Friday, October 05, 2007

Gandhi vs Sonia in UNO: Bofors to Ramdrohi Affidavit

Situation in India now is the same as it was in ‘Quit India’ and ‘Simon go back’ of 1928 movement. Hindu influenced parties got an excellent opportunity to moblize people against the culprit of Ramdrohi affidavit, which was a link to ruin Ram Sethu.
Who is behind the U turn of karunanidhi?

But anti-UPA and Left parties and organizations are confused themselves. Sonia a symbol of Anti-Gandhism will represent India in UNO on Oct 2 means there she will be the messanger of Mahatma Gandhi. NRIs of America and nearby countries are busy in organizing protest against Sonia but here in India there is no ‘Hal chal’.
Should Maoist Terrorist friendly represent India in UNO?:

Dharm in Mahabharat

In the beginning Rashtra Purush Ram was also confused in ‘Bali Sugriv fight’ and Arjun could not know his ‘Dharm’ in the Mahabharat. Later Ram gave Sugriv introductory sign and Krishna preached arjun his ‘Dharm’, which is now before us as ‘Geeta’. Atalji also tried to preach the cadres of BJP through his poems little Geetaswar. Atal-Poems: Who win the coming battle of ballet?

Sharp Democratic Weapons

Pro Hindu organizations and anti-UPAandLeft parties give junk to their democratic weapons instead of sharpening. They have many ‘Brahmashtra’ against dynasty rule and Anti-Ram government. They are giving them junk instead of sharpening.

What is in name: Shakespear

Every type of fraud has entered in the name of ‘Gandhi’. Who was late Ramchandra Gandhi and who is Rajmohan Gandhi? Is Sonia Gandhi heir of Mahatma Gandhi or Rajmohan Gandhi? Leaders are silent. Media is mum. They follow Shakespear’s quote “What is in a name”. But present Gandhis of 10 Janpath are misusing the name of Mahatma Gandhi. Death of Ramchandra Gandhi and Gandhi dynasty:

Because of the name Presidentship of Congress and Chair of UPA gifted to Sonia Gandhi. Rahul is zero but he is with every quality only de to “Gandhi’ title. I know personalities with surname Bahadur, Chakravarti, Suryavanshi, Chandravanshi, Dhurandhar but not a single in the competition of ‘Gandhi’. Gandhi is all rounder as we see in gandhigiri. Even now Gandhi entered in the cricket of Dhoni.
Dynastic Rahul Vs Dynamic Dhoni:

Anti-UPAandLeft keeps limited themselves upto asking apology, filing cases and eating parsad. Even Submramanyam Swamy’s neck accepted garlands of victory in advance. Some reported that the Sonia Gandhi is innocent. They could not keep their target upto the main culprits Sonia Gandhi, Ambika Soni, Baalu and PM Manmohan instead of Karunanidhi.
Target Soni Sonia instead of pawn DMK:

Rajmohan Gandhi vs Sonia of anti-Gandhism

Rajmohan Gandhi (1935, New Delhi, India) is a biographer and grandson of Mahatma Gandhi. His maternal grandfather was C.Rajagopalachari Rajaji, the first Indian Governor General of independent India and one of the foremost freedom fighters. Rajmohan's father was Devdas Gandhi, who was the Managing Editor of the Daily Hindustan Times. Now Hindustan Tmis is Anti_hindu menas Anti ‘He Ram’ of Gandhiji. Is dynastic media dynamic?

Best joke of this year representing of Sonia in UNO

Rajmohan is a journalist and political activist. He currently holds the position of visiting professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Instead of Rajmohan Gandhi, Sonia will represent India in UNO on Oct 2! What a joke of this year is?

He has held appointments as visiting professor in the United States and Japan and received honorary degrees from universities in Canada, Japan and the Kyrgyz Republic. Professor Gandhi also served as a member of the Upper House of India's Parliament and led the Indian government delegation to the U.N. Human Rights Commission annual meeting in Geneva.

Bofors to Ramdrohi Affidavit to ruin Ram Sethu

Following today’s headlindes of media tells the truth of Bofors Scam:

Hindustantimes: Swedish investigator faults CBI on Bofors
Timesofindia: Q link: Swedish investigator wanted to question Sonia 'Bofors money was paid to people linked to Gandhi family'
CNN-IBN: Quattrocchi was indeed let off by UPA Govt: CBI ex-chief
Newspostindia: Congress Mum On Swedish Investigator's Bofors 'revelations'
Newsindiatoday: Interpol Notice Against Quattrocchi Stands
Hindu: Quattrocchi has to worry where he travels, says Interpol chief
Hindu and TOI: Red Corner notice against Quattrocchi operational: Interpol
Indianexpress: Law Ministry let Quattrocchi walk, Minister signed OK
NDTV: CBI keeps 'Q' papers under wraps
Six 6s of Yuvraj vs Anti-Ram sixers of Congress Left DMK:

Mass movement against Anti-Ram and Anti-Ram Sethu elements

Even sympathizers of Anti-BJP parties want to save Ram Sethu as they wanted in the issue of Ram Mandir. I experienced that sympathizers of Congress also signed the petion to save Ram Sethu. Tragedy is that movement is led by BJP and Hindu organizations but this is symbolic instead of full swing. Generally people go towards the victorious and in this the movement is not gains sufficient strength.

There is no organized mass movement against anti-Ram elements, whatever may be reason. As my limitation is writing articles they also limited themselves giving the statements. People do not deserve this from leaders. If giving statement is the greatest quality of leadership then they should join the media bang to vacate the leadership for others. This does not mean that they don’t do more for the people for the nation. Reality is that opportunity has wasted by them due to unknown compulsions. Culprits of Ram instead of run away are dancing as demons.
Ram Ravan War:

Even leader of that gang called fundamentalists to the Rambhakts and without doing a single day delay shook hands with DMK in Anti-Ram move also.
Christian Jehad of Congress against Ram:

Come out from the self-imposed shells

Anti-UPAandLeft parties and Hindu organizations can’t come out from the self-imposed shells as Mahatma Gandhi did not come out in 1928.

“The Commission was headed by Lord Simon and was, therefore, popularly known as the Simon Commission. All British Political parties were on this body but, significantly, it had no representative of India opinion. No wonder then that it provoked universal condemnation in India.

A resolution was passed at the plenary session of the Congress in Madras In December 1927 calling for the boycott of the Simon Commission “at every stage and at every form.” A nation wide hartal was observed on the day of the arrival of the Commission in India and it was greeted everywhere with shouts of ‘Simon go back’ Skirmishes between the police and the demonstration took place in a number of cities. At Lahore, Lala Lajpat Rai, known as the ‘Lion of the Punjab’, received blows on his chest which eventually led to his death. Public anger against the government reached fever pitch and Bose thought it provided an excellent opportunity to launch an all-out movement to oust the British Raj from India. Along with Jawahar lal Nehru he was made a general secretary of the Congress at Madras session

Thus thinking his debut on the all India stage. In his new official capacity Subhash Chandra Bose visited Mahatma Gandhi at his Ashram Sabarmati in Ahmedabad and urged him to come out of his retirement and conduct the proposed struggle.

To his disappointment and chagrin, the Mahatma refused to emerge from his self-imposed shell. Nor did the Congress Working Wommittee give a fighting lead. Its attention was focused more on the preparation of a Constitution for India in reply to a arrogant challenge of Lord Birkenhead in the British parliament.” Page 21 of Beacon Across Asia: Biography of Subhas Chandra Bose, By Subhas Chandra Bose, Narayan Gopal Jog

By Premendra Agrawal
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