Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Married life: love food is greater than cookfood and other articles

Following are the synopsis of the articles from Feb 14 to Feb 25, 2008. Complete articles are at: http://www.newsanalysisindia.com/feb_08.htm

Married life: love food is greater than cookfood
Disinclination to cook not a ground for divorce: Madras High Court. Forget love without quarrel if couples want longer life, research says.
Friday, February 25, 2008

Kosova: US and EU Guardian of Terrorism and Separatism
Actually terrorism and separatism are the shields for America and EU countries. They manufactured these two international evils to weak the sovereign countries that want to stand equal to America. USSR is an example of it. After the breakup of the former Soviet Union, 12 countries became independent on December 26, 1991.
Sunday, February 24, 2008

Auction of Cricketers and Globalization of PM post
Who is killing nationalism?
We want foreign coach! We want to be lead by Videshi bahu!! Now we want foreign cricketers on the cost of swadeshi tax payers!!!
Saturday, February 23, 2008

Fahim, a poet may be PM of Pakistan
Atal, a poet became P M in 19 March 1998. Now a poet Fahim of PPP is frontrunner for PM Post of Pakistan.
Friday, February 22, 2008

Clinton’s Saxophone, Gandhi’s Concertina, Ravanahatha Music Instruments
Ravanhatha was the musical instrument of Ravana as narrated in the Ramayana. Sri Lanka revives Ravana-hatha, a violin-like string instrument as narrated in Ramayana.Clinton and Gandhi and other historical leaders also played music instrument.
Friday, February 22, 2008

Is Teesta Supreme than Supreme Court?
After High Court, now Chief Justice of India(CJI)fumes over Teesta's article targeting SC. Teesta is encouraged by UPA government. TOI reports: Teesta Setalvad, who has been a crusader for Gujarat riot cases, on Feb 18, drew sharp criticism from the Chief Justice of India (CJI) Justice K G Balakrishnan for her article. Teesta accused the top court of unnecessary delay of four years in deciding the bail pleas of the Godhra train burning case accused. The CJI asked all the lawyers appearing for the Godhra case accused whether they had any truck with Setalvad, and if so, the Bench would not like to hear those petitions which had any link with her.
Thursday, February 21, 2008

Swiss focal point for Mr Sonia Zardari
The battle for power in Pakistan took a fresh twist on Feb 20 when the government reinvigorated a Swiss corruption case against the opposition leader Asif Zardari on the eve of post-election power sharing talks that threaten President Pervez Musharraf. Government lawyers urged a court in Geneva to prosecute Zardari - whose Pakistan People's party won the most seats in election of Feb 18- on 10-year-old charges of stashing $55m in kickbacks in a Swiss bank account.
Thursday, February 21, 2008

Joyous Tears of Mauritius PM and Eight limbed laxmi vs sorrowful abonded Sonu
Sonu cried ‘Papa Papa’, yet parents of Bihar abandoned her. Opposite to this Eight Limbed Laxmi’s parents of Bihar love for her two year old daughter prevented them from selling Laxmi to the highest bidder. Vishwamitra demanded Ram and Laxman from Drashrath to kill demons; Maoists want to kill innocent people and police.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Mr Maya Mr Jaya have chance to be Deputy Prime Minister
Why not Prime Minister?
Jayalalith tried with her best as Sonia Gandhi to be PM in the past. Mayawati, the country’s first Dalit woman chief minister, wants to be the Prime Minister some time in the future. But in near future means just after the result of 2009 general election no chance for her to be PM.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Black shadow, Black Bridget and ghost of Keating
Would dynasty of Bush support giving a democrat Clinton or Obama a chance in White House in 2008? Would ghost of Keating Five on McCain be effective?
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Mush moves against Mr. Sonia Zardari, Sharif
As reported timesnow : Musharaff supporters on Monday (Feburary 18) published an advertisement in a top Urdu daily, ‘Nawa-e-Waqt' accusing former Prime Minister and PML-N chief, Nawaz Sharif of selling state secrets to the then Indian Prime Minister, Inder Kumar Gujral. The advertisement also accuses Nawaz Sharif of betraying the Kashmiris and the cause of Kashmir.
Monday, February 18, 2008

Christian Maoists nexus in Orissa
For getting power in Andhra Congress took help of armed naxalites. Now Congress develops nexus of Christian Missionaries and Maoists to destabilize BJP-BJD led Govt. To remain in power in the North East provinces Congress shook hand ULFA to come back power in Assam. Congress and Communists are encouraging Bangladeshi infiltrators because they are their solid votes. Congress declared Nagaland a Christian province.
Sunday, February 17, 2008

Now Sikhs victim of Art 30 and anti Hindu Govt
Hindu organizations and parties have time to compromise on various principles by which they are known all over world. There is no strong movement against the abolishment of Art 30 of the Constitution. Opposite to this half Christian supported by atheist parties wants to ruin Hindi Hindu Hindustan. For encouraging conversion it will come with religious based minority-ism focused budget.
Sunday, February 17, 2008

Coalition compulsion and Rashtra dharm
Political leaders and parties use coalition dhrarm and Rashtra dharm according to their convenience as they use secular word. In the name of coalition dharm: Congress keeps Nuke deal in its cold bag and now DMK passed a resolution to remind Congress coalition dharm.
Saturday, February 16, 2008

Valentine day: Kissinger Mao Gandhi
Documents released now by U.S. reveal: Mao offered one crore women to US in his meeting with Kissinger. This shows that both leaders were in the grip of Valentine Day.
Friday, February 15, 2008

Fuel Price vs Bio-Fuels: UPA vs Kalam
Congress depends on foreign coach instead of Indian experts. UPA overlooks the advice of even former President Dr. Kalam who suggests for encouraging the Bio-fuel production.
Friday, February 15, 2008

Is new reshuffle in Cong Org indication of midterm poll?
New Delhi: It is now or Never for Nuke Deal: U S Envoy Mulford
No fresh mandate needed for Indo-US nuke deal: Cong
Left won’t allow govt to go ahead with Indo-US nuke deal: CPI
N-deal after Bush term: Prakash Karat
Thusday, February 14, 2008

Sonia alone, Natwar gone as Sarkozy’s party leader distancing from him
The New York Times reported on Feb 12: French President Nicolas Sarkozy is considered toxic enough that some candidates of the Union for a Popular Movement, the party he long headed, seem to be distancing themselves from him ahead of the municipal elections next month. Some candidates, including former Prime Minister Alain Juppé, who is running for re-election as mayor of Bordeaux, are campaigning without the party logo.
Thusday, February 14, 200

By Premendra Agrawal

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Ethnic Indians drag Malysian scared PM on ealy poll

Inflation, crime and ethnic tensions forced to Abdullah Ahmad Badawi for calling early poll.

Abdullah has admitted that previously staunch support from the nation's ethnic Indians will likely melt away after unprecedented protests last year against discrimination at the hands of Muslim Malays.
Five Indian activists who organised the rallies have been jailed under draconian internal security legislation which allows for indefinite detention without trial.
Malaysia's human rights record has come in for international criticism. Internal security laws allow suspects to be detained without charge or trial.
Mr Badawi of holding the election next month is that charismatic opposition figure former Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim cannot stand for office. Anwar Ibrahim was sacked andjailed in 1998 and is barred from politicsuntilApril this year.

Demolition of Hindu temples in Malaysia

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has come to learn of several cases involving the demolition or at least partial damage of Hindu temples in Malaysia following orders by government authorities. Furthermore, in addition to such acts, which are a violation of domestic laws, those ordered to carry out the destruction have used force and caused injuries to the

TOI reorted: the Indian government refused to meet the leader of the protesting Indian group in Malaysia Hindraf — Waytha Moorthy — on Thursday.
Is any difference between Malaysian Government and the Left supported present Indian Government?
Malaysian and Indian Govt: Sanjha Chulha to burn Hinduism

published a crime of Raipur titled ‘Brother wounded brother by sword’. Muslim majority of Malaysia is the heir of converted Last Hindu Srivijayan king of Malaysia. Now these Big Brothers crush their younger brothers Hindus.
Heir of converted Hindu King crushed Hindus: Malaysia

The Champa kingdom of Vietnam (192 A.D. – 1697 A.D.) was one of the first Hindu kingdoms in Southeast Asia. Today, the Chams, the remnants of the Champa Dynasty, are a scattered minority in Cambodia, Malaysia and Vietnam. They have two distinct religious communities, Hindu and Muslim or Cham Bani, and, while they share a common language and history, intermarriage between the two is taboo.

The Srivijayan kingdom of Sumatra (200s – 1400s A.D.) was instrumental in bringing Hinduism to Indonesia and promoting it throughout the neighboring areas. Srivijayan last king converted to Islam and founded the Sultanate of Malacca on the Malay Peninsula.

Maysian Mulsims do not call themselves heirs of the Hindu kingdom of Srivijayan dynasty. But here in India at the electronic channel a reputed Muslim MP called himself the heirs of Babar and other Mughals. There are Christian Ministers and leaders whose father or grandfather was Hindus but they feel shame to call their names in the public.
Is India governed by Talibani dynasty to ruin Ram Sethu as Buddha- Statue?

The elections were not due until mid-2009 when Mr Abdullah's five-year termends. A poll date will be announced later by the Election Commission.

