Friday, November 30, 2007

Cry Wolf Film and Narcissistic Dynasty

Beware of false wolf-leadership in sheep’s clothing

* Congress president Sonia Gandhi in her election campaign of Gujarat castigated the Bharatiya Janata Party for “shamelessly” dragging the name of Lord Ram into politicsto seek votes in his name.
* Ms. Gandhi called the BJP a “chameleon party” that kept changing its colour to suit its political requirements and criticised it for mixing religion with politics.

The above statement is a sign of narcissistic leadership in the sheep’s clothing. "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves."

Cry Wolf (2005) movie should not be copied in Gujarat now

Cry_Wolf is a murder mystery 2005 film directed by Jeff Wadlow, after winning a million dollars at a 2002 Chrysler Film Competition.

In the new teen thriller "Cry_Wolf", eight unsuspecting high school seniors playing a game of lies come face-to-face with terror and learn that nobody believes a liar... even when they're telling the truth.After one too many incidents of bad behavior at his last school, Owen Matthews (Julian Morris) arrives at Westlake Prep – where a young woman has recently been found murdered in the dark woods near the boarding school's campus. Owen quickly falls in with the school's unofficial "liars' club," including the beautiful and savvy Dodger (Lindy Booth of "Dawn of the Dead" and "Wrong Turn") and quick-talking, short-tempered Tom (Jared Padalecki of the new TV series "Supernatural"). At Owen's suggestion, his new friends decide to expand their game's reach beyond campus,

By spreading an online rumor that a serial killer called "The Wolf" committed a recent murder and is planning to strike again, a mischievous group of friends create a description of "The Wolf's" intended victims who are based on the people they know best--each other. When the described "victims" suddenly start to disappear, the group is no longer able to determine where the lies end and the truth begins. As someone, or something, starts hunting the players themselves, the game turns terrifyingly real.

Who get daily bread to evoke the minority?

Goebbels championed the technique of repeating a Big Lie again and again until people believe it. He is a propaganda minister of Hitler. Mussolini was the follower of Hitler. Sonia Maino’s father was the follower of Mussolini. This chain of dictrial heirs is active in India now.

Asking bread, giving stones by Congress

Following contents are well known to the Christians:
Between Luke and Matthew's version of the monologue three metaphors are given, presumably since they are relevant:
When a man asks for bread you are unlikely to give him a stone - given by Matthew
When a man asks for fish you are unlikely to give him a serpent - given by Matthew and Luke
When a man asks for an egg you are unlikely to give him a scorpion- given by Luke
Kalank is Jihadi Chakravyuh to kill Unity and Peace of Gujarat

Sonia Gandhi tries to hide the sin of Indian Minister of Tourism and Culture Ambika Soni and Shiping Minister Baalu. Intentionally Sonia Gandhi forgot the truth that Ramjiv Gandh initiated his election campaign from Ayodya to grab the votes of Hindus in the name of Ram. Before this he played minority card to dishonor the Supreme Court’s order on Shah Bano case.

Openong the gate of Ram-Lala and Ramdrohi Affidavit

Lock and gate of Ram-Lala was opened on the order of Rajiv Gandhi. Who die politics on Ram? Non Hindu Ambika Soni-a is lthe bodyguard of ‘Rajniti ki Chal’ for Christian Sonia Gandhi. On her order Ramdrohi affideavit was filed in the Supreme Court aiming to ruin the Ram Sethu. Who are doing politics on Ram? Anti-Ram and Non Hindu media hide the truth to blame the Hindu organizations as they do time to time. Is this journalism?
Ram Ravan War: Ram vs Nehru Gandhi Dynasty

Rahul Gandh learns Narcissism

I write here with facts. Indian voters since Pt Nehru time are being made fool by the Liars of Nehru-Gandhi dynasty. So after Sonia Gandhi now her son Rahul Gandhi said: “Had anyone from the Gandhi family been active then, it would not have happened at all. I have heard my father telling my mother that he would have stood in front of the Masjid to protect it,” Rahul said in Deoband on March 20.
Rahul Gandhi slaps Non-Gandhi PMs

Rahul roadshow start with Babri to insult Narsimha Rao

Some of the mist over Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's promise of "fair share" for minorities in government jobs could be lifting. Congress on Nov 13 took ownership of proposals for quota benefits for Dalit Muslims and Christians aired by two senior Congress leaders A R Antulay and Veerappa Moily. Even Rahul Gandhi statted his roadshows by giving visit to Deoband as his father Rajiv wanted votes to dishonor SC on Shahbano Case and after that wanted votes of Hindus to statt campaign from Ayodhya
Allahabad HC said Muslims not minorities in UP: TN Andhra for Religious Quota

Is filing Ramdrohi affidavit ‘Swaraj’?

Is leadership of Italian origin and Italian born means ‘swaraj’ of Tilak? Is ruining of Ram Sethu ‘Swaraj’? Is filing Ramdrohi affidavit ‘Swaraj’? It is unfortunate that in India the undemocratic unethical force of dynasty defeats the self-made personalities. Personalities with Indian root, struggle with foreign made products. It takes shape now Ram Vs Anti-Ram or Ram Ravan War.
Dynastic Rahul Vs Dynamic Dhoni

Quit India II

Situation in India now is the same as it was in ‘Quit India’ and ‘Simon go back’ of 1928 movement. Hindu influenced parties got an excellent opportunity to moblize people against the culprit of Ramdrohi affidavit, which was a link to ruin Ram Sethu.
Gandhi vs Sonia in UNO: Bofors to Ramdrohi Affidavit

Jihad against Ram

Sonia Gandhi in joyous mood to know the attack on Ram by DMK. In happy mood she has telephonic talked to Baallu,” "We will not be cowed down by threats and continue to work for the people.” Atonce there after press release of DMK says, "Everybody should fight untidily against communal forces," who is more communal in India than Sonia, her Congress and her ally DMK Left? Can still media say that Sonia is innocent?
Is still doubt about the main conspirator behind the Ramdrohi Affidavit? Target Soni Sonia instead of pawn DMK.
Christian Jehad of Congress against Ram


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