Sunday, March 04, 2007

Poem and article: Astrologer predicts wrong, faces court; But why not Leaders

Tags: Poem Court Tricolor Saffron Flag Astrologer Tamil Nadu Vatican Election Democracy Uttar Pradesh Vote Nehru Indira UPA Manmohan Nishab Batuk Noida Indian Appeasement Religious Congress Muslim Minority;

Hello I know you got a nose;
Which is different from others?
Are Leaders of false promises not belonging to Vatican City? Batuk Chaudharies and Nishabds; In 2006 CNN-IBN predicted Sonia PM two times!

Hello I know you got a nose
Which is different from others?

I salute tricolor
I salute saffron flag
I never salute your leader
Hello I know you got a body
Which is different from immortal?

I worship mother land
I worship sun doing Namaskar
I never bow before your leader
Hello I know you got a nose
Which you cut by false promise?

I trust sea and sun
I trust the winds that blow
I never trust your leader
Hello I know you got a life
Which depends on sea sun wind?

I trust I love theseI know that these trust saves
Me and my nation
Without nation
Where are you your party and leader?

I vote other than you
I move to sing a new song
I make nude your false politics
Hello I know you grabbed power
Which can be fired by public anger?

I hate politics of lying
I hate killer of democracy
I know you are elder of serial killers
Hello I know misleaders misdeeds
Which is known by public now?

I have hearted by you
I am now with broken heart
I know you are great by lying
Hello I know healing the wounds
Which is the way as doctors do?

Do not make false promises
Do not paint false dreams
Do not create mountain of falsehood
Hello I know you have no control on prices
Which is climbed on the mountain now?

Astrologer predicts long life for dead man
As reported on March 4 in Sirkazhi of Madurai in Tamil Nadu an astrologer has been charged with cheating a client by predicting a long life for a man who died in 2003.
The complainant Gopalakrishnan decided to test Sivasamy of Vaitheeswarankovil in Tamil Nadhu after his own astrological reading struck him as false. Sivasamy practices a form of fortune-telling based on palm leaf manuscripts left by the Tamil saint Agasthiyar. The manuscript with predictions for a particular person is located based on the thumb impression.
Gopal Krishnan gave his thumb impresson to the astrologer. The astrologer picked up a manuscript and read out the predictions. The predictions were also given in writing on payment of Rs.2,000. But, the predictions were false, he claimed.
As a test case, he then gave the thumb impression of a person, who died in 2003, to the astrologer and paid the fee. The astrologer gave in writing that the person, whose thumb impression was given, would have a long life.
A magistrate has scheduled a hearing March 21
Why does court not summon who predict for Sonia
Congress sponsored foreign funded CNN-IBN has made Sonia Gandhi PM of India two times in the previous year and on Feb 13 has given majority to the Congress in the Punjab poll. The NDTV is not behind in this false propaganda.

Are Leaders of false promises belonging to Vatican City?
There are so many frauds which are done by leaders. Such as they encourage heir cadres to vote on behalf of the dead persons whose name are in voting list. Even these killers of democracy do the vote in the name of others and thus real voters loose their voting rights.
There is a news report: During its ongoing revision and updating of electoral rolls of poll-bound Uttar Pradesh, the Election Commission has purged the names of a whooping 2.5 million dead voters from the voters' list.
Leaders make false promises just to get votes, and hence not serious about the scheme to fulfill their promises. When the right to live with dignity is denied to millions, the Millennium Development Goals are a million miles away from the poorest of the poor
Pt Nehru on the midnight of Aug 14, 1947
“At the stoke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom…The service of India means the service of the millions who suffer. It means ending of poverty and ignorance and disease and the inequality of opportunity…. So long as there are tears and suffering, so long our work will not be over…
Jawaharal Nehru, August 14, 1947

Batuk Chaudharies and Nishabds
Millions children are being kidnapped. India has become the hub for International Organs trading. Honor of girls and women is being raped not only by Noida’s Mohinder and Surinder but also by so called Batuk Chaudharies and Nishabds. Media and power grabbers are encouraging them to ruin our Indian culture.

Election manifestos a part of the democracy ritual
Millions of children die in ‘free’ India . Millions go to bed hungry every day. Promises are broken, rights are violated and freedom gets postponed. Right to live with dignity is denied to millions, the Millennium Development Goals are a million miles away from the poorest of the poor. So are the National Development Goals envisaged by the Five-Year Plans. In this land of unprecedented GDP growth promises to the poor are meant to be broken. Even after 60 years Since Independent India’s first Prime Minister Pt Nehru especially since his daughter Indira Gandhi’s Garibi Hatao (banish poverty) promises, public policy in the country is littered with unimplemented schemes. Election manifestos and promises have become a part of the democracy ritual, to be kept in deep freeze till the next elections.

Appeasement and religious divide policy
Congress has ruled the country for more than 50 years since Independence. What has it done for uplifting the minority? Congress used them as a milking cow for votes in return for promises galore of a better deal. Post Independence, Nehru increasingly politicized religious energy. At the height of his popularity he never got more than 43.6 per cent of the popular mandate in the general elections. Of this, the Muslim vote constituted 12 to 15 per cent of the total Congress vote, the largest block it received in the first few general elections.

Creating Mallipurams all over India
Pt Nehru’s daughter Indira quietly acquiesced in the carving of a separate Muslim majority district of Mallipuram in Kerala by the CPM Government of the State to keep its nationwide vote bank intact. Now the same is the intention of UPA. Manmohan Singh government is going to marking majority Muslim living districts to bribe them for getting votes.

Religious based reservation to divide Indians
The reason why the Congress came out in favor of a reservation policy on religious basis in the Common Minimum Program of the UPA Government and why Sonia chose to play footsore with the Jamiat-ul-Ulema not so long back. Even today, the Prime Minister's job offer was clearly aimed at enabling the Congress to wean the minority vote bank back to its fold.

UPA regime has failed on all fronts
United Progressive Alliance (UPA) Government has failed on all fronts whether it is price rise, unemployment, small scale industries, farmers' suicide, internal security or foreign policy this government had utterly failed. Election results of Local bodies in UP and Maharashtra, Assembly election results of Punjab and Uttarakhand says the truth of UPA’s failure.
The only area in which the UPA excelled was that of corruption and referred to fugitive Italian businessman Ottavio Quattrocchi with regard to the Bofors scam, oil-for-food programme for Iraq, Scorpene deal, Balco disinvestment and Navy war room leak
The prices of even essential commodities were touching the sky, the unemployment register continued to grow, and small-scale and cottage industries were facing closure. Besides, there was a spurt in farmers' suicides during the period.
On the internal security front, the situation was miserable with Naxalism spreading its wings in several parts of the country, and ISI activities and infiltration from the Bangladesh border increasing.
The government had almost “mortgaged” the foreign policy to the US and western powers and “surrendered to the Maoism

By Premendra Agrawal


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