Abdullah's popularity rating has plunged from 91 percent when he took power to 61 percent last December, according to research firm Merdeka Center. It means Mr Badawi's personal popularity had tumbled by 30%. Analyst says the National Front coalition government and the Malay party UMNO which dominates it are virtually assured a victory but in reduced majority of the present.

DAP parliamentary opposition leader Lim Kit Siang condemned the election announcement, which falls during celebrations for Chinese New Year.
"I think it shows a disregard and insensitivity of the diverse cultures and religions in the country," he told. Late last year a string of rare street protests in the capital exposed a growing unhappiness among some ethnic minorities.

Congreess and UMNO

This poll will be 12th general election. Prior to this all 11 general elections won by UMNO and its allies as in India Congreess ruled more than 50 years since 1947.

In the coming 12th elections there will be 222 seats up for grabs due to the creation of new constituencies. The assemblies in the 12 states and territories will also be contested.

It is said that last election was based on expectations -- this one is based on his performance in the last four years

The rulling alliance holds 200 of the 219 seats in parliament. It has been in power since independence a half-century ago.
The Chinese-based Democratic Action Party (DAP) holds 12 seats, the fundamentalist Islamic party PAS has six and Keadilan, which is led by the wife of dissident former deputy premier Anwar Ibrahim, has one seat.

Malaysia is multi-ethnic, multi-religious society encompasses a majority Muslim population in most of its states and an economically-powerful Chinese community. The Malays remain the dominant group in politics while the Indians are among the poorest.

Ethnic Malays comprise some 60% of the population. Chinese constitute around 26%; Indians and indigenous peoples make up the rest.

The country is among the world's biggest producers of computer disk drives, palm oil, rubber and timber. It has a state-controlled car maker, Proton, and tourism has considerable room for expansio

By Premendra Agrawal

Sanjay Dutt is better than politician Amarmani Tripathi

Rumour as well as sources confirms that Manyata is pregnant. Bollywoody couple copied Holly woody Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber and others. Dutt married in hurry to save the honor or not only him but secure the honor of unborn child. He is better than the Amarmani Tripathi and other politicians.

Child in foetus at the time of marriage

Sexual romance before marriage may be immoral. But killing their unborn child restomg in fetuses is a most hated crime.
Poem: Saddam’s last words & Noida’s Killers
Poem: Legal Serial Killing by Life Saver

Hollywood sex-culture in Bollywood

Wedlock between Sanjay and Manyata if she is pegnant then this becomes the symbol of Hollywoody sex before marriage. “Children borns without mom and dad” is not new trend in Western Countries especially Hollywood. Little children are born there without Mom and Dad being married. In India we see this immoral.

As reported at , few examples of Hollywood are: Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber, Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise, Maggie Gyllenhaal and Peter Sarsgaard, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, Bridget Moynahan and Tom Brady, Scary Spice and Eddie Murphy. Well, at least a few of those couples are still intact.

Sanjay Dutt's daughter Trishala

Sawf reported: Sanjay Dutt's daughter Trishala was taken aback when news about her father's wedding to long term girlfriend Manyata was beamed on TV screens across USA where she is currently doing her major in Criminal Psychology. "She is shocked and speechless at the turn of events. It's not fair for her to learn of this from the TV," says her aunt Eena. The same reaction was of Priya Dutt.

Sanjay Dutt got bail for daughter Trishala Dutt but utilizes it now to tie the
knot with his girlfriend of two years, Manyata, at the Taj Exotica in Goa on February 7 under the Special Marriage Act, 1954, solemnised the marriage vows (see video) according to Hindu rites on Monday in Mumbai.
Intoxication by Bollywood Cricket and Dynasties
My daughter studies in New York. I need some time for arranging her education-- Dutt said in the’ TADA Court.
Sanjay got bail for Daughter Trishala Dutt

Sanjay is better than Amarmani and other politicians

Madhumita was found murdered in her Paper Mill Colony home in Lucknow in May 2003. Then Minister Amarmani Tripathi, with whom she was having an affair, is alleged to have engineered the murder and is now cooling his heels in jail. Prosecutors allege that Mahumita was carrying Mr Tripathi's child. “Because of your kindness I believed that you would share all my responsibilities. Once you got a job for my brother, my entire family started trusting you. I started believing that from now on we would not have to bow to anyone; that we would not have to make compromises any more. You became not only my but my entire family’s guardian.”
She said:” Hum to barbad ho hi gaye hain. Lekin sochte hain ke apne bhaiyon ki zindagi banade,”
When Kavita Madhumita felt in love with sexy politicians

Has Manyata first marriage and Sanjay’s third?

One young girl created trouble at the time of marriage ceremony of Abhishek Bachchan with Aishwarya. True or untrue this happened at the time of celebrities’ marriage.

A day after Sanjay Dutt married his girlfriend Manyata in Mumbai, reports have emerged suggesting that the one time item girl is not divorced from her first husband. Her first husband, Meraj ul Rehman, has alleged that they got married in 2003 and have not formally separated yet.

Meraj and Manyata, reportedly have a son who is staying in Dubai with Manyata’s relatives. Meraj said that he just wants his son back from wife Manyata. Meraj has been a struggling writer in the film industry and is presently in jail. He is accused of sending vulgar SMSs to some Bollywood actresses.

Media report claims that Dutt and Manyata first got married last year but they kept their wedlock a secret. Now, they have decided to make their marriage public through a formal ceremony because Manyata is expecting Dutt’s baby, according to the paper.

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Cutting womb to kill or kidnap unborn child: Sex Politics Conversion

Video Catch: ‘Drunk’ Congress MP with women! Nudy reveler MP in train

Love affaires of celebrities: End and Beginning

Sex in Politics: Burnt the wife in tandoor

By Premendra Agrawal

Signing allegiance to Belgium and Italy

Belgium Award to Sonia
Sonia Gandhi helps to build a tolerant society to digest ‘Christians subsidy’, religious based quota, society divide budget, spread of terroristsm, nexusus between Chirstian Missionaries and Naxalites as in Nepal, rising prises, farmers suicides and so on. Before enteerance of Sonia Gandhi, Hindustan was intolerant.

The Order of Leopold — which is the second highest civilian award in Belgium — was conferred on Sonia Gandhi for helping in building a more tolerant society.

Belgium award also Sonia for teaching Indians nationalism

Sonia was underground with PM and other Congress Ministers on the occasion of Vandemataram day to appease Muslims: Govinda may say if Vande Mataram becomes Vande Mat Rome, then his Sonia Mata participate the national function, other wise not?
They would take shelter to teach nationalism by taking shelter in Italian Embassy at the time of Bangladesh liberation war. Sonia Gandhi owns house in Italy but not in India to teach nationalism. Present Gandhis have Italian citizenships also to teach the nationalism.

Demilitarization by India in J&K

The ways of Sonia to teach tolerance to people of India:

Did Sonia Gandhi sign her allegiance to India or Belgium and Italy?
The catch was though that she had to sign her allegiance to Belgium.

An individual complaint to former president, Dr APJ Abdul Kalam ended up getting forwarded to the Election Commission.

That is when the trouble began. A series of meetings led to no result. Finally, at a confidential meeting last week, the Chief Election Commissioner asked his two deputies as to why a notice should not be served on Sonia.
Besides Chief Election Commissioner, there are two other Election Commissioner Mr. Qureshi and Sonia Gandhi loyalist Navin Chawla.

The Supreme Court had said it was open to the CEC to initiate proceedings for the removal of the EC on the basis of any representation made against him. So, Jaswant Singh withdrew his PIL against the Navin Chawla. After that BJP approached Chief Election Commissioner with the signature of 180 MPs for the removal of Election Commissioner Navin Chawla.

Govt says: “CEC is not empowered to initiate proceedings for the removal of the EC. It was the business of the government, Centre had said. If Chief Election Commissioner do this then the Govt will cut the wing of Chief Election Commissioner to remove the Chief’ word in the dictionary of Election Office.

Is Navin Chawla not Christian World fame to write her autograph? Has he not supported with both hands the emergency of indira Gandhi? Has he not 10 janpath loyalist? Has he not made for this loyalty Election Commissioner in present golden rule of UPA? Will he not conduct 2009 General Election as a Chief Election Commissioner? If yes then why has not friendly foolish BJP with impartial Navin Chawla?
Should Hindus and Hindu org be sunk in the sea?

Naveen Chawla became Election Commissioner due to his loyalty towards 10 Janpath. Navin Chawla remained villain in Emergency period as Musharraf a villain of Kargil.

Sonia is capturing every institution of India. After Defense Ministry to her loyalist Antony, Cultural Ministry is given to her girl friend Christian Ambika Soni to ruin Ram Sethu with the support of Shipping Minister Baalu.

Save Chawla, Q, MF, Afzal: Arrest Pro-Hindu Editor

Christians subsidy to visit Israel
Christian Sonia Gandhi led Congress does wilplanned brain washing of Hindustanis to tolerant. Andhra Pradesh government of Chrisitan chief minister Y S Rajasekhara Reddy on Feb 11 decided to dole out subsidies, on the lines of the Haj scheme, for Christians who want to visit holy sites in Israel.

Christian Union Ministers, former and present CMs and leaders may argue: The sop to Christian pilgrims by the chief minister, himself a Christian, should not seen as another move by the Congress government to woo minorities ahead of the general and assembly elections scheduled for early next year.

