World Map of Happiness: University of Leicester Survey
This is the first map to illustrate international differences in happiness. India comes 125th out of 178 countries less happy among its neighbors except Pakistan. Spirituality Vs Marxism Capitalism
The World Map of Happiness:
The projection, which is to be published in a psychology journal this September, will be presented at a conference later in the year. Participants in the various studies were asked questions related to happiness and satisfaction with life. The meta-analysis is based on the findings of over 100 different studies around the world, which questioned 80,000 people worldwide. For this study data has also been analysed in relation to health, wealth and access to education.
This map is presented by presented by Adrian White,Analytic Social Psychologist, University of Leicester. The map is based on an analysis of the results from over 100studies. It uses data published by by UNESCO, the CIA, the New Economics Foundation, the WHO, the Beethoven Database, the Latin barometer, the Afro barometer, and the UNHDR.
"There is increasing political interest in using measures of
happiness as a national indicator in conjuntion with measures of
wealth. A recent BBC survey found that 81% of the population think
the Government should focus on making us happier rather than
Health Wealth Education
"Further analysis showed that a nation's level of happiness was
most closely associated with health levels (correlation of .62),
followed by wealth (.52), and then provision of education (.51)."
"The three predictor variables of health, wealth and education were
also very closely associated with each other, illustrating the
interdependence of these factors."
Hindutva way of life Vs Capitalism and Marxism
As per my opinion we have come among less happier because we have weighted much to Capitalism and Marxism way of life instead of Hinduism way of life which denotes spirituality instead of materialism.
China 82nd and Russia 167th it is interesting to note that Marxism is not the correct road of happiness.
There is a belief that capitalism leads to unhappy people.
However, when people are asked if they are happy with their lives,
people in countries with good healthcare, a higher GDP per
captia, and access to education were much more likely to report
being happy.
The frustrations of modern life, and the anxieties of the age, seem
to be much less significant compared to the health, financial and
educational needs in other parts of the World. The current concern
with happiness levels in the UK may well be a case of the 'worried
Why does West see India’s Vedic Ancient Life?:
Adrian White said: "The concept of happiness, or satisfaction with life, is currently a major area of research in economics and psychology, most closely associated with new developments in positive psychology. Political interest in happiness has not diminished in modern times. A recent survey (Easton, 2006) found that 81% of the UK population agreed that the Government’s primary objective should be the creation of happiness not wealth. Earlier this year David Cameron, HM Leader of the Opposition, put happiness firmly on the political agenda by arguing that “It’s time we admitted that there’s more to life than money, and it’s time we focused not just on GDP, but on GWB – general well-being" (BBC, 2006).
World Happiness League Table
SWL Ranking is each country's position in the international ranking
of happiness
Country SWL Ranking (1) SWL Index (2) Life Expectancy (3) GDP per
capita (4) Access to education score (5)
Albania 157 153.33 73.8 4.9 75.8
Algeria 134 173.33 71.1 7.2 66.9
Angola 149 160 40.8 3.2 .
Antigua And Barbuda 16 246.67 73.9 11 .
Argentina 56 226.67 74.5 13.1 93.7
Armenia 172 123.33 71.5 4.5 .
Australia 26 243.33 80.3 31.9 .
Austria 3 260 79 32.7 99.1
Azerbaijan 144 163.33 66.9 4.8 80.2
Bahamas 5 256.67 69.7 20.2 .
Bahrain 33 240 74.3 23 102
Bangladesh 104 190 62.8 2.1 53.7
Barbados 27 243.33 75 17 101.1
Belarus 170 133.33 68.1 6.9 94.2
Belgium 28 243.33 78.9 31.4 145.4
Belize 48 230 71.9 6.8 71.6
Benin 122 180 54 1.1 21.8
Bhutan 8 253.33 62.9 1.4 .
Bolivia 117 183.33 64.1 2.9 .
Bosnia & Herze 137 170 74.2 6.8 .
Botswana 123 180 36.3 10.5 81.8
Brazil 81 210 70.5 8.4 103.2
Brunei Darussalam 9 253.33 76.4 23.6 .
Bulgaria 164 143.33 72.2 9.6 92
Burkina Faso 152 156.67 47.5 1.3 10
Burma 130 176.67 60.2 1.7 .
Burundi 178 100 43.6 0.7 .
