Thursday, January 18, 2007

Romance of Mahatma with British and Sarla Devi

Tags: Romance of Mahatma Gandhi British Empire leadership Sarla Devi Fast unto death Non Violence Pt Nehru Sonia Mother Teresa Saint Rajmohan Baptist Doke Rolland Hindu Christ Naveen Chawla Biography India;

Romantic leadership: Did British bring Gandhi back to India? Fast unto death not for death: Non-violence to save violence: Neither Gandhi Mahatma nor Nehru PT: Gandhi v Saint Teressa v Renounce Sonia

Gandhi once said you should hate the sin, but love the sinner. So I may love Gandhis but not their sin.

Are Autobiographies trustworthy?
These are reconstructions in retrospect. Rajmohan Gandhi’s new book about real Gandhi is a proof that autobiographies can’t be trustable at all. They are remembrances of things past, and no one knows how much is suppressed in them and how for their account is colored by prejudice. Mahatma Gandhi and his spiritual married Sarla Devi both suppressed their romantic events in their autobiographies. Who would have the courage to pour out his or her heart and make bold confessions about human foibles to which the flesh is heir?

“We know from his autobiography how shamefully he treated his wife. He was transparently honest and he had much less to hide from anyone else. Nothing can be found if other public figures are to be scrutinized because things have been carefully hidden and suppressed.” Gandhi, the family man

"Mohandas - A true story about a Man, his People and an Empire"
"The book will release Gandhi from his shroud and myth," said his 71-year-old grandson, a former member of parliament who is now a lecturer at the University of Illinois.

In this article with facts I try to change the title as "Mohandas - A true story about a Man, his People and for British Empire"

Romantic Leadership
Mr Gandhi said that the intention behind writing the Mahatma biography was to make Gandhi look more human. “The Sarla Devi episode in his life establishes his humanity. To suppress any information on Gandhi would have meant doing injustice to what he stood for all his life – truth. I have only presented the facts as a scholar not a sensationalist journalist,” he added. Mohandas also mentions Gandhi’s practice of brahmacharya in his life. He would sleep nude with his niece Manu. “It’s a matter of historical record. This has been written about many times. Even Gandhi wrote about it. In doing so, he was surrendering his sexuality and that of his partner’s, after passing a huge test,” he said. I read some where: Dr. Sushila Nayar told Ved Mehta that she used to sleep with Gandhi as she regarded him as a Hindu god.

Responding to noted Gandhian Rajmohan Gandhi’s recent claim about Mahatma Gandhi’s fondness for Sarla Devi, his granddaughter Tara Gandhi Bhattacharjee on Friday said as a man of great aesthetic sensibility, if Gandhi felt attracted to a “woman of intellect” it could be natural. Elaborating her point, Bhattacharjee said Mahatma Gandhi also admired the way Rajkumari Amrit Kaur held her pen.

In another book Mira and the Mahatma, psychoanalyst Sudhir Kakkar delves deep into the desires that lay buried in the Mahatma's heart. On the pages, a hero pines for the company of his Mira who is away from him. "You are on the brain. I look about me, and I miss you. I open the charkha and miss you," goes an excerpt from Kakkar’s book.

Was “Fast unto death” only a mere slogan?
There is an interview of Rajmohan Gandhi grandson of Mahatma Gandhi with Sheela Reddy recently published in outlook. "I Wanted To Capture A Real Person Who Could Be Seen, Touched And Understood" The biographer grandson reminisces about the nation's Bapu, and explains why he chose to pull Gandhi's great secret out of the family closet.

One Excerpt is:
Q: Was he guilty of breaking his pledge not to accept Partition?
A: In a technical sense, yes, for he did not fast unto death in a bid to prevent it. But he knew that a fast by him would not prevent Partition. ………………
The anti-Muslim thrust of some of Gandhi’s Hindu opponents combined with Muslim separatism to produce Pakistan. Also, Gandhi’s "Jinnah card" was shrewder and more realistic than is usually acknowledged. It might have done the trick, but Nehru, Patel, CR, Rajendra Prasad, Pant and the other Congress leaders compelled Gandhi to take the card back.

It means protest fast unto death non-violent arm of Gandhism was a fraud. Both Mahatma Gandhi and British Empire knew this. This was a friendly fight as Congress, its allies and left fronts are doing. After all they are true loyalist of Nehru Gandhi dynasty.
Mahatma Gandhi did not want to give his life to keep India united. To give life for the sake of cause relates to martyrs not to Nehru-Gandhians.

But in the last Mahatma Gandhi’s soul awakened. And he wished to dissolved the All India Cangress. But his last wish would not fulfilled by his kitchen cabinet members in the leadership of Nehru. Rajmohan Gandhi explainied this in his above said reply.