Was Cross in Coin of Rupee two to invite Christian War from Jerusalem to India? Today, Jerusalem remains central to the Arab-Israeli conflict. Is there any conspiracy to extend that conflict here in India by including Jerusalem Cross in the new two-rupee coin, circulated by the Reserve Bank of India on the signal of Italian origin Catholic Christian Sonia Gandhi. Don’t say this is a conspiracy of Indian Pope Lobby?
Import of Vatican City-ism in India

More reasons for getting highest award of Belgium
Why is Taslima Nasreen a prisoner?
Taslima Nasreen’s incarceration, by the government of India is now an established fact. In a recent article in the Times of India, she describes herself as a 'prisoner'. The truth seems to be, she is being held as a detainee under Section 3 of the Foreigners Act 1946. Strange as it may seems, the government does have the power to hold her in custody under Section 3(e) of the Foreigners Act. However, one would have thought that for a person lawfully in the country, as Taslima is, no such powers could be exercised.
Taslima vs MF Hussain Kamlesh Sharma
Vote bank politics of fake secular Leftist W B Govt throws Taslima into Rajasthan as RAjiv Gandhi went against Supreme Cuourt’s order on Shah Bano Case.
Fake Secularism bowed on Taslima: Who is World’s biggest liar?


Media reported on 19-11-07: At yesterday’s All India Congress Committee session, neither Manmohan Singh nor Sonia Gandhi had said a word on the latest bloodshed in Nandigram.
* No senior Congress leader, neither party Chief Sonia Gandhi nor Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, visited Nandigram.
Nuke deal nukes Nandigram

By Premendra Agrawal

La Moustache cannes awarded and Mooch ki ladai in Supreme Court

The mooch ki ladai in the Supreme Court on Feb 11, 2008 and ”Purush teri yahi kahani; munh men moonchh aur aankon men paani” slogan of Dec 2006: If there would be a Bollywood film on this then it should get Cannes award as La Moustache a French film was awarded at the 2005 Cannes Film Festival and is currently distributed theatrically in the United States by the Cinema Guild with a DVD release handled by Koch-Lorber Films.

Division in unity

There is a mooch ki ladai in Maharashtra between political parties, Maharashtra Govt, Police and media instead of outsider and insider. Arrest or not arrest Raj Thackeray is a prestige issue for them. The elements who want the arrest of Raj are themselves the follower of same paths. Killers of unity Big brothers are calling acting arrest not arrest their younger brother.

Supreme Court has issued a notice to a state-run airline asking it to explain why an air steward was sacked for wearing a big moustache.

Air India's 'Maharaja' reflects the intrinsic link between moustaches and royalty. But Victor Joynath De was grounded by Indian - formerly called Indian Airlines- in 2001 for refusing to shave off his handlebar moustache. At the time of his grounding, Mr De said he was proud of his moustache which had taken 25 years to grow and now stretches prominently across both cheekbones.
"I never dreamed of trimming it. All the time I worked for the airline, my moustache attracted many adoring eyes inside the plane and on the ground," he said.
Mr De has worked for the state-run airline for over 20 years.

Victor Joynath De is a member of London's famous Handlebar Club, which has campaigned against his sacking.
Do you have a handlebar moustache? Then the Handlebar Club is the club for you!
We are based at the "Windsor Castle" pub in London, England, and are an international club for men with handlebar moustaches. Founded in 1947 and still going strong, the Handlebar Club currently has members from many different countries.

Victor Joynath De had earlier lost a case in a lower court which ruled that the airline was within its rights to sack him.

The mooch ki ladai began in Calcutta HC all over again in 2001 when De challenged his compulsory retirement. A single judge Bench again ruled in his favour, but a division Bench reversed it and upheld IA's order of compulsorily retiring him from service. Now the Moustache fight case is in the Suprme Court. When his moustachioed woes were narrated by Counsel Sanjiv Sen before a Bench comprising Justices H K Sema and Markandey Katju, it immediately issued notice to the airline and observed: "Can the size of moustache be a ground for dismissal in a democratic country? This is shocking."

The SC will now decide whether De's more than 40-year-old moustache, groomed since 1968, could be a reason for his dismissal from service.

Victor Joynath De is not alone in the fight for his Moustache.

“Munh men moonchh aur aankon men paani”

Equal Protection under the Law is True Equality. A broken nose is a broken nose whether it’s on a man or a woman. There should be Domestic harmony Act. Is Domestic Violence Act a shield or sword?

There was a protest by wives hunted husbands in Vadodara on Dec 18 with the slogan boards in their hands:”Purush teri yahi kahani; munh men moonchh aur aankon men paani” The slogan was the copy of “Abala jivan teri yahi kahani; aanchal men hai doodh aur aakhon men paani,”

Moustache on face but Tears in eyes: Domestic Violence Act

Gandhigiri of half-shaven moustache
In stark contrast to stressed army personnel shooting their colleagues in Jammu and Kashmir, a Central Reserve Police Officer (CRPF) has chosen satyagraha, a half-shaven moustache and one meal-a-day to register his non-violent protest.

If this type of trend will continure in the name of gandhigiri then definitely most of seculars will be called ‘Aadhi Moonchh wale (persons of half half moustaches). What you think when 10 Janpath loyalists follow Sonia Gandhi?
Sanjay got bail for Daughter Trishala Dutt

Remind air line India the moustache of Tatya Tope

Kanpur: Ramchandra Pandurang popularily known as Tatya Tope was an able great leader of the First War of Freedom of 1857 which was fought by Hindu Muslim and others jointly. His heirs of Kanpur are in the struggle of getting bread selling turmeric, chilly and salt. We read in the books and internet Taya Tope as a great martyr with long moustache and attractive personality.
Tatya Tope Dynasty vs Nehru Gandhi Dynasty

By Premendra agrawal

Sanjay weds Manyata vs Presence of grand sons and daughters of Groom

Fans eyes are enoying marriage rituals of Sanjay Dutt with Manyata as well as absence of daughter Trishala and dual sisters Priya and Namrata.

Sanjay Dutt got bail for daughter Trishala but utilizes it now to tie the knot with his girlfriend of two years, Manyata, at the Taj Exotica in Goa on February 7 under the Special Marriage Act, 1954, solemnised the marriage vows (see video) according to Hindu rites on Monday in Mumbai.

My daughter studies in New York. I need some time for arranging her education-- Dutt said in the’ TADA Cour.
Sanjay got bail for Daughter Trishala Dutt

Role of Brides godfathers

Oberoi, who is Manyata's godfather, reportedly gave away the bride. Oberoi's actress daughter Neha, and Dutt's closest friends Ajay alias Bittu and Prashant (a common friend of Fardeen Khan and Dutt) were the other witnesses at the wedding.

Sonia Maino’s father Stefano Maino never came to India and not attended the marrage of her daughter in India. Who became the godfather of Soniaji in her marriage with Rajiv Gandhi?

Sanjay Dutt's sisters, Priya and Namrata were conspicuous by their absence at Sanjay Dutt's wedding. Even his one time close buddy and business partner, Sanjay Gupta, was not present. The guest list was quite small, and included only close friends like producer Bunty Walia, Nitin Manmohan and Suniel Shetty with wife Mana.

When asked about his daughter Trishala's reaction, Dutt paused and said, "She is happy".
However, Manyata fell short of words to express her emotion and said, "I am so happy that I don't have words to express".
According to industry sources, Sanjay married Manyata at a five star hotel in Goa on February 7 under the Special Marriage Act in few close friends as witness.

Would Mr. and Mrs Dutt follow the following?
Forget love without quarrel if couples want longer life, research says.
Husband wife Quarrel gives longer life: Research

At least one-third (34 per cent) of the working executives in the corporate sector saw no harm in romancing married colleagues, the survey conducted by global research firm Synovate for Teamlease, said.
But most probably 90% of the film stars of Bollywood feel good luck in romancing married colleagues, if survey conducted by any one. Fans enjoyed/enjoy romance

Few days back there was big news in the media about the romance of Krishana former Congress CM of Karnataka with renowned actress of the South Saroja Devi.
Love in Office, Romance in Politics

Gandharv marriage between “Sanjay Dutt and Manyata Dutt” “Sakozy and Bruni” have been turned into the legal marriages? What would be the fate of “Left-Congress-Third Front”?
Gandharv Marriage in Bollywood and Politics

Rented Fake Govt: Wife Womb Barati for Hire
This is an news of Risali village of Bhilai , Chhattisgarh. There was a romantic circus of marriage completed on Oct.15, 2007 between groom of 65 and bride of 32. Bride’s cousins and groom’s grand sons and daughters accompanied in the marriage ceremony. This gave innovative romantic seen. Both sides are joyous to participate in this historical marriage. Groom Ram Krishna is a designer and bride Sumita is M.Com. After marriage she wants to open coaching institute.

This happened in Britain also. J ane Felix-Browne, a 51-year-old grandmother from Moulton, Cheshire , in northwest England and met 27-year-old Omar bin Laden.
Osama’s son became son-in-law of Britain: seeks to enter UK

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Sanjay Dutt vs Joint Mechanism and Dr. Haneef
Jail to Sanjay Dutt and Acquittal to Madhani!!

By Premendra Agrawal

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was born in Chhattisgarh, not Jabalpur

It is very sad that it is being published mistakenly that Maharhsi Mahesh Yogi was born Jabalpur. In fact he was born in Panduka village near Rajim Kumbh of Chhattisgarh. Related websites and publication should make necessary correction.

