Friday, November 30, 2007

Church head of England lauds British Raj?

World Anglican leader, UK Church head Dr Rowan Williams
Church head of England is the founder of 'Centre for the Study of Christianity and Sexuality'. When he became Archbishop, homosexuality has been the cause of recent criticism by fellow priests. Several years ago he employed a gay priest Jeffrey John as Bishop of Reading he knew to be living in a homosexual relationship. It is this, coupled with his conviction that the Church should reassess its approach to faithful gay partnerships that has alarmed conservative evangelicals.

Rowan Williams is hard of hearing in one of his ears and the first Archbishop for many generations to have children of school age. He is unable to drive vehile but want to drive wold politically to ride on unspartual ways.

Church head of England an enemy of India

Dr Rowan Williams has launched an extraordinary defence of the British Raj, saying it was benign to India compared with cack-handed American neo-imperialism in Iraq. Dr Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, who officially leads nearly 80 million Anglicans worldwide, told a British Muslim lifestyle magazine that the British experiment in India was an example of caring colonialism.

Where are NRI Lords and Kamlesh Sharma?

From London Lord Meghnad Desai can criticize Narendra Modi but he is mum on the Anti-India Pro British Rule in India statement of UK Church head. Kamlesh Sharma newly elected General Secretary of Common Weatth, 10 Janpath Loyalist blind follower of Sonia Gandhi intentionally overlooked the said statement. Interestingly as an ambassador he inaugurated the nude painting exhibition of MF Hussain to please Christian Sonia.
Taslima vs MF Hussain Kamlesh Sharma

Why does Sonia shut her mouth?

Sonia had spread hate at London against NDA Govt of that time? But now she shuts her outh and shy to criticize Williams.
Sonia Gandhi said at London in the function organized by a Muslim organization related to the brother of Osama Bin Laden that NDA Govt. was governed by Hindu fundamentalists. Defamed in Gujarat Teesta Seetalvad guided Sonia at that function.
He killed body; they kill soul of Gandhi

Sonia on the footsteps of Williams

In his one interview to BBC he said Prince Charles should not become defender of all faiths rather than just Christianity when he becomes King, the Archbishop of Canterbury has insisted. Dr Rowan Williams also said his coronation should be a Christian rather than a multi-faith service.

It means Williams has no repect to other faiths. It means he wants to see whole world under the umbrella of Chrisitity. So, Christianan Missonaries did and do the forceful conversion by fraudulent meas.

Is Sonia Gandhi adverse of the above version? She facilitates slowly and slowly Christian Missionaries for converting Hindus and Muslims in Christianity in India. Coin of Rs two with Christian Cross, three days morn in the death of Pope, Padmshree to Glady Staines, Benny Hinn healing touch program in Bangalore with the help of that time Congress CM Adharm of Karnataka, filing of Ramdrohi Affidavit in the Supreme Court and determination of the destruction of Ram Sethu in the direction of Christian Sonia Gandhi besides other Anti-Hindu Muslim are the examples of the Vatican City-ism.
Import of Vatican City-ism in India

Dr. Manmohan Singh follows Dr Dr Rowan Williams

Rowan Williams was born in 1950 and was brought up in Swansea, where his father was a mining engineer. His academic ability became apparent at an early age, and he went from grammar school to Cambridge, and then to Oxford for his doctorate.

Dr. Manmohan Singh was also obtained his doctorate from Oxford and he studied at Cambridge.

Catching up the tail of foreigners

The founders of The Hindu newspaper were anglophiles. In an editorial of 1894, The Hindu held that British rule had been beneficial to Indian people. To follow this Manmohan Singh praised British rule in India at the time of accepting honorary Doctorate degree from Oxford University, London on July 8, 2005.

Sonia Manmohan vs APJ Kalam

As a chief guest of the Jamia Millia Islamia's convocation the President A.P.J. Kalam quoted Macaulay's 1835 speech in British Parliament, 'I do not think we would ever conquer this country (India), unless we break the very backbone of this nation, which is her spiritual and cultural heritage, and, therefore, I propose that we replace her old and ancient education system, her culture, for if the Indians think that all that is foreign and English is good and greater than their own, they will lose their self-esteem, their native self-culture and they will become what we want them, a truly dominated nation.'"

Historian Victor Davis Hanson vs Secular Historian of India

Historian Victor Davis Hanson writes in National Review, “I suggest that the Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams read a little history about the British experience in India before he offers politically-correct but historically laughable sermons like the one he gave to a Muslim "lifestyle" magazine. Are secular historians of India in coma?

America vs British: Williams

Comparing the British and American empires he said America in Iraq had tried a "short burst of violent action" in an attempt to "clear the decks", whereas, in comparison, Britain in India had "poured in resources" to try and normalise the country.

Leftist Williams

Williams was a member of the left-wing Anglo-Catholic Jubilee Group headed by Father Kenneth Leech.
He did his doctoral work on Vladimir Lossky, the famous Russian Orthodox theologian of the early-mid 20th century
He is under the grip of Russian idealogy as Sonia’s father Stefano Maino had become the lover of Russian culture af the time of his prioniong there.

Maino never harbored any grouse or anger against his Russian captors. Rather, Sonia's father Stefano Maino fell in love with Russian culture and literature, government-run RIA Novosti reported pointing that all his daughters including Sonia (Antonio Maino) have Russian names and Sonia can also speak a little Russian.
India's Sovereignty is mortgaged to Italy

Why William in Muslim Life Style Magazine Emel

Williams has subsequently worked with Muslim leaders in England, and on the third anniversary of 9/11 spoke, by invitation, at the al-Azhar al-Sharif Institute in Cairo on the subject of the Trinity. He stated that the followers of the will of God should not be led into ways of violence.
Dr Williams Muslims says against America to please Muslims. His interview was conducted by Sarah Joseph, a white English convert to Islam who edits Emel.

Here is a comment: How can Williams omit England’s bloody and murderous past. Well their should be the spirits' of some 2,000,000 Carribian Natives that had their hands chopped off by the Church of England led quest for Gold, visiting mr. williams tonight! If they could would they take Mr. William hands with them when they leave him? Would the 12,000,000 Russian Peasants the good old England slaughtered in its attempts to strip mine Russia say “benevolent” as a term for England’s past foreign policies? Not too likely from my perspective! Nor do I believe the Peoples of India would invite Good Old England to do it one more time! I’d guess they say, 'we were raped also!'. Mr. William is correct in his criticisms of the lil pundit, but he sure twists his past!

By Predmendra Agrawal


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