Saturday, February 09, 2008

What about raj of Kolkata, Nandi, HYD and else

What has Amitabh done for Maharashtra? CNN-IBN: It is right. Would this type of question not be asked to others in the past beyond Maharashtra?

Raj Thackeray attended the wedding reception: Very bad?

Raj Thackeray attended the wedding reception of police commissioner: Top News of to day ! Please recall enjoyment of high profile personalities of Bollywood and politics with Daud Ibrahim! Have media and intellecdtuals not seen accused Atik Ahmed Lok Sabha member and Shahabuddin with Amar Singh and lalu?

Mumbai belongs to everyone: NDTV poll
This is true as 2+2=4

Who threw Taslima out of Kolkata?

If Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasreen escaped unhurt in the attack on Aug 2007 by Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (MIM) legislators and cadre at the press club in Hyderabad, it was thanks to the journalists present who shielded her.

Can a minister enter in the old city of Hyderabad without permission of MIM?
I received a comment of Rama Rao Garimella on my one article. There after I find:
The civil supplies minister, Mr K. Venkata Krishna Reddy, was literally driven out of the old city by workers of the Majlis Ittehadul Muslimeen on Jan 30, 2008 and was arrogantly snubbed by its leaders. The shaken minister was left apologising to the Owaisis.

The civil supplies minister, Mr K. Venkata Krishna Reddy had reached the old city to conduct surprise checks on fair price shops.

Obstructers MIM workers told him that he could not visit the locality without prior permission from the local legislator of MMI which is the ally of Congress, Mr Akbaruddin Owaisi.

Though Mr Krishna Reddy tried to explain the reason for his visit, the mob was not willing to listen and asked him to leave the place.
The minister then called up Mr Owaisi. It was evident that the MLA blasted him over the phone since all that the minister could say in reply was: "yes..., sorry..., sorry...."

Terror of terror attack on Advani

India's main opposition party, the BJP, says it has postponed a series of meetings after the government warned of a possible attack on its leader. Are policies of Nirpam’s Cngress, Jaya Bachchan’s Samajwadi Party and Left Big Brother of Amar Singh not responsible for all these happenings?

Abu Azmi of Jaya Bachchan’s party

Abu Asim Azmi is the Maharashtra state President of Samajwadi Party of Jaya Bachchan.

Star News aired Operation Chakravyuh, video footage of a wedding reception shot in 1990 in Dubai at Dawood Ibrahims household. It showed two Indian politicians Abu Asim Azmi and Akhtar Rizvi.

The telephone tapes and diary of gunned down terrorist girl Ishrat revealed these codes: Advani was 'Lala', Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi was 'Mubarak', Vishwa Hindu Parishad Secretary General Dr Pravin Togadia was 'Tinku', Shiv Sena leader Bal Thackeray was 'Kutta', Uttar Pradesh BJP president Vinay Katiyar was 'Kanta' and Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Uma Bharti was 'Behenji'. Delhi was 'Maika' and Ahmedabad, 'Sasural.'They wanted to kill these leaders because they viewed them as enemies of Islam.

Sev pak gaya kya? (Are the apples ripe?) Badam bhejoon kya? (Should I send the almonds?). This was conversation between the imam of the Haj House at Masjid in Mumbai LeT Salauddin in Kashmir. Imam with RDX was arrested on January 13, 2006. Abu Asim Azmi even visited the house of the imam after the arrest.

Kashmir Valley cut off from country due to heavy snowfall:
This is natural disaster. But who thinks about the man made disaster faced by Kashmiri Pandits. Refugee Kashmiri Pandits sons and daughters of Kashmiri Pandit Nehru are in the streets of Delhi around 10 Janpath where Gandhis are consuming luxurious life.

Maharashtra govt hesitates to take on Raj: TOI
Is this formula not applied for others? What action is taken against the Cultural Minister, Law Minister and other big guns on the filing of Ramdrohi affidavit in the Supreme Court? Jairam Ramesh a minister criticized the Cultural Minister Ambika Soni. Because of this sin he ihas been thrown away now from the think tank of Congress which is created by Sonia Gandhi.
Can the same UPA govt dare to file the same type of affidavit on the non-existance of Christ?
Bofors to Ramdrohi Affidavit

Nidhi Jha, a close associate of Santosh Jha -- the kingpin of the infamous multi-crore flood scam -- surrendered in the vigilance court on Feb 5, 2008. What about Lalu Yadav?
Dark is the nation and insane the king

The congress party which promoted the MIM to garner Muslim votes is now facing the problem itself.
Vote bankers are bankrupts; new graves have no space; Even Quotas on driver seat and on bus top; Minority train with full speed without break and destination
Andhra for Religious Quota

Fake seculars and their parties develop Bhasmasurs

This is the old habit of Nehru Gandhi dynasty led Congress. Congress drew a sect Dera Sacha Sauda in politics for the creation of Operation Blue Star like situation. Congress got fatwa from Dera chief in its favor in the previous held assembly election of Punjab. Congress developed the leadership of Bhinderwale to divide Shiromani Akali Dal and later supported Nirankaris to crush the Bhinderwale.
Operation Blue Star: Congressee sauda with Dera Sacha Sauda
Italian Swiss in Q on Assassination of Rajiv Gandhi

By Premendra Agrawal


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