Maharshi Mahesh Yogi was born on Jan 12, 1917in a mud house of Panduka village situated at Gariaband road of capital city Raipur of Chhattisgarh. That mud house of few rooms is still in the Panduka without any change. Even today daily worship and other religious acts are being conduted in that house.

His actual name was Shri Mahesh Verma. His father Shri Ram Prasad Srivastava was there revenue inspector. Though, in his childhood Maharshi Mahesh Yogi went to Jabalpur. Panduk is the birth place of Maharshiji, so he established his Ashram spread in 50 acres in Panduka village.

Present incharge of the Panduka Ashram is Atul Srivastav. He said that Maharshi ji had much affection to Chhattisgarh especially his birth place Panduka. Maharshi had talked for 3 hours to the Acharyas and 150 students studying there, through a video and telephonic conference in Dec 2007.

Maharshi Mahesh Yogi’s elder brother is now residing in Netherland. Maharshi had two sisters who are now no more in the world. One sister married in Mahasamund near Rajim of Chhattisgarh and another sister married in Nagpur of Maharashtra.

One of the classfellow of Maharshi ji was Shiv Prasad Mishra who died one month back in the age of 110 years.

At present more than 170 Vedic institutions of Maharshi Mahesh Yogi are being run in all over world. 50-60 lakhs followers of Maharshi ji in the world are spreading his message. He founded and developed the Transcendental Meditation technique and related programs and initiatives, including schools and a university with campuses in the United States and China.

In his young age he met in Kawardha of Chhattisgarh to Swami Brahmananda Saraswati who, from 1941 to 1953, was the Shankaracharya (spiritual leader) of Jyotir Math, located in the Indian Himalayas. In that historical meeting Mahrshi Maheshji became a disciple of Shankaracharya ji.

Maharhi Mahesh Yogi established one Ashram in Jagadapur of Naxal hit Bastar.

Congress and Left mum on Naxal-Maoist bloodbath in BJP led states but does not tolerate their presence in West Bengal.

It is unfortunate that with the political support of Congress and Left Maoists are making their base tribal Bastar of Chhattisgarh. Decoits of Chambal used horses as is scanned in the movies, now naxalites use horses in the Bastar forest. Two such horses are captured by the police to day in Bastar.

Maharishi credits the Shankaracharya with inspiring his teachings. Since his first global tour in 1958, Maharishi's techniques for human development have been taught worldwide. He continued to focus on making all aspects of the Vedic Literature widely available. He became well-known in the Western world due to The Beatles having visited him in 1968. Starting in 1990, Maharishi coordinated his global activities from his residence in Vlodrop, the Netherlands. On January 11, 2008, he announced his retirement from all administrative activities and went into Mauna (spiritual silence). He declared: "Invincibility is irreversibly established in the world. My work is done. My designated duty to Guru Dev is fulfilled." On February 5th, the Maharishi passed away in a yoga position.

Thousands of followers chanted hymns on Feb 11 as the body of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the guru celebrated for bringing meditation to the West, was cremated in India at one of Hinduism's holiest sites sangam in Allahabad.

By Premendra agrawal

Monday, February 11, 2008

McCain in Final, Obama Clinton in Semifinal

Linkage: Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama has a Muslim family root in Kenya as Gujarat has root in NRIs residing in Kenya.

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama has a Muslim family root in Kenya.

Actually McCain has reached in final and it is certain that he will be the Republican candidate for the Presidential post.
Bridget vs Sonia: McCain vs Rajiv Gandhi

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama assured Western voters Saturday that he believes in Jesus as well as the rights of gun owners.
The Illinois senator warned people about hoax e-mails they may get saying he's secretly a Muslim who might want to destroy the United States.
"I've been going to the same church for 20 years, praising Jesus," he told more than 10,000 people in a Boise State arena. He belongs to Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ.

If America believes in religious freedom and its state is free from the religion interfearance especially from Vatican City then what is the need for making clarification door to door for Obama if he has nothing done against the Chistianity? Perhps he is not culprit as in India fake secular leaders their parties and their media engage to ruin Hinduism in India.
Pope Bush via Religious freedom behind Ramdrohi Affidavit

There is a flood of emails which say Barack Obama is in fact a Muslim with name Barack Hussein Obama, his father is Muslim, his grand father is Muslim, his step father was a Muslim and he attended an Islamic school when he was a little kid in Indonesia.

The 2008 U.S. presidential election is being watched closely by millions around the world but few are more fired up than Indonesians, who can lay claim to Democratic hopeful Barack Obama as nearly one of their own.

RACISM in America

While the media raves about the historic possibility of a woman or African-American as President, and a Latino candidate (Bill Richardson), this shows that the American public still has several psychological, prejudicial hurdles and they are still in the rip of racism.

As James Watson, a Nobel Prize winner for his part in discovering the structure of DNA, claimed in an interview in The Sunday Times on Oct 17, 2007. that black people are less intelligent than white people.
Who is in India more racist than Noble Prized James Watson?

Kenya’s Nyang'oma, where Barack Obama's father was born

Said Obama, the uncle of obama in Kenya the official spokesman for the family in Kenya, has put out a request that journalists set up appointments before turning up in Nyang'oma, a poor village of a few thousand people on the shores of Lake Victoria.

Some of the international news focus has zeroed in on the Obama family's Muslim roots and the widespread poverty in the village where Grandmother Sarah lives modestly.

About 30 relatives of the Democratic contender live in Nyang'oma where Barack senior was born and grew up before he moved to Hawaii for his studies and later was admitted to Harvard University where he trained as an economist.

The 46-year-old presidential democratic contender was born in the white dominated United States and barely knew his Kenyan father who returned to his homeland when Barack was a young boy.

Barack Obama was given a hero's welcome during his last visit to Nyang'oma in 2006 where he visited his grandmother who does not speak English.

The relatives are ethnic Luos from a region in western Kenya that has been spared from the violence that has wracked other parts of the country following disputed elections in December, claiming 1,000 lives.

Obama, a contender for the Democratic presidential nomination, said in a recent interview with Paris Match magazine that he wanted such a summit to start "honest discussion about ways to bridge the gap that grows between Muslims and the West."

Obama's proposal is not much different from Bush administration outreach in recent years in which Karen Hughes, one of President Bush's closest confidantes, conducted listening and outreach tours in the Arab and Muslim worlds.

UPA govt remained in coma on the violence against NRIs in Kenya. Narendra Modi unsuccessfully tried to get up Kumbhkarni Govt.
TOI reorted: the Indian government refused to meet the leader of the protesting Indian group in Malaysia Hindraf — Waytha Moorthy.
Is any difference between Malaysian Government and the Left supported present Indian Government?
Malaysian and Indian Govt: Sanjha Chulha to burn Hinduism

Damage control process

Propaganda is still going on in a White-dominated society against Obama through the chains of emails that he is Muslim with Muslim name Barack Hussein Obama by UK Students Organization and others which have now apoliged. Obama from the beginning successfully is trying to control the damage.

Democratic rivals Obama Still in Close Race with Clinton

McClain secures Republican lead but Obama and Clinton scrambled for every last vote Saturday with little hope that a fresh round of primaries would break the deadlock in their tight White House race.

Obama said he would invade Pakistan to eradicate terror cells
Obama said on Aug 07 that he would possibly send troops into Pakistan to hunt down terrorists, an attempt to show strength when his chief rival has described his foreign policy skills as naive.

Despite major odds, Mr Obama came close to upstaging New York Senator Hillary Clinton, until recently considered a favourite to win the Democratic nomination.

Mrs Clinton won 582 delegates and eight states while Mr Obama won 562 delegates but captured 13 states, including some in the South where racial feelings still run deep. Mrs Clinton, however, seized large states, such as California and New York, which gave her more delegates than Obama.A Democratic candidate needs 2,025 out of a total of 4,049 delegates to claim the nomination at this summer’s convention in Denver, Colorado

They still have 917 delegates to win, which leaves the Democratic race wide open.

By Premendra Agrawal

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Would a Bangladeshi in the White House as Italian in 10 Janpath?

McCain Secures Republican Lead; Clinton, Obama Still in Close Race

The most reliable friend you can have in American politics is ready money.
Battling for every dollar and delegate, Sen. Barack Obama raised $7.2 million in Super Tuesday's wake and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton pulled in $6.4 million, stunning totals reflecting the intensity of their close race for the Democratic presidential nomination.

McCain's financial picture, on the other hand, has brightened considerably since he began the year with $2.9 million on hand and $4.5 million in debt. McCain raised more than $7 million in the first three weeks in January.

If John McCain wins then Bangladesh in White House

If John McCain wins this year's US presidential race, it will mean, among other things, the first South Asian Bangladeshi in the White House. McCain's youngest daughter, Bridget, 16, is of Bengali descent -- a Bangladeshi orphan adopted by the Johm McCain family in 1993 from Mother Teresa’s orphanage in Bangladesh.

Rahul Gandhi married Italian Sonia Gandhi and after that she became the first lady to keep her feet in the 10 Janpath.
Italian Romance of French President and Rajiv Gandhi

French President Nicolas Sarkozy and late Rajiv Gandhi acted in their lives as Romeo and Juliet.

