Plolitical clone
As reported by BBC, a team in the US created dozens of cloned embryos from a 10-year-old macaque monkey, Nature journal reports. This could make it easier to clone human embryos for use in research. And the approach might one day lead to treatments for diseases like diabetes and spinal cord injury, without fear of rejection by the patient's body.
United Nations academic think tank has asked the world to orchestrate a global ban on human cloning or prepare to protect human clones from abuse, prejudice and discrimination. Guidelines from the Indian Council of Medical Research that have been in place for several years ban reproductive human cloning.
As Wilson clone of Moynihan
In America Wilson is portrayed a political clone of Moynihan. Whatever differences exist between Moynihan and Wilson, the factor of overriding importance is that both reputiated race based politics and race based public policy.
In India Left is the clone of Congress. Whatever differences exist between them, the factor of overriding importance is that both are Indianless. PM accepts that his leader is in 10 Janpath. It means UPA government is without head. Left’s head is also in China. After marriage both were in honeymoon whcich is now wounded. Instead of soaring, loving couple is flapping. Without wing couple can walk instead of flying. One head was in the tour of West and represented India in UNO on Oct 2 to insult Mahata Gandhi. Second head of East (China) is enjoying seeing nude birds.
Nuke Deal nukes honeymoon of Congress and Left
Naxal Maoists are the clones of Lefteft Parties
Congress in the leadership of Sonia Gandhi is a clone of CPM and Naxal Maoists are the clones of Lefteft Parties to push India towards civilwar as they did in Nepal. They support Naxal Maoist by rallying themselves against ‘Sava Judum’ in Chhattisgarh and hide their creation clones to publicize the presence of Maoist in Nandigram. The same trick is also of Congress. Congress opposes CPM on the issue of Nandigram in West Bengal but support them in the issue of Salva Judum. L K Advani rightly describes that CPI-M has declred war on India.
Congress and Left present their dual faces in every issue to misguide people.
Should Maoist Terrorist friendly represent India in UNO?
Sharad and Lalu
Farmers' suicides are not only related to their farming difficulties, Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar said on Nov 13, 07. He said a study group had recently done some 'in-depth research on the question of farmers' suicides'.
Lau investigated through his Banerjee Commission that Rambhakt Karsevaks burnt them in the Sambarmati Express compartment. Pawar is on the path of Lalu.
Sanjha chulha to burn ‘He ram’ in Gujarat
Vaghela vs Rumsfeld
According to the Post, Rumsfeld contended that Muslims avoid "physical labor." He expressed the belief that oil wealth removed Muslims "from the reality of work, effort and investment that leads to wealth for the rest of the world." His memo said, "Too often Muslims are against physical labor, so they bring in Koreans and Pakistanis while their young people remain unemployed." Rumsfeld also warned, "An unemployed population is easy to recruit to radicalism."
James Watson, a Nobel Prize winner for his part in discovering the structure of DNA, claimed in an interview in The Sunday Times on Oct 17, 2007 that black people are less intelligent than white people.
Who is in India more racist than Noble Prized James Watson?
The Union textile minister shankarshingh vaghela is undeclared Congress candidate for CM of Gujart. He commented in Sept 07 that vidarbha farmers were lazy.
Maharashtra chief minister vilasrao deshmukh marched one step more to say that vidarbha cotton farmers were dishonest.
Army & farmer do suicides but not politicians! All jehadi & naxals be freed to make bodyguards of seculars! Leaders are with tomato faces & people in potato faces?
Why does not progress for cloning of martyrism?
* Opposite to this in India there is tremendous progress in political cloning to kill dermocratic norm, soul of the Constitution, unitiy and sovereignty of India.
Why is hesitation to create test-tube patriotism?
Indian researchers in government and private institutions have been urging authorities to allow them to create test-tube human embryos for research, the council hasn’t agreed to the demand. “Scientists are asking for this, but we’ll need a wider debate on this issue,” the official said.
* Why is there is no urge by ministers and bueacrats of Indian Government and political leaders to establish institutions to create test-tube patriotism embryos for encouraging patriotism and nationalism instead of fake secularism, local supports for terrorism, separatists, insurgent groups and infiltrations.
Why does not progress in India for cloning of patriotism of Tilak, Savarkar, Subhash Bose, Bhagat Sinh and other martyrs?