Cambodia 110 186.67 56.2 2.2 17.3
Cameroon 138 170 45.8 2.4 .
Canada 10 253.33 80 34 102.6
CapeVerdi 100 193.33 70.4 6.2 .
Central African Republic 145 163.33 39.3 1.1 .
Chad 159 150 43.6 1.5 11.5
Chile 71 216.67 77.9 11.3 87.5
China 82 210 71.6 6.8 62.8
Columbi 34 240 72.4 7.9 70.9
Comoros 97 196.67 63.2 0.6 .
Congo Democratic 176 110 43.1 0.7 18.4
CongoRepublic 105 190 52 1.3 .
Costa Rica 13 250 78.2 11.1 50.9
Croatia 98 196.67 75 11.6 .
Cuba 83 210 77.3 3.5 .
Cyprus 49 230 78.6 7.14 .
CzechRepublic 77 213.33 75.6 19.5 87.9
Denmark 1 273.33 77.2 34.6 .
Dijbouti 150 160 52.8 1.3 14.7
Dominica 29 243.33 75.6 5.5 .
Dominican Republic 42 233.33 67.2 7 .
Ecuador 111 186.67 74.3 4.3 56.7
Egypt 151 160 69.8 3.9 .
El Salvador 61 220 70.9 4.7 49.8
Equitorial Guinea 135 173.33 43.3 50.2 .
Eritrea 162 146.67 53.8 1 28.2
Estonia 139 170 71.3 16.7 107
Ethiopia 153 156.67 47.6 0.9 5.2
Fiji 57 223.33 67.8 6 .
Finland 6 256.67 78.5 30.9 124.5
France 62 220 79.5 29.9 108.7
Gabon 88 206.67 54.5 6.8 54.4
Gambia 106 190 55.7 1.9 27
Georgia 169 136.67 70.5 3.3 77.7
Germany 35 240 78.7 30.4 99
Ghana 89 206.67 56.8 2.5 37.3
Greece 84 210 78.3 22.2 94.6
Grenada 72 216.67 65.3 5 .
Guatemala 43 233.33 67.3 4.7 32.7
Guinea 140 170 53.7 2 .
Guinea-Bissau 124 180 44.7 0.8 20.4
Guyana 36 240 63.1 4.6 81
Haiti 118 183.33 51.6 1.7 .
Honduras 37 240 67.8 2.9 .
Hong Kong 63 220 81.6 32.9 .
Hungary 107 190 72.7 16.3 98.6
Iceland 4 260 80.7 35.6 108.8
India 125 180 63.3 3.3 49.9
Indonesia 64 220 66.8 3.6 .
Iran 96 200 70.4 8.3 80
Ireland 11 253.33 77.7 41 123.1
Israel 58 223.33 79.7 24.6 93
Italy 50 230 80.1 29.2 92.8
Ivory Coast 160 150 45.9 1.6 21.7
Jamaica 44 233.33 70.8 4.4 83.6
Japan 90 206.67 82 31.5 102.1
Jordan 141 170 71.3 4.7 87.7
Kazakhstan 101 193.33 63.2 8.2 87
Kenya 112 186.67 47.2 1.1 .
Kuwait 38 240 76.9 19.2 55.6
Kyrgyzstan 65 220 66.8 2.1 83
Laos 126 180 54.7 1.9 35.6
Latvia 154 156.67 71.6 13.2 88.9
Lebanon 113 186.67 72 6.2 78.2
Lesotho 165 143.33 36.3 2.5 28
Libya 108 190 73.6 11.4 .
Lithuania 155 156.67 72.3 13.7 93.4
Luxembourg 12 253.33 78.5 55.6 95.3
Macedonia 146 163.33 73.8 7.8 .
Madagascar 103 193.33 55.4 0.9 .
Malawi 158 153.33 39.7 0.6 .
Malaysia 17 246.67 73.2 12.1 98.8
Maldives 66 220 66.6 3.9 42.7
Mali 131 176.67 47.9 1.2 15
Malta 14 250 78.4 19.9 90.4
Mauritania 132 176.67 52.7 2.2 .
Mauritius 73 216.67 72.2 13.1 107.3
Mexico 51 230 75.1 10 73.4
Moldova 175 116.67 67.7 1.8 .