You may find also the details of Ex-Waitress wives of two youngest PMs: Stanislav Gross Czech Prime Minister and Rajiv Gandhi at:
Ex-Waitress-Wives of two youngest Prime Ministers: Video of Oct 2

John McCain Using Images of his Adopted Daughter in Mailings
The Associated Press is reporting that Republican presidential candidate John McCain has mailed out campaign fliers with images of his adopted daughter. The photo features McCain's wife, Cindy, walking out of Mother Teresa's orphanage in Bangladesh holding baby Bridget. The wording: ""Today, Cindy and John work together to promote adoption and to help women facing crisis pregnancies."
Present Gandhis uses in her election campaignimage and assignation events of Indira Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi.

Congress Vs Rhul Gandhi

“Since 1991, the Congress has not fought elections in UP in a proper fashion. But this time we are going to do that….Please remember that I am the grandson of Indira Gandhi,” Rahul Gandhi said in Deoand at the time of UP Assembly election.
Is it means Congress party not secular, only the Nehru-Gandhi family secular?

While Arizona’s Senator John McCain is campaigning as a Republican for President of the United States in the 2008 election, his 16 year old daughter, Bridget McCain, is in Phoenix, Arizona attending a private school. Bridget likes playing basketball and volleyball, and like most kids, enjoys spending time with her friends.

Bridget in 2000

When Bridget's father, Senator McCain, ran for president in 2000, Bridget traveled with her family on the campaign trail. "I didn't understand as well what was going on then because I was only in the second grade."

Bridget was used by the campaign staff of Bush in 2000

Bridget was used by the campaign staff of George W Bush to wreck McCain's 2000 presidential bid. McCain was the target of a racially based smear campaign in South Carolina, falsely attributing his daughter Bridget’s birth to the result of McCain’s supposed liason with a black prostitute. This may have cost him the race in that state. When dadmag.com asked McCain about it, he replied, “There were some pretty vile and hurtful things said during the South Carolina primary. It's a really nasty side of politics. We tried to ignore it and I think we shielded (Bridget) from it. It's just unfortunate that that sort of thing still exists.

“The only person my husband can trust is me.” : Cindy McCain

Tiomes reported on Feb 3: The authors of the smear have never been identified, but Bush was the beneficiary and went on to win the South Carolina primary and the Republican nomination. The McCains have never publicly blamed Bush and their relations have been outwardly cordial. But Cindy recently admitted that she keeps a “grudge list”.

Cindy McCain, now 53, claims she has no interest in policy making - “I am not the legislator in this family. He is” - and that she intends to keep busy running her charities and her family’s company. As first lady, it is clear that she would play a key role. Acknowledging that McCain had made many enemies in Republican ranks, she added: “The only person my husband can trust is me.”

Thanks giving words of John McCain's Super Tuesday Speech of Feb 5

“Thank you, of course, to my family, my wife, Cindy … My children, Meghan, Bridget, Doug and Andy … and my children who could not be here. And my wonderful, wonderful mother, Roberta McCain … who, in two days, will be 96 years old.We’re taking her everywhere.It’s obvious to me, as it is to everyone, that I couldn’t have done this without you.And, finally, thank you, Arizona,”

McCain in a campaign on Feb 3

McCain in a campaign on Feb 3 appeared on the stage and was introduced by his wife, Cindy, who told the story of the adoption of their 16-year-old daughter, Bridget McCain, from an orphanage run by Mother Teresa in Bangladesh. Lieberman — who highlighted his Democratic Party affiliation in an effort to establish McCain’s bipartisan appeal — invoked former British Primer Minister Winston Churchill when he said, “Courage guarantees that a leader will have all the attributes he needs.”

Bridget said, "My Dad's best achievement is being a dad and also running for president at the same time. He always puts family first!"
She added: "My Dad's proven himself to be capable to be the president and if he wins, he will be great at it!"

The Budweiser beer heiress has battled prescription drug addiction and illness, and watched as the dirty tricks that derailed her husband's bid for the White House eight years ago engulfed the daughter she adopted from Mother Teresa's orphanage in Bangladesh where she was a seriously ill baby when Cindy McCain visited and decided to bring her back to the United States
Mr McCain's closest aide, Mark Salter, told The Sunday Telegraph about Cindy McCain: "She's a very effective campaigner. She is absolutely great. When she's around, she can keep him on an even keel."

Telegraph reported: Mrs McCain, 53, blamed her dependency on two back operations and the stress of her peripheral involvement in the so-called Keating Five scandal, in which her husband was accused of receiving donations and lobbying on behalf of a collapsed saving company's disgraced chief.

In an interview McCain explains:

“I had three children by a previous marriage. My first wife had two children from a previous marriage and I adopted them. We had a child together, a girl. The two boys are married and have children. We're all very close. We get together once a year at least,”

Does Bridget dream to be a president? Can she be a president as per Amrican Constitution?

Here in India present Gandhis may dream to be a P M. Congres has amended Indian Constitiution more than 100 times. But there can’t be amendment to bar the foreign origin for occuping highest Constititional position and may keep nukebutton in his/her hand to nuke the Indian religion, culture and sovereignty.
Now Law Ministry comes to EC Chawla's rescue.
Quattrocchi ke saath, Congress Kaa haath
Is MF Hussain ambassador of Gandhis Govt abroad as Quattrocchi?
Congress CM of J & K initiated the move to save Afzal.
Save Chawla, Q, MF, Afzal: Arrest Pro-Hindu Editor

By Predmendra Agrawal

Forget Afzal, think about China’s protest on PM’s visit in Arunachal

Forget for a while Dr. Horror and Afzal. Now look China’ unhappiness with PM’s visit to Arunanchal.

China protests PM’s assertion on Arunachal.

What is your record in curbing terror, Congress asks Advani. Congress did rule hardly eight years since 1947. So all problems including terrorism came during the eight years’ rule of Non-Congress governments!

Dr Horror alias Dr. Amit Kumar Raut kidney kingpin says, “I am innocent, not a kidney dealer,” Like that Congress says it is innocent about the Afzal and terrorism.
Hang Afzal-says His brother Aijaz http://www.newsanalysisindia.com/128112006.htm
Congress claims now NDA made free to Afzal after the arresting, so why should Congress not make free him if NDA had freed three trrorists for the realeased of hijacked aroplane 161 pasangers at Afghanistan?
For giving concession Congress may say, “Let Afzal live luxurious life in the prison on humanitarian ground?”

Gandhi monkeys represent: "See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" and is a common phrase, usually used to describe someone who doesn't want to be involved in a situation.
So Congress want to follow three monkeys’s of Mahatma Gandhi on the China’s claim on Arunanchal for the bargaining.

Highly placed sources in the government have told that the Chinese government has lodged an informal verbal protest on Jan 31, 2008 with New Delhi over the Prime Minister's recent visit to Arunachal Pradesh, the first ever by a Prime Minister in almost a decade.

The Chinese till Hu Jintao's visit in 2006 use to refer to Arunachal as Chinese territory. China uses claim on Arunachal for a bargaining chip in the Sino-Indian border talks.

Copy of Dr Amit Kumar in bloody politics
Who are ready to donate the body part of their own mother land to transplant China? Mao used image of palm- Tibet and five fingers Bhutan Sikkim NEFA Ladakh Nepal. Suicidal genetic thrust of Indian ruling leaders for friendship.
Arunanchal: Hu Jintao visited to remind 1962?

Maoists have spread their dinasour feet from Assam to Chhattisgrh via Mynamyr.
On Feb 5, Chief Minister of Assam Gagoi admitted the presence of Assam, "We have information that militant groups like All Adivasi National Liberation Army (ANLA) has established links with Maoists which a matter of serious concern," PM Manmohan Singh is the Rajya Sabha member from Assam.
‘Daily Times’ Pakistan reports that Moaist-Naxal has spread their net work from Chhattisgarh to Mynar

Is this a friendly fight between China and UPA government? Congress and their allies icluding its outside supporter China’s political ideological adopted son Left are habitual to fight friendly in the assembly election to rule in the Centre.
Nuke Deal honeymoon of Congress and Left

Why was PM silent about talks between India, China
BJP is rightly suspect on Feb 1, 2008, and alleged Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was silent about talks between India and China for resolution of the border dispute, especially with regard to Arunachal Pradesh, during his visit to the state. Left supported UPA government is silent on this because it has come in the grip of China as Pt nehre came in the past. Pt Nehur was in the grip of that time Defense Minister Comrade Krishna Menon, now UPA is in the grip of Left. What is the difference between 1962 and latest events?
Sonia Gandhi had said in China in her visit that India had too much learnt from China. Thiis is learnt by India in the rule of Congress

Who makes India a weak country?

An amusing incident occurred a few years ago when Gegong Apang was chief minister of Arunachal Pradesh. He had been invited to a conference in China . When he requested a visa from the Chinese embassy in Delhi to attend the function, he was told he did not need a visa as he was a Chinese national!

Amerca who claims a preacher of democracy canceled the visa of a Chief Minister of India who won election democratically two times in the Gujarat.

This is imagined in international circle that Iran is as an ally of UPA outside of India. On Feb 5 Iran voiced its unhappiness over the launch of an Israeli 'spy' satellite by India, saying New Delhi should have considered the "political" dimension of the move. Can India proceed according to the wishes of Iran or other Middle East countries for its external matters? Can Iran follows guide lines of India on its external matters?