For instance read a report published in TOI few days back. UPSC has unwittingly triggered a debate on whether the legendary martyr should be called a "revolutionary terrorist"In the general studies paper of UPSC's civil services exam, held on October 26, candidates were asked to evaluate the contribution of "revolutionary terrorism represented by Bhagat Singh".
US Church cheers Gay’s death vs Ravan Funeral & Kargil Martyrs
Congress and Left victim of Schizophrenia
Congress and left are habitual to spread their disease of schizophrnia. Sympoms of Schizophrnia is also found in Indo US Nuke deal.PM says again and again the N-Deal is on the national interest against the opinion of parliament. Schizophrenia is a mental disease which manifests itself in the activites of the mind. The disease makes it difficult for a person to tell the difference between real and unreal experiences.
Infetious schizophrenia of Nuke Deal and………………..
Congress and Left are clones of Goebbels
There is complete u-turn by left on Nuke deal as reported by pioneer to kep all in dark. The Left may have agreed to allow the UPA Government in approaching the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on the India-US nuclear deal but its fundamental opposition on not operationalising the deal remained and the Congress was not hopeful of any major breakthrough in the offing.
Is Congress not on sale?
Every time Congress is ready to be auctioned at the four square of opportunitism.
There is also another report according to that coming AICC session in the backdrop of the Indo-US nuclear deal should send a clear signal to the Muslim world that Congress cares for it and has "not been sold to America". Former Union Minister Ram Niwas Mirdha said such a message was needed to be given in view of the elections as the growing friendship with US was being wrongly seen by the Muslim community.
Is this not minoritism and opportunitism?
Triple Bomb blasted salute to three years of UPA
Creating Gandhi clones to misuse
There is a cloning of ‘Gandhi’ word. Openly leaders are misuning this word to make clones of it. Gandhism become Gandhigiri.
Fauji General Musharraf may be called big brother of Indira to declare emergency in Pakitan! Congress has now no words to oppose this. Indian government is cool cool and calm calm. What happended in Thailand and Bangladesh? Who supports Maoist in Nepal? Junta of Myanmar gunned down monks! What type of democracy is in China which Sonia wants to learn? Defense Minister Antony wants friendly neighbors! All these dictators are friendly neighbors as desired by the Defense Minister of India’s Narcossistic Govt. in the leadership of Sonia Gandhi.
Dictator Neighbors & Warning bells
By Premendra Agrawal
United Nations academic think tank has asked the world to orchestrate a global ban on human cloning or prepare to protect human clones from abuse, prejudice and discrimination. Guidelines from the Indian Council of Medical Research that have been in place for several years ban reproductive human cloning.
As Wilson clone of Moynihan
In America Wilson is portrayed a political clone of Moynihan. Whatever differences exist between Moynihan and Wilson, the factor of overriding importance is that both reputiated race based politics and race based public policy.
In India Left is the clone of Congress. Whatever differences exist between them, the factor of overriding importance is that both are Indianless. PM accepts that his leader is in 10 Janpath. It means UPA government is without head. Left’s head is also in China. After marriage both were in honeymoon whcich is now wounded. Instead of soaring, loving couple is flapping. Without wing couple can walk instead of flying. One head was in the tour of West and represented India in UNO on Oct 2 to insult Mahata Gandhi. Second head of East (China) is enjoying seeing nude birds.
Nuke Deal nukes honeymoon of Congress and Left
Naxal Maoists are the clones of Lefteft Parties
Congress in the leadership of Sonia Gandhi is a clone of CPM and Naxal Maoists are the clones of Lefteft Parties to push India towards civilwar as they did in Nepal. They support Naxal Maoist by rallying themselves against ‘Sava Judum’ in Chhattisgarh and hide their creation clones to publicize the presence of Maoist in Nandigram. The same trick is also of Congress. Congress opposes CPM on the issue of Nandigram in West Bengal but support them in the issue of Salva Judum. L K Advani rightly describes that CPI-M has declred war on India.
Congress and Left present their dual faces in every issue to misguide people.
Should Maoist Terrorist friendly represent India in UNO?
Sharad and Lalu
Farmers' suicides are not only related to their farming difficulties, Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar said on Nov 13, 07. He said a study group had recently done some 'in-depth research on the question of farmers' suicides'.
Lau investigated through his Banerjee Commission that Rambhakt Karsevaks burnt them in the Sambarmati Express compartment. Pawar is on the path of Lalu.
