Friday, March 30, 2007

Bob’s murder: Tablighi Jammat: Deoband

Tags: Tablighi Jammat TJ Pak Cricket Team US Nusharraf Deoband Bob Woolmer Rahul Gandhi;

Day after the death of Woolmer, Rahul Gandhi visited on March 19 at Deoband which is founding org of Tablighi jammat. Inzamam and other Pak Cricketers members of TJ; Terrorists have links with TJ.

Three cricket fans which stayed in the hotel where Pak Cricket team stayed. They are gofers.
At Deoband, Rahul's virtually security-free mingling with the students sent out an unambiguous message: one of easy trust. And at the rally at the end of his three-hour-long halt in Deoband, he carried the message forward, "I am blind, blind to caste and religion," he said, pausing, "I only see Hindustanis." The audience broke into cheers. "All Hindustanis are one, and if I see one Hindustani strike another, I will stand with the one who has been struck."

Rahul's speeches may be short on flamboyance, but they are direct: "UP has fallen behind in the race for development. Only youth power will change it—and I see that youth power standing in front of me," he said to cries of "Rahul Gandhi zindabad".

It was also brave: in current folklore, the Deoband School is seen as being the inspiration for the Taliban and Islamic terrorism. It is the breeding ground for the Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI). Little wonder then that no Congress leader has visited the seminary after Mahatma Gandhi, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and Indira Gandhi, the last in 1980. A fact Rahul pointed to: "Don't forget, I am Indira Gandhi's grandson."

The Tablighi Jamat
Some famous people who propagate Islam by joining the Tablighi Jamaat (a movement started by a student of the Islamic University, Deoband, Maulana Muhammad Ilyas) are Pakistani cricketers Shahid Afridi, Inzamam ul Haq, Mohammad Yousuf (a recent revert/convert), Saqlain Mushtaq and many others, also, former Pakistani cricketers including Saeed Anwar and Salim Malik. A very famous pop star Junaid Jamshaid is also a visible personality, propagating Islam to the masses amongst many others

Opinion of the cricketors on Religion in Pakistani Cricket
(1) Former Pakistani captain, Asif Iqbal, has mystery given a more perceptive reason for the downfall of the team: over emphasis on religion. Today, the Pakistani team looks like a band of religious zealots. There is nothing wrong with flaunting one’s religious identity, but not if it overwhelms every other aspect of a person. In the process, somewhere, the Pakistani team, which has no dearth of talented players, has lost its way.

(2) " Pakistan coach Bob Woolmer's authority was undermined by captain Inzamam-ul-Haq's ‘spiritual hold of the team’ ..The more serious issue was that Inzamam was not only the cricketing leader but the spiritual talisman of the team who expected - and was mostly given - total obeisance by his team-mates… Inzamam would go into a "brooding silence" for days after disagreements with Briton Woolmer. " the former Pakistan Cricket Board chairperson Shaharyar Khan said.
Shahryar Khan has been quoted as telling Sportsweek on BBC Radio Five Live after the murder of Woolmer as follows: ""Bob told me about six months ago that he was very frustrated because the team was always at prayer at lunchtime, tea and after play.He was not able to get through to them on cricketing issues. He felt frustrated about that and asked me what to do.

(3) Sarfraz Nawazopenly claimed that captain Inzamam-ul-Haq, along with Rana Naved-ul-Hasan, Mushtaq Ahmed, Mohammad Yousuf and Shoaib Malik were involved in betting.

(4) 4. These sources also say that Inzimam, who is otherwise a likable and mild-mannered person, used to turn mad with fury when anybody criticised Islam or the TJ.

(5) B.Raman, Director, Institute For Topical Studies, Chennai suggested in his article: “It would be useful for the Jamaican Police to enquire whether any TJ cleric from Pakistan had accompanied the team, if so, his role, whether the TJ has a branch in the West Indies, whether its local leaders used to visit the hotel, whether Woolmer raised the issue of the negative influence of the TJ on the performance of the players against Ireland and whether it led to any quarrel with Inzimam and other members of the TJ group in the team. The TJ group in the team should be an important focus of the investigation.”

(6) The Woolmer Murder [Iain Murray]
As I mentioned, the UK papers are devoting a lot of space to the story. The Daily Telegraph even has its United States Editor Toby Harnden (a truly excellent journalist and a fine man to boot - ex-Royal Navy himself) in Jamaica for the story. One thing that has not been mentioned much is what one correspondent calls a "holier than thou religiosity" that has prevaded Pakistani cricket, even as it has become embroiled in allegations of match-fixing, steroid abuse and ball-tampering. Mohammad Yousuf, for example, attributed his good form last year to his conversion from Christianity to Islam and performs the sidjah every time he scores a century. The Tablighi Jamaat is very influential in the team.

Now I want to make it clear that I am not suggesting that Islamism had any role in the murder of Bob Woolmer, which seems at the moment most likely connected with match-fixing, but as Osman Samiuddin suggests, it has played a role in a talented team becoming disfunctional and helped to cover up what might be charitably described as moral failings.

For the benefit of Pakistan and cricket, the shambles of the Pakistani team need to be cleared up. If solving the murder of Bob Woolmer helps in that process, it will be a tribute to a great coach.
Meanwhile, leave it to a Guardian columnist to drag the US into a cricket scandal.

(7) While "factionalism" is often cited as a source of the malaise of Pakistani cricket, little is said about the bugbear of authoritarianism. The US-backed military dictatorship - which controls all the cricket structures - is treated by the cricket media as a natural state of affairs.

