Thursday, February 22, 2007

After Noida & Mumbai Serial Killers in MP: 500 bones of kids found

Tage: Serial Killer MP Ratlam Bone Skelton Unborn children Foetus CNN-IBN Sahara samay Forensic Christian Hospital Abortion UNICEF Abraham Lincoln Supreme Court US Miscarriage Moral Church India Rape Lawful;

Ratlam Christian Hospital is sealed off, search is continuing. Skeletons found in a pit behind hospital, are sent for forensic test. Where is Mrs. William, not known? Grave Robber Church in America

A total of 500 pieces of bones and skeletal remains of children were found in a pit at a hospital in Ratlam on Feb 17, 2007 Sahara Samay and CNN-IBN sources said. Where is Mrs. William, not known? It is suspected that being an hospital in charge she is responsible for the serial killings of unborn and born children.Following a tip-off, the bones were found in a pit behind the operation theatre of the missionary hospital, Superintendent of Police Satish Saxena told reporters. "Though the bones seem to belong to new-born children or aborted foetuses, it is difficult to ascertain the age of the children as the skeletons are not intact," he said.The area was sealed off and samples were sent to the state forensiclaboratory for tests, Saxena added.

Grave Robber Church in America
Roman Catholic Church in America sparked a national outcry after it announced it has been holding burial services for the cremated ashes of aborted foetuses without the knowledge of the mothers or the abortion clinic involved. Critics claimed the church is exploiting women's grief for political purposes. A handful of protesters gathered nearby holding signs that read "This church is a grave robber" and "Stop forcing your will on us."

Susan LaVelle, founder of the church's Memorial Wall for the Unborn, defended the services and said many people, including two women who had had abortions at Dr Hern's clinic, had thanked them. "We believe that life begins at conception and we want to give these babies, even at their death, a dignified burial rather than just being thrown out. We wanted to get the word out there was a place for them for healing."

Christian Hospitals and organizations encourage illegal abortion
Christian organizations and hospitals are blaming poor illiterate villagers for killing the unborn girls. Such doctors, hospitals, organization who are encouraging illegal abortion not only be punished but white paper should be published to aware the common people.
A UNICEF report released in India this week says nearly 10 million girls have been killed by their parents in the last two decades, either before they were born or immediately after. Reacting to the report, India’s Minister for Women and Child Development Renuka Chowdhury said: "It is a national crisis. It's shocking figures and we are in a national crisis.”The report from the apex UN agency said 7,000 fewer girls are born in India every day than the global average would suggest, largely because female foetuses are aborted after sex determination tests but also through murder of new born.

What Is Abortion?
Medical dictionaries give clinical answers to this question – many of which can be deceptive. They use words like, "The premature expulsion from the uterus of the products of conception, of the embryo or of a nonviable foetus."1
All those words boiled down mean simply this: abortion is the deliberate killing of an unborn child.

Can anyone seriously believe that abortion was immoral on January 21, 1973, and moral on January 23, 1973? If abortion killed children before the law changed, it continues to kill children after the law changed. Law or no law, either abortion has always been right and always will be, or it has always been wrong and always will be.

Is abortion moral?
What is legal is not always right. One of the weakest arguments for the legitimacy of abortion is that it is legal.
"In the last century, slave-owners argued that the slaves were theirs and they had the right to do with them as they wished. [Slave-owners] claimed that their personal rights and freedom of choice were at stake. They said slaves were not fully persons.

"This point of view was given further legal support in the Dred Scott decision of 1857 in America. The Supreme Court of US determined in a 7-2 decision that slaves were not legal persons and were therefore not protected under the Constitution.

In 1973, the Supreme Court of US, by another 7-2 decision, would determine that unborn children also were not legal persons and therefore not protected under the Constitution. In 1857 the chief justice of the Supreme Court of US said, 'A black man has no right which the white man is bound to respect.' 1 Despite slavery's legality, however, Abraham Lincoln challenged its morality. 'If slavery is not wrong,' he said, 'then nothing is wrong.' 2

"In the 1940s a German doctor could kill Jews legally, while in America he would have been prosecuted for murder. In the 1970s an American doctor could kill unborn babies legally, while in Germany he would have been prosecuted for murder. Laws change. Truth and justice don't. 3

But, if it's my body, why shouldn't I have an abortion if I want to?

Your tonsils or appendix are part of your body – individual organs you were born with – which you can have removed if necessary. Your baby, on the other hand, is not one of your organs, it's a whole new person, temporarily living and growing inside of you. The body you kill with abortion is not your own. The body killed by abortion belongs to another human being who is distinctly different and separate from you.

If it's just a clump of tissue, an abortion doesn't really kill a child, right?

You decide: Imagine a hospital ER team struggling to save the life of a baby who was born three months premature. As the technicians work frantically, the parents outside the operating room are praying, "Dear God, please help the doctors keep our clump of tissue alive."

Absurd, you say? Off course everyone knows that the doctors are trying to save a living human being, not a clump of tissue. Calling it anything besides what it is – a baby – is patently dishonest.


Abortion in India is illegal. However it is permitted under law only in special circumstances. These include when the woman was raped, when the child would suffer from severe disability, failure of contraceptive devices etc.
To find out when it is legal to have an abortion, read further. Categories...LawfulnessMajority of the people believe that abortion is illegal in India, but in special circumstances when the woman doesn?t really have a choice abortion is allowed.
The rules with regard to when abortion is legal or not are under the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act and it also provides for special situations in which a woman has the right to have an abortion for her own peace of mind, like when she was raped.
The decision to have an abortion is under law is in the hands of the woman and her doctor. The opinion of the father of the child as to whether the woman can have an abortion or not is immaterial to determine whether it?s legal or not.
Special Circumstances like when raped, or failure of contraceptive devicesThere are special circumstances provided under law when regardless of whether it is the opinion of a doctor that having a child would involve a risk to the life of the woman, cause her grave mental or physical injury or that the child may be born with severe disabilities, a woman can have an abortion.
For the Unmarried WomanAbortions for unmarried women are done on the basis of the assumption that having a child would constitute grave injury to their mental health. But they need the opinion of doctor(s) to state that it would cause such grave injury. Also the doctor has to take into consideration the current financial and other conditions (like age) of the woman and what would be the likely situation in the future for the mother and the child, when deciding whether doing the abortion would be legal or not
Sex Determination TestsIn India, some families would rather have a son than a daughter. So when it is possible to determine the sex of the child, many women do the test, or are forced to do the test, and then made to kill the child if it is a girl. This is known as female foeticide, and to prevent this from happening (as abortion is legal so foeticide is not a crime necessarily) a law was passed which made having an abortion after being aware of the sex of the child, a crime. It is also a crime to do a particular test called the amniocentesis test, which is a test largely to determine the sex of the child.
There are 927 females to 1000 males in India right now, which indicates that in spite of preventive measures abortion of the female foetus, and female infanticide is still taking place.
When Something Goes Wrong During the AbortionWhen something goes wrong during an abortion, you have the same rights against the doctor doing the abortion that you would have against any other doctor who is treating you, or doing a procedure on you. Your rights are as a consumer of services that he is delivering as a medical professional.
Causing Miscarriage
In some circumstances, causing a miscarriage or aborting the child is an offence under criminal law. If a registered medical practitioner does an abortion according to all the conditions given under the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act then the abortion is legal. However if a person has caused a miscarriage or abortion, but it was not done in good faith to save the life of the woman, then this act is punishable under law. This act is an offence...
With or without the consent of the woman
When the woman does it herselfwhen the accused does it voluntarily

By Premendra Agrawal


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