Sanjha chulha to burn ‘He ram’ in Gujarat
Vaghela vs Rumsfeld
According to the Post, Rumsfeld contended that Muslims avoid "physical labor." He expressed the belief that oil wealth removed Muslims "from the reality of work, effort and investment that leads to wealth for the rest of the world." His memo said, "Too often Muslims are against physical labor, so they bring in Koreans and Pakistanis while their young people remain unemployed." Rumsfeld also warned, "An unemployed population is easy to recruit to radicalism."
James Watson, a Nobel Prize winner for his part in discovering the structure of DNA, claimed in an interview in The Sunday Times on Oct 17, 2007 that black people are less intelligent than white people.
Who is in India more racist than Noble Prized James Watson?
The Union textile minister shankarshingh vaghela is undeclared Congress candidate for CM of Gujart. He commented in Sept 07 that vidarbha farmers were lazy.
Maharashtra chief minister vilasrao deshmukh marched one step more to say that vidarbha cotton farmers were dishonest.
Army & farmer do suicides but not politicians! All jehadi & naxals be freed to make bodyguards of seculars! Leaders are with tomato faces & people in potato faces?
Why does not progress for cloning of martyrism?
* Opposite to this in India there is tremendous progress in political cloning to kill dermocratic norm, soul of the Constitution, unitiy and sovereignty of India.
Why is hesitation to create test-tube patriotism?
Indian researchers in government and private institutions have been urging authorities to allow them to create test-tube human embryos for research, the council hasn’t agreed to the demand. “Scientists are asking for this, but we’ll need a wider debate on this issue,” the official said.
* Why is there is no urge by ministers and bueacrats of Indian Government and political leaders to establish institutions to create test-tube patriotism embryos for encouraging patriotism and nationalism instead of fake secularism, local supports for terrorism, separatists, insurgent groups and infiltrations.
Why does not progress in India for cloning of patriotism of Tilak, Savarkar, Subhash Bose, Bhagat Sinh and other martyrs?
For instance read a report published in TOI few days back. UPSC has unwittingly triggered a debate on whether the legendary martyr should be called a "revolutionary terrorist"In the general studies paper of UPSC's civil services exam, held on October 26, candidates were asked to evaluate the contribution of "revolutionary terrorism represented by Bhagat Singh".
US Church cheers Gay’s death vs Ravan Funeral & Kargil Martyrs
Congress and Left victim of Schizophrenia
Congress and left are habitual to spread their disease of schizophrnia. Sympoms of Schizophrnia is also found in Indo US Nuke deal.PM says again and again the N-Deal is on the national interest against the opinion of parliament. Schizophrenia is a mental disease which manifests itself in the activites of the mind. The disease makes it difficult for a person to tell the difference between real and unreal experiences.
Infetious schizophrenia of Nuke Deal and………………..
Congress and Left are clones of Goebbels
There is complete u-turn by left on Nuke deal as reported by pioneer to kep all in dark. The Left may have agreed to allow the UPA Government in approaching the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on the India-US nuclear deal but its fundamental opposition on not operationalising the deal remained and the Congress was not hopeful of any major breakthrough in the offing.
Is Congress not on sale?
Every time Congress is ready to be auctioned at the four square of opportunitism.
There is also another report according to that coming AICC session in the backdrop of the Indo-US nuclear deal should send a clear signal to the Muslim world that Congress cares for it and has "not been sold to America". Former Union Minister Ram Niwas Mirdha said such a message was needed to be given in view of the elections as the growing friendship with US was being wrongly seen by the Muslim community.
Is this not minoritism and opportunitism?
Triple Bomb blasted salute to three years of UPA
Creating Gandhi clones to misuse
There is a cloning of ‘Gandhi’ word. Openly leaders are misuning this word to make clones of it. Gandhism become Gandhigiri.
Fauji General Musharraf may be called big brother of Indira to declare emergency in Pakitan! Congress has now no words to oppose this. Indian government is cool cool and calm calm. What happended in Thailand and Bangladesh? Who supports Maoist in Nepal? Junta of Myanmar gunned down monks! What type of democracy is in China which Sonia wants to learn? Defense Minister Antony wants friendly neighbors! All these dictators are friendly neighbors as desired by the Defense Minister of India’s Narcossistic Govt. in the leadership of Sonia Gandhi.
Dictator Neighbors & Warning bells
By Premendra Agrawal
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