Mongolia 59 223.33 64 1.9 64.4
Morocco 114 186.67 69.7 4.2 39.3
Mozambique 127 180 41.9 1.3 13.9
Namibia 74 216.67 48.3 7 59.8
Nepal 119 183.33 61.6 1.4 53.9
Netherlands 15 250 78.4 30.5 124.1
New Zealand 18 246.67 79.1 25.2 112.9
Nicaragua 85 210 69.7 2.9 .
Niger 161 150 44.4 0.9 .
Nigeria 120 183.33 43.4 1.4 .
Norway 19 246.67 79.4 42.3 117
Oman 30 243.33 74.1 13.2 67.8
Pakistan 166 143.33 63 2.4 39
Palestine 128 180 72.5 5.8 80.7
Panama 39 240 74.8 7.2 68.7
Papua New Guinea 86 210 55.3 2.6 21.2
Paraguay 75 216.67 71 4.9 56.9
Peru 115 186.67 70 5.9 80.8
Philippines 78 213.33 70.4 5.1 75.9
Poland 99 196.67 74.3 13.3 .
Portugal 92 203.33 77.2 19.3 112
Qatar 45 233.33 72.8 27.4 92.4
Romania 136 173.33 71.3 8.2 80.2
Russia 167 143.33 65.3 11.1 81.9
Rwanda 163 146.67 43.9 1.5 12.1
Samoa Western 52 230 70.2 5.8 76
Sao Tome And Prinicpe 60 223.33 63 1.2 .
Saudi Arabia 31 243.33 71.8 12.8 68.5
Senegal 116 186.67 55.7 1.8 19.5
Seychelles 20 246.67 72.7 7.8 .
Sierra Leone 143 166.67 40.8 0.8 23.9
Singapore 53 230 78.7 28.1 .
Slovakia 129 180 74 16.1 86.6
Slovenia 67 220 76.4 21.6 98.8
Soloman Islands 54 230 62.3 1.7 .
South Africa 109 190 48.4 12 90.2
South Korea 102 193.33 77 20.4 97.4
Spain 46 233.33 79.5 25.5 112.8
Sri Lanka 93 203.33 74 4.3 .
St Kitts And Nevis 21 246.67 70 8.8 .
St Lucia 47 233.33 72.4 5.4 94.3
St Vincent And The Grenadines 40 240 71.1 2.9 .
Sudan 173 120 56.4 2.1 28.8
Suriname 32 243.33 69.1 4.1 50.7
Swaziland 168 140 32.5 5 .
Sweden 7 256.67 80.2 29.8 152.8
Switzerland 2 273.33 80.5 32.3 99.9
Syria 142 170 73.3 3.9 42
Taiwan 68 220 76.1 27.6 .
Tajikistan 94 203.33 63.6 1.2 76
Tanzania 121 183.33 46 0.7 5.31
Thailand 76 216.67 70 8.3 79
Timor-Leste 69 220 65.5 0.4 .
Togo 147 163.33 54.3 1.7 .
Tonga 70 220 72.2 2.3 .
Trinidad And Tobago 55 230 69.9 16.7 78.4
Tunisia 79 213.33 73.3 8.3 74.6
Turkey 133 176.67 68.7 8.2 .
Turkmenistan 171 133.33 62.4 8 .
UAE 22 246.67 78 43.4 74.4
Uganda 156 156.67 47.3 1.8 .
Ukraine 174 120 66.1 7.2 92.8
United Kingdom 41 236.67 78.4 30.3 157.2
Uruguay 87 210 75.4 9.6 91.6
USA 23 246.67 77.4 41.8 94.6
Uzbekistan 80 213.33 66.5 1.8 .
Vanuate 24 246.67 68.6 2.9 28.5
Venzuela 25 246.67 72.9 6.1 .
Vietnam 95 203.33 70.5 2.8 64.6
Yemen 91 206.67 60.6 0.9 .
Zambia 148 163.33 37.5 0.9 25.5
Zimbabwe 177 110 36.9 2.3 45.3
1. SWL (satisfaction with life) rating calculated from data
published by New Economics Foundation (2006).
2. SWL (satisfaction with life) index calculated from data
published by New Economics Foundation (2006).
3. Life Expectancy from UN Human Development Report (2003)
4. GDP per capita from figure published by the CIA (2006),
figure in US$.
