Thursday, February 22, 2007

Sonia ki Maya: CBI kaa jaal

Tags: Sonia Mayavati Congress CBI Quattrocchi Lalu Jogi Indira UPA Italy UPA Crores CNN-IBN Mulayam BSP Uttar Pradesh Taj Scam Rahul Star tv NDTV Cricket Politician Dalit Muslim Badal Amrinder Uttarakhand;

CBI has found a long list of disproportionate assets worth Rs 8.77 crore and Rs 7.36 crore of unaccounted money along with several crores of investment in the stock market of Mayawati. What about Sonia

Congress sponsored foreign funded CNN-IBN has made Sonia Gandhi PM of India two times in the previous year and on Feb 13 has given majority to the Congress in the Punjab poll. The channel quick to publish detailed report submitted by CBI on Mayavati’s benami assests.

The same CBI has overlapped facts about fodder scam to make clean lalu being the ally in UPA. Lalu is so poor that his in-laws traveled in the AC First Class without ticket with their four bodly guards deputed by Lalu’s Railway Ministry. Congress Government at centre did the same thing with Quattrocchi, Ajit Jogi and so on. CBI is being remote controlled by PM or Super PM. Not that Mulayam and Mayawati is honest but far from it. On the other hand Congress is not honest either and every Indian knows that. Indira ka haath thaa Garib ke saath and now Sonia ka haath hai aam admi ke saath! It is not joke!!

Sonia Gandhi Congress President and Chairperson of UPA is so poor that even she does not own a house in India. Though, she owned a house in Italy. She is without car to make road shows. Sonia should not be convicted for allowing her law minister Bharadwaj allowing the 21 crore de-freezing to uncle Quattorochi from London account facilitated by none other than addl. solicitor general of Supreme court. Why did CBI’s investigating officers come back India to keep their legs on their head to hear the victory of Congress by 7 more seats than BJP in 2004? Are Congress leaders’ small fishes with thousand of crores than Mayavati?

SO what is new in the following report published by CNN-IBN? Check any honorable politician's background...they would have risen from land to moon. Is it not true if our crook Income tax and CBI sleuths are not-corrupt and non-political we would be unearthing many many lakh crores out of reported few lakh crores of black money in India?

Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has found a long list of disproportionate assets worth Rs 8.77 crore and Rs 7.36 crore of unaccounted money along with several crores of investment in the stock market of Bahujan Samaj Party BSP supremo, Mayawati.

Since the early 90s till 2003, Mayawati had only declared assets worth Rs 1.11 crore in her income tax returns. Now, documents available with CNN-IBN show that assets only in her own name are a whopping 300 per cent more than her declared income and the assets belonging to her relatives - which have now been linked to her - is 700 per cent more.

There is agricultural land worth Rs 1.9 crore in her name alone in Bulandshahar. CBI sources say that land records were doctored. The records show that Mayawati bought all these from her father.

Along with this, there is a long list of benami properties worth Rs 8.81 crore in Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal - bought between 1995 and 2003 in the name of her father, mother, brother, sister-in-law and a host of other relatives.
Sources say that Mayawati is the de-facto beneficiary of all these properties as she had the power-of-attorney in her name.

There is Rs 2,27,94,533 - unaccounted for money - that has been stashed in account number 9195 of Union Bank of India's Motibagh branch in New Delhi.
Mayawati also has Rs 23,45,539 in account number 01190/526277 in the State Bank of India branch inside Parliament building.
In addition to this her relatives have 51 bank accounts in Uttar Pradesh and Delhi - all linked to her. These accounts together have Rs 4.84 crore stashed in them.

By Premendra Agrawal


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