UPA’s allies inside and outside India upset

By Premendra Agrawal

What is the raj (secrecy) to arrest not arrest?

News titles:
NDTV: Raj Thackeray likely to be arrested
TOI reports Thackeray could be booked for 3 years
CNN-IBN reports: Congress wants Raj booked for anti-national jibe

We may endorse the above trio news contents. Regionalism is not good.
Question arises who shields criminals and economic offenders? Who will define these types of words?

Law should take its course or politicians or media should decide all these issues?

Indian Esxpress now reports After a controversy broke out about his remark that people of ‘North India take pride in violating law’, Delhi Lt Governor Tejendra Khanna on Thursday said his remark was ‘seriously distorted’ by the media.

Opportunists ‘divide and rule’ adopters politicians and the media affiliated to them collect fuel to fire according to their convenience.

In Andhra Congress captured power with the help of Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) and Naxalites on the assurance of separate Telangana. Now Telangana is not its policy.

The same falsehood of regionalism Congress played on the issue of separate ‘Vidarbh’.

Evoking Bundelkhandis by Rahul Gandhi is not regionalism.

There are so many types of regionalism. You can purchase time to time as per your profit and loss accountability.

Auckward arguments are being aired and published on the issue of Regionalism, secularism, minority-ism, Quota-ism, terror-ism and so many isms? Owners or directors of these words playing political vote banking cricket without defining these.

For example: Quota cock fighting is a Political vote banking sadistic "contest" in which two quota cock sides certified quota holder and other quota cock side agitating for obtaining the quota —specifically bred, conditioned, and trained to fight by the secular politicians of Congress its allies and leftists—are placed in the city streets and markets, highway roads, Railway stations etc. to fight each other, Cock fight is general held in the middle way of the village and market place of the tribal area. There is one another fight ‘Dog fight’ which is currently in the media of west especially in UK . Dog fight is generally held in a pit. Quota fight is not different from these fights.
Quota Cock Fight

Mr.Clean PM argued that tainted ministers should be "presumed innocent"
Being a criminal and terrorist you can’t vote but you can contest the election to be a member of assembly
Terrorist or Tainted leader can be Prime Minister? Why is Manmohan Singh body guard of tainted ministers? Tainted ministers are dengue plague. If Judge can’t be tainted than can tainted minister be in cabinet?
SC asked: Can President refuse oath to a tainted minister

Human Right Activists, NGOs, so called intellectuals and even few renowned media pensons reach Maoists influenced provinces in the support of accused.

Who may dare to publish or scan the same view for others who do the same type of alleged offences? No one can air this about M F Hussain. Can any leader of so called secular parties Congress or Left make any time demand of arrest as they are argueing for Raj. What is the raj (secrecy) of this?

There were attacks on Taslima Nasiruddin. Ramdrohi affidavit and insulted comment on Ram are lesser crime than the crime of Raj Thackeray. What did Congress or Left to punish the culprits?

You can say any thing about Hindus, Hinduism and Hindutva. It is not offence in the dictionary of fake seculars. This is the definition of ‘Freedom of Expression’. If any one talks about HINDUISM he will be called as Hindu Fundamentalist

Is this weakness of tolerents? Tolernts become communal and communals become secular. This is called ‘Kaliyug’. There is long que to be Ravan.
But no one wants to follow Ram.

Even now discovery is going on that Gandhi’s last words are not ‘He Ram’. Some one gives news that he could not say any word. Other publishes in the book: Gandhi said ‘He raa……

And what is the research of Half Christian Government on Ram and Ram Sethu to save Sethusamudram project?
Are ‘Ram Ram’ and ‘Jai Hind’ Communal?

By Premendra agrawal

If awards to MF, then why not to Hasan Ali and Afzal

Hasan Ali shows our economic progress and Afzal denotes the security of minority-ism. MF Hussain is a symbol of the freedom of expression. Is Advani not communal to attack Congress on Afzal issue? If thsese could not get highest civilian award of the nation then who could get the highest civilian award of the nation?

If politician can’t get the highest award then why should above said personalies of rulling political leaders not get the prestigious awards?

Some one may argue for giving highest award to Dr Horror alias Dr Kidney alias Dr Amit Raut. After all, he gives lives to thousands people to transform the kidney of others. He manages kidney of these ‘others’ but these are sill alive. So, some one may claim that Dr Horror is life giver instead of life taker.

Are these types of argument not going on the issue of secularism, minority-ism, Quota-ism, terror-ism and so many isms? Owners or directors of these words playing political vote banking cricket without defining these.

TOI reports to day: “Congress to FM: Take care of 'aam-aadmi”. Hassan Ali and Quattrocchi are the examples of that. Our country is a nation of poors of riches. Tale of billionaires and poors both are increasing their length. No partiality in this.

Advani attacks Cong on Afzal issue

BJP meetings hit by attack fears: BBC
Advani holds rally amidst threat alert: NDTV

While addressing a huge gathering of cheering BJP supporters in Jabalpur, Advani said, “Six years after the attack on Indian Parliament, justice is yet to be done. The apex court of the country had awarded a death sentence to Afzal Guru, but he is yet to be hanged.” “The Congress government at the Centre will be held accountable for its inaction in the Afzal Guru case”, he added. He even sought an urgent explanation from Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh, as to why his government was not implementing the orders of the Supreme Court. He urged the UPA government to respect the apex court’s verdict, which, he said, will give a moral boost to the kith and kin of all the martyrs who laid their life while protecting the Parliament.

Hassan Ali likely to have terror links

NDTV reported on Jan 31 that the Hasan Ali story just got murkier with the Enforcement Directorate investigating Pune's billionaire horse breeder making a claim that he could have terror links.
These charges were levelled in an affidavit filed in the Bombay High Court by the Enforcement Directorate.The charges follow the discovery of $8 billion stashed away by Ali in Swiss Bank accounts - money that is the centre of the country's biggest tax evasion scam. It's a scam, which ironically started as an investigation into a case of customs duty evasion amounting to a paltry in March last year.But who exactly is Hasan Ali?

Bharat Ratna: Highest Civilian award

In a poll on Bharat Ratna, they have included a Hindu hater MF Hussain, along with other money-minting self-obsessed rich people: TOI on Jan 16.
Hindu activists ransacked office of a news channel for proposing MF Husain's name for Bharat Ratna: CNN-IBN reported on Jan 19.
Both news synopses are in the line of the media of Western counties. MF Hussain painted nude painting of Bharat Mata. Is Bharat Mata only of Hindus? If not, then why re above synopses to misguide the people of India? Why PM and Super PM were hided on the Vadematram Day orgainized by their government?
Who may say ‘Vande Mat Rome’?

It was not possible for the government to give Bharat Ratna to MF Hussain though he got Padmashri in 1955, the Padma Bhushan in 1973, Padma Vibhushan in 1989, and nominated to the Rajya Sabha in 1986 and he has lessoned even today in NCERT/IGNOU books.
Is MF Hussain ambassador of Gandhis Govt abroad as Quattrocchi?

So many fake secular leaders are in sorrow-demise as queens in the past went to ‘Kop bhavan’. Two personalities of the said channel and one more personality who was affiliated to the same channel in the past got Padmshree. I am not saying this is right or wrong. I am narrating only the surrounding circumstances.


Hasan Ali is safe. He is behind leaders as Arjun behind Shikhandi and Army of Hindu king’s enmey behind cows! Eco bandits in laptop of Ali; Ganga dying, corrupt flooded; Bharatratna in future to Afzal…
When it comes to protecting foreign investment through Participatory Notes (PNs), even national security takes a back seat. These derivative instruments allow those who are otherwise ineligible to invest in the Indian stock market. The National Security Advisor recently claimed that terrorist groups were profiting from India’s powerful Bull Run by investing through non-transparent Participatory Notes (PNs). A little later, we were told of the stupendous wealth more than Rs 35,ooo crores of Hasan Ali Khan, an alleged hawala operator based in Pune who had managed to fly under the evasion detection techniques of the tax department for several years.

Rat cat run is going on

Later, former BJP parliamentarian Kirit Somaiya alleged that Hasan Ali Khan was linked to two Union ministers. But BJP, too, seems reluctant to follow up on this sensational allegation and has moved on to more routine protests against Special Economic Zones.

Runners of Italian instructed government are shrewd. They did one sin. Opposition makes sound against it. Then government makes other sin quickly and thus this rat cat run is going on.
Why Media IT ED silent on Hawala Hasan Ali

Aswamegh Yagya: Rs 35000 cr of Pune’s Racehorse owner Hasa Ali is frozen in Swiss Bank; Swiss is heaven for Eco-criminals. Bil Clinton pardoned Bandit Mark Rich who was sentenced to 325 years.
Hasan Ali of Rs 350 million in Swiss: Dung on wall? How did cow climb?

Swiss UBS

In June the ministry’s enforcement directorate registered a case against Mr Hasal Ali Khan under India’s Prevention of Money Laundering Act.

Investigators claimed to have uncovered documents showing that Mr Khan, a man of apparently relatively modest means, held as much as $8 billion in illicit cash in accounts purportedly registered at a Zurich branch of UBS. Officials said that they had sought confirmation — or “direct evidence” — from UBS by writing to the Swiss authorities, a request at odds with Switzerland’s banking privacy laws. A spokesman for UBS said it was co-operating fully with the Indian authorities.