(6) Dominic Whiteman on March 22, 2007 has written:
…….Apparently, the conspicuous Islamicisation of the Pakistani cricket team recently prompted even Pakistan’s President - General Pervez Musharraf - to advise the Chairman of the Pakistan Cricket Board Dr Naseem Ashraf to ask the players to strike a balance between religion and cricket. One imagines his prompts sounded more like orders this morning.Whether it’s religion and politics or, more importantly, religion and cricket – religion just doesn’t mix. Tablighi Jamaat should not be banned in Britain. But someone should tell it to focus its ambitions less on unattainable erections and more on bringing its subjugated womenfolk into modernity.
Dominic Whiteman is spokesperson for the London-based VIGIL anti-terrorist organization – an international network of terror trackers, including former intelligence officers, military personnel and experts ranging from linguistic to banking experts.

The Pakistani Newspaper notes, “The 3-4 months in a year that the Pakistani team members such as Imran Khan, Majid Khan, Asif Iqbal, Sarfraz Nawaz, Javed Miandad, Zaheer Abbas, Mohsin Khan, Rameez Raja, etc, used to spend in England playing county cricket, would make them adopt the lifestyle of any other English cricketer: liquor, nightclubs, girlfriends and everything else that comes with the package. However, those days of cricketing casualness are now memory, as are so many aspects of secular life in Jinnah's Pakistan. The Pakistani cricketers have never pursued their religious beliefs as devoutly as they do nowadays. "Bismillah" (In the name of Allah) or "Inshallah" (God willing) stud their every utterance, no matter whether they are on the field or elsewhere. The team members huddle together to pray on the ground during pre-match preparations; 'Islamic beards' are sported as an advertisement of their faith; batsmen have known to cramp because they fast and play during the holy month of Ramadan. “

The newspaper notes further added: “This religiosity has come about because a clutch of players -- Inzimam, Mushtaq Ahmed (bowling coach), Mohammad Yousaf, Saqlain Mushtaq, Shahid Afridi, Shoaib Malik and Yasser Hameed - have become members of the Tablighi Jamaat (TJ), participating in public gatherings organized to propagate Islam and stress the virtue of an 'authentic Islamic lifestyle'. The TJ has invaded the dressing room of the Pakistani cricket team - they can be seen praying with players and reciting the Holy Quran for the team's success (never mind that it has been performing poorly). As TJ membership makes it incumbent upon a person to preach, most of the Tablighi cricketers, especially Inzimam, often conduct preaching tours across Pakistan. Inzimam's penchant to mix religion with cricket has already sparked accusations that he favours Tablighi players over those who are either secular or prefer to confine religion to their private lives. The non-Tablighi group is reportedly led by Vice-Captain Younas Khan and includes Shoaib Akhtar, Mohammad Asif, Danish Kaneria, Imran Nazir, Abdul Razzaq, etc. This divide often shadows differences between players. This shrinking of the secular space is perhaps already happening in the cricket team. But for those persevering in the way of Allah Almighty, these are minor matters.”

On March 20, I have given following facts in my article titled “Was Bob Woolmer poisoned? Police confirmed ‘death threats from Pak fans’”

The above agle is now more studying by the detectives and police of jamaica.

A gofer or go-fer is an employee who is often sent on errands.

Middle-aged Pakistani nationals Hamid Malik, Jundie Khan and Efran Chaudhray checked out of the team hotel soon after Woolmer was found.
They appeared at several press conferences and were seen with players and carrying Pakistani flags in the foyer of the team hotel in Kingston, Jamaica.

They are described as gofers who brought players halal food and drove them around Jamaica.

They are believed to have had access to the 12th floor, where Woolmer's room was.
Jamaican deputy police commissioner Mark Shields said yesterday he was seeking to eliminate the three from inquiries.

Police to test Woolmer's last meal for drugs
"He was 6ft 1 in (185cm) and a big man, and unless he was drugged or impaired it would perhaps have been difficult to restrain him. We are looking at whether his food was drugged. The meal was thrown away after he put the tray outside his room, but we are conducting toxicology and tissue tests," Mark Shields said.

Police have still to interview a fourth Pakistani, a local businessman, who is a friend of some Pakistan players.

After banned SIMI, now the activities of some members of JuH and Tablighi jamaat are also under ATS scanning. Neither the leaders of Jamiat-Ulema-e-Hind (JuH) nor Tablighi jamaat (TJ) are nationalists. Fact is that the mullahs are losing political control over their community, and these are devises to control them. Now, they act as powerbrokers. They have linked with the International terrorists organizations.

At least 20 people were picked up by police in Tripura overnight for interrogation, even as a team from Mumbai began questioning 11 Muslim youths from Maharasthra for any links with the serial bombings in the country's financial hub. All belongs to SIMI have been detained for questioning in the state for holding public meetings at Kamalpura near India's border with Bangaldesh.

The detainees have reportedly told the police that they are members of the Tabligh-i-Jamaat, based in Mumbra area Maharashtra's Thane District near Mumbai. Mumbra is a terrorist hub.
Detention of these youths shows nexus between SIMI, JuH and Tabligh-i-Jamaat.

A giant mosque for 2012 Olympic
A giant mosque a £300 million project of Tablighi Jamaat that will hold 40,000 worshippers is being proposed beside the 2012 Olympic complex in Newham, London. Terrorist linked group wants to use it permanent HQ.

Tablighi suspected for Godhra train burning
Indian investigators suspect influential Tablighi leader, Maulana Umarji, and a group of his followers in the February 27, 2002 fire bombing of a train carrying ‘Karsewaks’ from Ayodhya. Maulana

By Premendra Agrawal


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