5. Access to secondary education rating from UNESCO (2002)
6. Happiest 20 countries among 178 are marked in blue color
7. Other notable countries are marked in red color
By Premendra Agrawal
The World Map of Happiness:
The projection, which is to be published in a psychology journal this September, will be presented at a conference later in the year. Participants in the various studies were asked questions related to happiness and satisfaction with life. The meta-analysis is based on the findings of over 100 different studies around the world, which questioned 80,000 people worldwide. For this study data has also been analysed in relation to health, wealth and access to education.
This map is presented by presented by Adrian White,Analytic Social Psychologist, University of Leicester. The map is based on an analysis of the results from over 100studies. It uses data published by by UNESCO, the CIA, the New Economics Foundation, the WHO, the Beethoven Database, the Latin barometer, the Afro barometer, and the UNHDR.
"There is increasing political interest in using measures of
happiness as a national indicator in conjuntion with measures of
wealth. A recent BBC survey found that 81% of the population think
the Government should focus on making us happier rather than
Health Wealth Education
"Further analysis showed that a nation's level of happiness was
most closely associated with health levels (correlation of .62),
followed by wealth (.52), and then provision of education (.51)."
"The three predictor variables of health, wealth and education were
also very closely associated with each other, illustrating the
interdependence of these factors."
Hindutva way of life Vs Capitalism and Marxism
As per my opinion we have come among less happier because we have weighted much to Capitalism and Marxism way of life instead of Hinduism way of life which denotes spirituality instead of materialism.
China 82nd and Russia 167th it is interesting to note that Marxism is not the correct road of happiness.
There is a belief that capitalism leads to unhappy people.
However, when people are asked if they are happy with their lives,
people in countries with good healthcare, a higher GDP per
captia, and access to education were much more likely to report
being happy.
The frustrations of modern life, and the anxieties of the age, seem
to be much less significant compared to the health, financial and
educational needs in other parts of the World. The current concern
with happiness levels in the UK may well be a case of the 'worried
Why does West see India’s Vedic Ancient Life?:
Adrian White said: "The concept of happiness, or satisfaction with life, is currently a major area of research in economics and psychology, most closely associated with new developments in positive psychology. Political interest in happiness has not diminished in modern times. A recent survey (Easton, 2006) found that 81% of the UK population agreed that the Government’s primary objective should be the creation of happiness not wealth. Earlier this year David Cameron, HM Leader of the Opposition, put happiness firmly on the political agenda by arguing that “It’s time we admitted that there’s more to life than money, and it’s time we focused not just on GDP, but on GWB – general well-being" (BBC, 2006).
World Happiness League Table
SWL Ranking is each country's position in the international ranking
of happiness
Country SWL Ranking (1) SWL Index (2) Life Expectancy (3) GDP per
capita (4) Access to education score (5)
Albania 157 153.33 73.8 4.9 75.8
Algeria 134 173.33 71.1 7.2 66.9
Angola 149 160 40.8 3.2 .
Antigua And Barbuda 16 246.67 73.9 11 .
Argentina 56 226.67 74.5 13.1 93.7
Armenia 172 123.33 71.5 4.5 .
Australia 26 243.33 80.3 31.9 .
Austria 3 260 79 32.7 99.1
Azerbaijan 144 163.33 66.9 4.8 80.2
Bahamas 5 256.67 69.7 20.2 .
Bahrain 33 240 74.3 23 102
Bangladesh 104 190 62.8 2.1 53.7
Barbados 27 243.33 75 17 101.1
Belarus 170 133.33 68.1 6.9 94.2
Belgium 28 243.33 78.9 31.4 145.4
Belize 48 230 71.9 6.8 71.6
Benin 122 180 54 1.1 21.8
Bhutan 8 253.33 62.9 1.4 .
Bolivia 117 183.33 64.1 2.9 .
Bosnia & Herze 137 170 74.2 6.8 .
Botswana 123 180 36.3 10.5 81.8
Brazil 81 210 70.5 8.4 103.2
Brunei Darussalam 9 253.33 76.4 23.6 .
Bulgaria 164 143.33 72.2 9.6 92
Burkina Faso 152 156.67 47.5 1.3 10
Burma 130 176.67 60.2 1.7 .
Burundi 178 100 43.6 0.7 .
Cambodia 110 186.67 56.2 2.2 17.3
Cameroon 138 170 45.8 2.4 .