Mr Hasan Ali Khan, who could not be contacted yesterday, is said to have denied that he held a Swiss account.
India blocks licence for UBS amid allegations of money-laundering

Recall the Quattrocchi a best friend of ’10 Jan Path’.
Q is gift of Sonia Gandhi to India

Q ke saath, Congress ka haath

Instead of Rajiv Murder Secrets, PM seeks Swiss support for Nuke deal?

After studying Quattrocchi, Hasan Ali and so many other scams, who can say that our country had never been a ‘Sone ki chidiya’? But Chidamberam say like that.
Burns Glorious Past of India: FM Chidambaram

TOI on Congress to FM: Take care of 'aam-aadmi'

By Premendra Agrawal

What about raj of Kolkata, Nandi, HYD and else

What has Amitabh done for Maharashtra? CNN-IBN: It is right. Would this type of question not be asked to others in the past beyond Maharashtra?

Raj Thackeray attended the wedding reception: Very bad?

Raj Thackeray attended the wedding reception of police commissioner: Top News of to day ! Please recall enjoyment of high profile personalities of Bollywood and politics with Daud Ibrahim! Have media and intellecdtuals not seen accused Atik Ahmed Lok Sabha member and Shahabuddin with Amar Singh and lalu?

Mumbai belongs to everyone: NDTV poll
This is true as 2+2=4

Who threw Taslima out of Kolkata?

If Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasreen escaped unhurt in the attack on Aug 2007 by Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (MIM) legislators and cadre at the press club in Hyderabad, it was thanks to the journalists present who shielded her.

Can a minister enter in the old city of Hyderabad without permission of MIM?
I received a comment of Rama Rao Garimella on my one article. There after I find:
The civil supplies minister, Mr K. Venkata Krishna Reddy, was literally driven out of the old city by workers of the Majlis Ittehadul Muslimeen on Jan 30, 2008 and was arrogantly snubbed by its leaders. The shaken minister was left apologising to the Owaisis.

The civil supplies minister, Mr K. Venkata Krishna Reddy had reached the old city to conduct surprise checks on fair price shops.

Obstructers MIM workers told him that he could not visit the locality without prior permission from the local legislator of MMI which is the ally of Congress, Mr Akbaruddin Owaisi.

Though Mr Krishna Reddy tried to explain the reason for his visit, the mob was not willing to listen and asked him to leave the place.
The minister then called up Mr Owaisi. It was evident that the MLA blasted him over the phone since all that the minister could say in reply was: "yes..., sorry..., sorry...."

Terror of terror attack on Advani

India's main opposition party, the BJP, says it has postponed a series of meetings after the government warned of a possible attack on its leader. Are policies of Nirpam’s Cngress, Jaya Bachchan’s Samajwadi Party and Left Big Brother of Amar Singh not responsible for all these happenings?

Abu Azmi of Jaya Bachchan’s party

Abu Asim Azmi is the Maharashtra state President of Samajwadi Party of Jaya Bachchan.

Star News aired Operation Chakravyuh, video footage of a wedding reception shot in 1990 in Dubai at Dawood Ibrahims household. It showed two Indian politicians Abu Asim Azmi and Akhtar Rizvi.

The telephone tapes and diary of gunned down terrorist girl Ishrat revealed these codes: Advani was 'Lala', Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi was 'Mubarak', Vishwa Hindu Parishad Secretary General Dr Pravin Togadia was 'Tinku', Shiv Sena leader Bal Thackeray was 'Kutta', Uttar Pradesh BJP president Vinay Katiyar was 'Kanta' and Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Uma Bharti was 'Behenji'. Delhi was 'Maika' and Ahmedabad, 'Sasural.'They wanted to kill these leaders because they viewed them as enemies of Islam.

Sev pak gaya kya? (Are the apples ripe?) Badam bhejoon kya? (Should I send the almonds?). This was conversation between the imam of the Haj House at Masjid in Mumbai LeT Salauddin in Kashmir. Imam with RDX was arrested on January 13, 2006. Abu Asim Azmi even visited the house of the imam after the arrest.

Kashmir Valley cut off from country due to heavy snowfall:
This is natural disaster. But who thinks about the man made disaster faced by Kashmiri Pandits. Refugee Kashmiri Pandits sons and daughters of Kashmiri Pandit Nehru are in the streets of Delhi around 10 Janpath where Gandhis are consuming luxurious life.

Maharashtra govt hesitates to take on Raj: TOI
Is this formula not applied for others? What action is taken against the Cultural Minister, Law Minister and other big guns on the filing of Ramdrohi affidavit in the Supreme Court? Jairam Ramesh a minister criticized the Cultural Minister Ambika Soni. Because of this sin he ihas been thrown away now from the think tank of Congress which is created by Sonia Gandhi.
Can the same UPA govt dare to file the same type of affidavit on the non-existance of Christ?
Bofors to Ramdrohi Affidavit

Nidhi Jha, a close associate of Santosh Jha -- the kingpin of the infamous multi-crore flood scam -- surrendered in the vigilance court on Feb 5, 2008. What about Lalu Yadav?
Dark is the nation and insane the king

The congress party which promoted the MIM to garner Muslim votes is now facing the problem itself.
Vote bankers are bankrupts; new graves have no space; Even Quotas on driver seat and on bus top; Minority train with full speed without break and destination
Andhra for Religious Quota

Fake seculars and their parties develop Bhasmasurs

This is the old habit of Nehru Gandhi dynasty led Congress. Congress drew a sect Dera Sacha Sauda in politics for the creation of Operation Blue Star like situation. Congress got fatwa from Dera chief in its favor in the previous held assembly election of Punjab. Congress developed the leadership of Bhinderwale to divide Shiromani Akali Dal and later supported Nirankaris to crush the Bhinderwale.
Operation Blue Star: Congressee sauda with Dera Sacha Sauda
Italian Swiss in Q on Assassination of Rajiv Gandhi

By Premendra Agrawal

What about raj of Kolkata, Nandi, HYD and else

What has Amitabh done for Maharashtra? CNN-IBN: It is right. Would this type of question not be asked to others in the past beyond Maharashtra?

Raj Thackeray attended the wedding reception: Very bad?

Raj Thackeray attended the wedding reception of police commissioner: Top News of to day ! Please recall enjoyment of high profile personalities of Bollywood and politics with Daud Ibrahim! Have media and intellecdtuals not seen accused Atik Ahmed Lok Sabha member and Shahabuddin with Amar Singh and lalu?

Mumbai belongs to everyone: NDTV poll
This is true as 2+2=4

Who threw Taslima out of Kolkata?

If Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasreen escaped unhurt in the attack on Aug 2007 by Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (MIM) legislators and cadre at the press club in Hyderabad, it was thanks to the journalists present who shielded her.

Can a minister enter in the old city of Hyderabad without permission of MIM?
I received a comment of Rama Rao Garimella on my one article. There after I find:
The civil supplies minister, Mr K. Venkata Krishna Reddy, was literally driven out of the old city by workers of the Majlis Ittehadul Muslimeen on Jan 30, 2008 and was arrogantly snubbed by its leaders. The shaken minister was left apologising to the Owaisis.

The civil supplies minister, Mr K. Venkata Krishna Reddy had reached the old city to conduct surprise checks on fair price shops.

Obstructers MIM workers told him that he could not visit the locality without prior permission from the local legislator of MMI which is the ally of Congress, Mr Akbaruddin Owaisi.

Though Mr Krishna Reddy tried to explain the reason for his visit, the mob was not willing to listen and asked him to leave the place.
The minister then called up Mr Owaisi. It was evident that the MLA blasted him over the phone since all that the minister could say in reply was: "yes..., sorry..., sorry...."

Terror of terror attack on Advani

India's main opposition party, the BJP, says it has postponed a series of meetings after the government warned of a possible attack on its leader. Are policies of Nirpam’s Cngress, Jaya Bachchan’s Samajwadi Party and Left Big Brother of Amar Singh not responsible for all these happenings?

Abu Azmi of Jaya Bachchan’s party

Abu Asim Azmi is the Maharashtra state President of Samajwadi Party of Jaya Bachchan.

Star News aired Operation Chakravyuh, video footage of a wedding reception shot in 1990 in Dubai at Dawood Ibrahims household. It showed two Indian politicians Abu Asim Azmi and Akhtar Rizvi.

The telephone tapes and diary of gunned down terrorist girl Ishrat revealed these codes: Advani was 'Lala', Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi was 'Mubarak', Vishwa Hindu Parishad Secretary General Dr Pravin Togadia was 'Tinku', Shiv Sena leader Bal Thackeray was 'Kutta', Uttar Pradesh BJP president Vinay Katiyar was 'Kanta' and Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Uma Bharti was 'Behenji'. Delhi was 'Maika' and Ahmedabad, 'Sasural.'They wanted to kill these leaders because they viewed them as enemies of Islam.

Sev pak gaya kya? (Are the apples ripe?) Badam bhejoon kya? (Should I send the almonds?). This was conversation between the imam of the Haj House at Masjid in Mumbai LeT Salauddin in Kashmir. Imam with RDX was arrested on January 13, 2006. Abu Asim Azmi even visited the house of the imam after the arrest.

Kashmir Valley cut off from country due to heavy snowfall:
This is natural disaster. But who thinks about the man made disaster faced by Kashmiri Pandits. Refugee Kashmiri Pandits sons and daughters of Kashmiri Pandit Nehru are in the streets of Delhi around 10 Janpath where Gandhis are consuming luxurious life.

