a reasonable quid-pro-quo.To shorten a long story somewhat, the moderate madrassas of Pakistan got the money, or at least the Pakistani government did, but Tony Blair didn't get the treaty.
Recently Pakistani army bombed on a madarsa and killed many terrorists hided in the madarsa.

Pakistan and the UK have been haggling over an extradition treaty for years, especially in the three months since August 10th, when the so-called "liquid bombers" were arrested (and their alleged plot to mix so-called explosives out of common household liquids aboard a moving airplane was reportedly foiled).

Osama building operations hub in Pakistan tribal areas
U.S. officials told the Newyork Times there is mounting evidence that Osama bin Laden and his deputy, Ayman al-Zawahri, have been putting an operations center together. Until recently, the Times said, the Bush administration had said bin Laden and Zawahri were detached from their followers and cut off from operational control of al-Qaida.

U.S. analysts said recent intelligence indicated the bases functioned under a loose command structure, operated by groups of Arab, Pakistani and Afghan militants allied with al-Qaida — with guidance from their commanders and Zawahri. Bin Laden, appears to have little direct involvement, the newspaper said.

The training camps reportedly have not reached the size and level and sophistication noted in al-Qaida camps in Afghanistan under Taliban rule.

But in a speech several days ago, Mr. Bush painted a more sober picture of Al Qaeda’s current strength, especially inside Pakistan.“Taliban and Al Qaeda figures do hide in remote regions of Pakistan,” Mr. Bush said. “This is wild country; this is wilder than the Wild West. And these folks hide and recruit and launch attacks.”

Officials said that both American and foreign intelligence services had collected evidence leading them to conclude that the terrorist training camps are frequented by British citizens of Pakistani descent also who travel to Pakistan on British passports.

In a speech in November, the director general of MI5, Britain’s domestic intelligence agency, Dame Eliza Manningham-Buller, said that terrorist plots in Britain “often have links back to Al Qaeda in Pakistan.” She said that “through those links, Al Qaeda gives guidance and training to its largely British foot soldiers here on an extensive and growing scale.”

Don’t cut beard otherwise ………………
Before two days posters were seen on the walls there contained warning of Taliban for not cutting the beard. The Hair Cutting Saloon which go against it will be killed. In fear hair cutting saloon hanged the boards written: “ Beard will not cut here”.
After the veil wearing compulsion warning this beard warning come in the light.
There is also a lesson here for the UPA Government. Despite bending over backwards to please Muslim voters, despite talking of fixed allocations for the community in development outlays, despite announcing bonuses for madarsas, why is its economic policy so alienating Muslims?

Musharraf Laden and Lashkar
It is since learnt that US counter-terrorism experts have been concerned over new evidence that despite Islamabad's repeated denial of any influence over the Taliban and bin Laden and repeated contention that the HUM and the LET are indigenous Kashmiri organisations, which have no presence in Pakistani territory, Pakistani contacts with bin Laden and assistance to the Taliban continue and the HUM and the LET have stepped up their activities in J & K from Pakistani territory.

"Herald", the monthly journal of the "Dawn" group of Karachi, quoted Dr.Khalid Mehmood Soomro, Secretary-General of the Jamiat-ul-Ulema Islam (JUI), Sindh, based in Larkana, as saying as follows: "Why is the Pakistan Army not fighting for Kashmir? Why are they getting our youth killed there? They are using our young men for their own goals…Let's be clear on one thing. These jihadi groups can't function and survive without official patronage. Is there a single militant training centre in Pakistan which can operate without the consent of the Pakistan Army? All militant groups are created and run by Pakistan's secret agencies. They have mobile phones, land cruisers and weapons. Where are they getting the funds from? Surely, it can't be all funded through public donations. Because if that were so, we would be getting similar donations, if not more."

And yet, Musharraf denies any links of the Pakistan Army and the ISI with the LET and other jihadis. What more, he denies their very presence in Pakistani territory.
The LET has totally ignored the June 5 rebuke of Musharraf and has maintained a high level of virulent anti-Indian propaganda and has been reiterating almost daily its determination to continue its jihad against India till India withdraws its troops from J & K. It has been opposing the forthcoming summit on the ground that jihad against non-believers, once started, cannot be discontinued till they surrender and that to discontinue it mid-way would be unislamic.

Pamela Constable of the "Washington Post", who was one of the foreign correspondents briefed by Musharraf last week on the forthcoming summit, has reported as follows: "Musharraf brushed aside questions about whether he would rein in armed Islamic groups that support fighters in Kashmir, insisting that the Kashmiri insurgency is "indigenous".

It is, therefore, likely that whatever be the outcome of the forthcoming summit, Pakistan will continue its proxy war against India through its jihadi surrogates even while denying any links with or control over them. Any optimism of a reduction in violence and cross-border terrorism as a result of the summit would be misplaced. Musharraf will continue to play his double game---overtly friendly, warm and seemingly accommodating and covertly continuing to make our security forces bleed. To expect anything different from him and to lower our guard against him could be suicidal. India will continue to pay a heavy price for its failure to evolve and implement consistently an effective counter proxy war policy. The policy of "kabi naram, kabi garam" (sometimes soft, sometimes hard) doesn't pay against Pakistan. It will only confirm Musharraf in his perception that India is a soft State, which lends itself to easy manipulation

It is unfortunate that former and present CMs of J & K including UPA Governments and Leftists are being played in the hands of Pakistan’s pro-terrorism policies.

Fire in Samjhauta Express
At least 66 people were killed after blasts triggered a fire on a "peace train" running between India and Pakistan in a northern Indian city on Feb 19, officials said.Police said 18 other passengers were injured in two suspected improvised explosive device (IED) blasts after midnight on the coaches of the Samjhauta Express near the Panipat city, 100 kilometres north of Indian capital New Delhi.Forensic expert says there were five suitcases loaded from old Delihi station in the train which contains 2 pipe bomb, 2 IED bombs and 15 kerosene bombs. Two bombs have been defused one was found on the track out of the train and another was in the compartment which was behind the two burnt train.
According to railway officials, it could have been a lot worse.

Most of the passengers were killed due to burns and suffocation as the fire swept through two coaches while the train was heading to the border town of Attari from Delhi.

Because of security concerns, lower-class coaches on the train are kept sealed with locked doors and barred windows in the lower-class coaches on trips to the border. Passengers may have been trapped inside the burning cars. How horrible! How many of us can even imagine that? How many of us even dare?
This is the first attack that targetted both Indian and Pakistani nationals.

Senior railway officials said two suitcases containing IEDs were recovered from the blast site. Mobile phones or remote controlled devices could have been used to activate the IEDs, they said."Three IEDS have been defused in a controlled environment. The terrorists probably planned to carry out more blasts on the train," Y Mathur, a railway official said.

The injured were rushed to a government-run hospital in Panipat. "I lost five of my children. There was smoke everywhere after the blast and everyone fell unconscious. Nobody survived," an unidentified witness told the NDTV.The bodies were could not be identified as the bodies are in a bad shape. Only the post mortem will tell the identification. There is a record who start their journey from Delhi station after getting Visas. There is a record of those passengers who have been saved their lives. So on the basis of both records the list with details of the dead passengers will be found. But identification will be possible only after getting forensic report.
Reports said several passengers including children and old people jumped out of the burning train as it was moving. Fire tenders were rushed to the spot but the fire was brought under control only after two hours.

As well as being an actual unprovoked attack against actual unarmed innocent civilians, the attack carries symbolic meaning:

By Premendra


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