Canada 10 253.33 80 34 102.6
CapeVerdi 100 193.33 70.4 6.2 .
Central African Republic 145 163.33 39.3 1.1 .
Chad 159 150 43.6 1.5 11.5
Chile 71 216.67 77.9 11.3 87.5
China 82 210 71.6 6.8 62.8
Columbi 34 240 72.4 7.9 70.9
Comoros 97 196.67 63.2 0.6 .
Congo Democratic 176 110 43.1 0.7 18.4
CongoRepublic 105 190 52 1.3 .
Costa Rica 13 250 78.2 11.1 50.9
Croatia 98 196.67 75 11.6 .
Cuba 83 210 77.3 3.5 .
Cyprus 49 230 78.6 7.14 .
CzechRepublic 77 213.33 75.6 19.5 87.9
Denmark 1 273.33 77.2 34.6 .
Dijbouti 150 160 52.8 1.3 14.7
Dominica 29 243.33 75.6 5.5 .
Dominican Republic 42 233.33 67.2 7 .
Ecuador 111 186.67 74.3 4.3 56.7
Egypt 151 160 69.8 3.9 .
El Salvador 61 220 70.9 4.7 49.8
Equitorial Guinea 135 173.33 43.3 50.2 .
Eritrea 162 146.67 53.8 1 28.2
Estonia 139 170 71.3 16.7 107
Ethiopia 153 156.67 47.6 0.9 5.2
Fiji 57 223.33 67.8 6 .
Finland 6 256.67 78.5 30.9 124.5
France 62 220 79.5 29.9 108.7
Gabon 88 206.67 54.5 6.8 54.4
Gambia 106 190 55.7 1.9 27
Georgia 169 136.67 70.5 3.3 77.7
Germany 35 240 78.7 30.4 99
Ghana 89 206.67 56.8 2.5 37.3
Greece 84 210 78.3 22.2 94.6
Grenada 72 216.67 65.3 5 .
Guatemala 43 233.33 67.3 4.7 32.7
Guinea 140 170 53.7 2 .
Guinea-Bissau 124 180 44.7 0.8 20.4
Guyana 36 240 63.1 4.6 81
Haiti 118 183.33 51.6 1.7 .
Honduras 37 240 67.8 2.9 .
Hong Kong 63 220 81.6 32.9 .
Hungary 107 190 72.7 16.3 98.6
Iceland 4 260 80.7 35.6 108.8
India 125 180 63.3 3.3 49.9
Indonesia 64 220 66.8 3.6 .
Iran 96 200 70.4 8.3 80
Ireland 11 253.33 77.7 41 123.1
Israel 58 223.33 79.7 24.6 93
Italy 50 230 80.1 29.2 92.8
Ivory Coast 160 150 45.9 1.6 21.7
Jamaica 44 233.33 70.8 4.4 83.6
Japan 90 206.67 82 31.5 102.1
Jordan 141 170 71.3 4.7 87.7
Kazakhstan 101 193.33 63.2 8.2 87
Kenya 112 186.67 47.2 1.1 .
Kuwait 38 240 76.9 19.2 55.6
Kyrgyzstan 65 220 66.8 2.1 83
Laos 126 180 54.7 1.9 35.6
Latvia 154 156.67 71.6 13.2 88.9
Lebanon 113 186.67 72 6.2 78.2
Lesotho 165 143.33 36.3 2.5 28
Libya 108 190 73.6 11.4 .
Lithuania 155 156.67 72.3 13.7 93.4
Luxembourg 12 253.33 78.5 55.6 95.3
Macedonia 146 163.33 73.8 7.8 .
Madagascar 103 193.33 55.4 0.9 .
Malawi 158 153.33 39.7 0.6 .
Malaysia 17 246.67 73.2 12.1 98.8
Maldives 66 220 66.6 3.9 42.7
Mali 131 176.67 47.9 1.2 15
Malta 14 250 78.4 19.9 90.4
Mauritania 132 176.67 52.7 2.2 .
Mauritius 73 216.67 72.2 13.1 107.3
Mexico 51 230 75.1 10 73.4
Moldova 175 116.67 67.7 1.8 .