Maharashtra govt hesitates to take on Raj: TOI
Is this formula not applied for others? What action is taken against the Cultural Minister, Law Minister and other big guns on the filing of Ramdrohi affidavit in the Supreme Court? Jairam Ramesh a minister criticized the Cultural Minister Ambika Soni. Because of this sin he ihas been thrown away now from the think tank of Congress which is created by Sonia Gandhi.
Can the same UPA govt dare to file the same type of affidavit on the non-existance of Christ?
Bofors to Ramdrohi Affidavit

Nidhi Jha, a close associate of Santosh Jha -- the kingpin of the infamous multi-crore flood scam -- surrendered in the vigilance court on Feb 5, 2008. What about Lalu Yadav?
Dark is the nation and insane the king

The congress party which promoted the MIM to garner Muslim votes is now facing the problem itself.
Vote bankers are bankrupts; new graves have no space; Even Quotas on driver seat and on bus top; Minority train with full speed without break and destination
Andhra for Religious Quota

Fake seculars and their parties develop Bhasmasurs

This is the old habit of Nehru Gandhi dynasty led Congress. Congress drew a sect Dera Sacha Sauda in politics for the creation of Operation Blue Star like situation. Congress got fatwa from Dera chief in its favor in the previous held assembly election of Punjab. Congress developed the leadership of Bhinderwale to divide Shiromani Akali Dal and later supported Nirankaris to crush the Bhinderwale.
Operation Blue Star: Congressee sauda with Dera Sacha Sauda
Italian Swiss in Q on Assassination of Rajiv Gandhi

By Premendra Agrawal

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

(1) Gandhi is myth, Ram is myth: Surveys (2) Filmy fight in Politics (3) Dr. got plastic surgery (4) Terror Camps, Pak Flags in Karnataka

Lord Rama is not existed: Survey of UPA Govt. Gandhi is myth: Survey in Britain. Compromising formula on Sethusamudram is coming.

Lord Rama, man or myth?
On the instruction of Christian Ambika Soni and Sonia Gandhi Ramdrohi affidavit was filed by the UPA government to say that Ram is Myth. Astrologicdal survey of India has said that Ram sethu and Ram-Raven war all are myths. Supreme Court has instructed Jayalalitha for approaching to ASI. Now compromise formula is coming for archaeological study. In this way this is proved that eath is round.

Ram Ravan War: Ram vs Nehru Gandhi Dynasty
On Sept 16, 2007 Tamil Nadu Chief Minister K. Karunanidhi re-open the door of Anand Bhavan of fake secularism. Karunanidhi quoted from Jawaharlal Nehru's book Discovery of India to assert that Lord Ram was merely a creation of the Aryans who wanted to dominate the Dravidians. "Since Rama himself is fiction, Rama Setu was also not constructed by him," Karunanidhi said

Pope Bush via Religious freedom behind Ramdrohi Affidavit
Who wish to bear the arrows of Ram in their chests? How many times - how long - how much time - how many years India wants to be slave of foreigners’ hands? America burnt bodies of Hiroshima to drop atom bomb. Congress burns India’s soul, culture and honor. Is filing affidavit in the Supreme Court only one sin of Italian led Congress?

Gandhi: Bofors to Ramdrohi Affidavit

C? Read National Dharm Granth Geeta: HC
Govt controlled by a lady, has filed affidavit in SC aiming to ruin Ram Sethu to declare that neither Ram went to Sri Lanka nor war happened between Ram and Ravan. Can Sonia dare to say this about the non-existence of Christ and Bible?

Gandhi is myth

As news published at :
Mahatma Gandhi never existed while Britain's wartime Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill was a fictional character. This is only what results come out in the suvey conducted in Britain.

According to a survey carried out in Britain, many believe that Mahatma Gandhi and Churchill are just mythical figures like Florence Nightingale, popularly known as the 'Lady with the Lamp'.

The poll also revealed that nearly three quarters of those surveyed did not read history books while and 61 per cent admitted that they changed channels rather than watching historical programmes on television. "While there's no excuse for demoting real historical figures such as Churchill, the elevation of mythical figures to real life showed the impact good films could have in shaping the public consciousness. "Stories like Robin Hood are so inspiring that it's not surprising people like to believe these characters truly existed," the British media quoted Paul Moreton, the Head of UKTV Gold channel, which commissioned the poll, as saying.

Fifty-one per cent of respondents believed that Robin Hood lived in Sherwood Forest, robbing the rich to give to the poor, while 47 per cent believed Eleanor Rigby was a real person rather than a creation of The Beatles.

Compromising formula on Sethusamudram

DMK and Congress unity is artificial. Like that unity between Nehru and Mahatma Gandhi was also artificial. Their characters were diffeent to each other. Mahatma Gandhi wanted to be mahatma but Nehru wanted to make himself Westenlized raomantic.

A compromise within the UPA is on the cards on the Sethusamudram project. Highly placed sources said the government's affidavit to be filed in the Supreme Court next month could seek permission to carry out an archaeological study of the area before a decision on the project can be taken.

While DMK can continue to say that government has not given up the project, the Centre can find solace in the fact that the study itself would take four to five years to get completed.

Qick March: About turn: Sonia’s Style: Ramdrohi Affidavit!
Wonder is that, liars of ministerial level are competing against each other in the unpatriotic unethical undemocratic unconstitutional episode of Ramdrohi Affidavit filed in the Supreme Court.

Mahabharat III: Coming of Ram Krishna to punish evil forces
Yuvraj Singh got six sixers against England. Who will get winning sixers in the coming election againt the ‘Ravan and Rome Sena? UPA is going to down! All are in hurry! Will Soni Sonia Balu Bhalu Monkey eldest Jatayu all not want to touch the feet of god?

Six 6s of Yuvraj vs Anti-Ram sixers of Congress Left DMK
Yuvraj Singh hits six sixers in an over for first time in Twenty20 aaist England ...Opposite to this (420-420) UPA and Left government hits sixers against Bhagwan Ram! What we are…?

Christian Jehad of Congress against Ram

Target Soni Sonia instead of Pawn DMK

Who is behind the U turn of karunanidhi?

Tussle with in DMK and its allies
P Chidambaram’s made remarks that LTTE continued to operate in the state. Tamil Nadu Congress opposes DMK on LTTE issue. Chief Minister M Karunanidhi termed ally PMK’s demand for considering an alternative alignment for implementing Sethusamudram as a “conspiracy” against the project. The CM said the suggestion was aimed at “preventing development of the southern parts of the country”.

Affidavit: Can Demons nuke Ram - Ramayan

Who wish to bear the arrows of Ram in their chests? How many times - how long - how much time - how many years India wants to be slave of foreigners’ hands? America burnt bodies of Hiroshima to drop atom bomb. Congress burns India’s soul, culture and honor. Is filing affidavit in the Supreme Court only one sin of Italian led Congress?

Slap on Gandhi-ism in UNO: Strike against Ram
Who wants to teach Rome-ayan/ Marx-ayan/ Ravanayan instead of Ramayan? Who will burn Ram Sethu instead of Ravan’s effigy? Is acceptance of Ramdrohi Central and States Governments sin or Punya?

Some one has doubt about the religion of Ambika Soni. Find following details at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ambika_Soni

Born 13 November 1943 (1943-11-13) (age 64)Lahore, Pakistan
Political party Indian National Congress
Spouse Uday Soni
Children one son
Residence New Delhi
Religion Christian

By Premendra Agrawal

Synopsis of Article (2)

‘Mere Angne Mein Tumhara Kya Kam Hai’: Filmy fight in Politics
Complete article at: Complete article at: http://www.newsanalysisindia.com/113092007.htm

Unity in diversity
Bal Thackeray can’t digest Narendra Modi! Raj Thackeray can’t digest Big B. But Shiv Sena can digest Bachchan. Left UPA can accept leadership of Indian origin. Should this be called “Unity in diversity” or “Filmy Fight”?
Monday, February 04, 2008

Synopsis of Article (3)

Merchant of death Dr. got plastic surgery to follow Drug Lord
Complete article at: http://www.newsanalysisindia.com/113092007.htm
Forget ‘Merchant of death’ campaign of Sonia Gandhi. Now find the new twist in the history of crime and medical science. A s news report published in <newslinkage.com> Dr Amit Kumar has gone plastic surgery in Nepal to disguise him as Maxican Drug Lord Zambada García has had plastic surgery and sill handcuffs could have not touched him. This is suspected by police.
Sunday, February 03, 2008

Synopsis of Article (4)

What President thinks on Terror Camps, Pak Flags in Karnataka?
Complete article at: http://www.newsanalysisindia.com/113092007.htm
“Delay in the assembly election of Karnataka and President’s visit to flag off Golden Chariot” has become a political suspense in Karnatak. Between this suspense news of terror camps and Pak flags in Karnataka enlarge the suspense. Eight former Janata Dal (Secular) legislators and hardcore loyalists of former deputy chief minister Siddaramaiah formally joined the Congress in the previous week. Congress is waiting for rehersal of future speedy horse-trading before the declaration of assembly election. Law Minister is going to cut the wing of Chief Election officer to facilitate the ‘10 Jan path’ loyalist Election Commissioner Navin Chawla.
Saturday, February 02, 2008

By Premendra Agrawal