Mongolia 59 223.33 64 1.9 64.4
Morocco 114 186.67 69.7 4.2 39.3
Mozambique 127 180 41.9 1.3 13.9
Namibia 74 216.67 48.3 7 59.8
Nepal 119 183.33 61.6 1.4 53.9
Netherlands 15 250 78.4 30.5 124.1
New Zealand 18 246.67 79.1 25.2 112.9
Nicaragua 85 210 69.7 2.9 .
Niger 161 150 44.4 0.9 .
Nigeria 120 183.33 43.4 1.4 .
Norway 19 246.67 79.4 42.3 117
Oman 30 243.33 74.1 13.2 67.8
Pakistan 166 143.33 63 2.4 39
Palestine 128 180 72.5 5.8 80.7
Panama 39 240 74.8 7.2 68.7
Papua New Guinea 86 210 55.3 2.6 21.2
Paraguay 75 216.67 71 4.9 56.9
Peru 115 186.67 70 5.9 80.8
Philippines 78 213.33 70.4 5.1 75.9
Poland 99 196.67 74.3 13.3 .
Portugal 92 203.33 77.2 19.3 112
Qatar 45 233.33 72.8 27.4 92.4
Romania 136 173.33 71.3 8.2 80.2
Russia 167 143.33 65.3 11.1 81.9
Rwanda 163 146.67 43.9 1.5 12.1
Samoa Western 52 230 70.2 5.8 76
Sao Tome And Prinicpe 60 223.33 63 1.2 .
Saudi Arabia 31 243.33 71.8 12.8 68.5
Senegal 116 186.67 55.7 1.8 19.5
Seychelles 20 246.67 72.7 7.8 .
Sierra Leone 143 166.67 40.8 0.8 23.9
Singapore 53 230 78.7 28.1 .
Slovakia 129 180 74 16.1 86.6
Slovenia 67 220 76.4 21.6 98.8
Soloman Islands 54 230 62.3 1.7 .
South Africa 109 190 48.4 12 90.2
South Korea 102 193.33 77 20.4 97.4
Spain 46 233.33 79.5 25.5 112.8
Sri Lanka 93 203.33 74 4.3 .
St Kitts And Nevis 21 246.67 70 8.8 .
St Lucia 47 233.33 72.4 5.4 94.3
St Vincent And The Grenadines 40 240 71.1 2.9 .
Sudan 173 120 56.4 2.1 28.8
Suriname 32 243.33 69.1 4.1 50.7
Swaziland 168 140 32.5 5 .
Sweden 7 256.67 80.2 29.8 152.8
Switzerland 2 273.33 80.5 32.3 99.9
Syria 142 170 73.3 3.9 42
Taiwan 68 220 76.1 27.6 .
Tajikistan 94 203.33 63.6 1.2 76
Tanzania 121 183.33 46 0.7 5.31
Thailand 76 216.67 70 8.3 79
Timor-Leste 69 220 65.5 0.4 .
Togo 147 163.33 54.3 1.7 .
Tonga 70 220 72.2 2.3 .
Trinidad And Tobago 55 230 69.9 16.7 78.4
Tunisia 79 213.33 73.3 8.3 74.6
Turkey 133 176.67 68.7 8.2 .
Turkmenistan 171 133.33 62.4 8 .
UAE 22 246.67 78 43.4 74.4
Uganda 156 156.67 47.3 1.8 .
Ukraine 174 120 66.1 7.2 92.8
United Kingdom 41 236.67 78.4 30.3 157.2
Uruguay 87 210 75.4 9.6 91.6
USA 23 246.67 77.4 41.8 94.6
Uzbekistan 80 213.33 66.5 1.8 .
Vanuate 24 246.67 68.6 2.9 28.5
Venzuela 25 246.67 72.9 6.1 .
Vietnam 95 203.33 70.5 2.8 64.6
Yemen 91 206.67 60.6 0.9 .
Zambia 148 163.33 37.5 0.9 25.5
Zimbabwe 177 110 36.9 2.3 45.3
1. SWL (satisfaction with life) rating calculated from data
published by New Economics Foundation (2006).
2. SWL (satisfaction with life) index calculated from data
published by New Economics Foundation (2006).
3. Life Expectancy from UN Human Development Report (2003)
4. GDP per capita from figure published by the CIA (2006),
figure in US$.
5. Access to secondary education rating from UNESCO (2002)
6. Happiest 20 countries among 178 are marked in blue color
7. Other notable countries are marked in red color
By Premendra Agrawal
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