Was “Non-Violence” Slogan for the sake of British rulers?
“Non Violence” theme of Nehru-Gandhi was only for the sake of British rulers in India. October 1899 until 31 May 1902: Mahatma Gandhi did not want to fight war through Non-Violence. At the onset of the South African War, Gandhi argued that Indians must support the War effort in order to legitimize their claims to full citizenship.

Gandhi urged the colonial authorities to raise a volunteer militia of Indians to fight for the Empire. He told the Natal authorities that it would be a "criminal folly" if they did not enlist Indians for the war. He urged the Indian community to show their loyalty to the British Empire by raising funds for the War. He reminded them that they were in South Africa due to the courtesy of the Empire.

World War II broke out in 1939 when Nazi Germany invaded Poland Initially, Gandhi had favored offering "non-violent moral support" to the British effort, but other Congress leaders were offended by the unilateral inclusion of India into the war, without consultation of the people's representatives.

Neither Mahatma nor Pandit
Pandit Nehru was Kashmiri pandit to divide Kashmir. He said that he was accidentally Hindu. So he accepted partition of India to rule divided India. Nehru was not Mahatma. But M K Gandhi became Mahatma only due to that he did nothing for his dependent family members but Nehru did every thing to make his heirs as a ruler of India forever.

In real sense they were neither Mahatma nor Pandit. They betrayed not only their married wives but also the nation. They have no firmness on their principles. Time to time they took about turn position.

Pt Nehru and Mahatma Gandhi’s love affairs’ true stories have already come. But their love affairs with British rule to fulfill their selfish ambitions would not come out in such a way so it could reach up to the mass of common people.

Mahatma Gandhi Vs Saint Mother Teresa
Making of Gandhi a Mahatma was stared in South Africa by white Christian clergy. Rev. Joseph J. Doke, a Baptist Minster was the first to write the biography of M. K. Gandhi.

After that other came forward such as John H. Holmes, a Unitarian pastor from New York praised Gandhi in his writings and sermons with titles like: Gandhi: The Modern Christ, Mahatma Gandhi: The Greatest Man since Jesus Christ, Mahatma Ji: Reincarnation of Christ and Gandhi before Pilate.

Romain Rolland, French Nobel Laureate in literature looked at Gandhi not only as a Hindu saint, but also another Christ. He wrote Gandhi’s new biography in French which starts to say that Gandhi is the One Luminous, Creator of All, Mahatma.

In this process Nehru-Gandhi loyalists Hindus also came in the race. As Italian lady is made Durga by 10 Janpath Loyalists like that that time Krishnalal Shridharni proclaimed to elevate Gandhi to the status of twentieth century Hindu god – "The seventh reincarnation of Vishnu, Lord Rama,"

Mahatma Gandhi Vs Saint Sonia
Mother Teresa was made ‘Saint Mother Teresa’ by Indians. We gave her ‘Bharat Ratn’ to insult our religious gurus but British rulers presented honorary degrees to handcuff India’s sovereignty. So called villain and co-accused of Indira’s emergency and 10 janpath loyalist Naveen Chwla is the biographer of Mother Teresa. He will conduct general election of 2009.

The Christian clergy had an ulterior motive in building the Gandhi myth. They thought that by elevating Gadhi to a 20th century messiah and then converting him would open the flood gate for evangelizing Hindu masses. But Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was unable to fulfill this wish of them. Now this wish of foreign funded Christian Missionaries is being fulfilled by Christian Sonia Gandhi and her Christian lobby. Glady Stains was awarded Padmshree and Benny Hinn’s healing touch drama was organized at Bangalore on the support of Andhra Government to please Vatican City and its Indian ambassador.

Did British bring Gandhi back to India?
British Empire was limited only up to India. There were many countries which were in the grip of British Empire. Pillars of British Empire were cracking. At that prevailing situation the British brought Gandhi back to India from South Africa to sabotage Indian national movement against British rule. The congress Party dominated by Nehru-Gandhi was set up under the patronage of the British authorities. The "apostle of peace" urged the Indian people to support the British by enlisting in the army during World War I. In his letter he wrote to the Viceroy in1930, he said, “One of his reason for launching the Civil Disobedient Movement is to contain the violence of revolutionaries."

It is a great joke to say that Gandhi won Indian freedom without spilling a drop of blood. There was a period when British colonial rule was taking its last breadth. Strong wave of Nationalism was waving. Lokmanya Tilak, Gokhale, Lal Lajpat Rai, Veer Savarkar and so many others who are not in the list of present Congress gave sacrifices not less than Mahatma Gandhi. Actually Gandhi yug came after Tilak Yug. Such as Subhash Chandra Bose made journey in his way to Germany via Japan and Russaia and launched Azad Hind Fauz.

Reality is the devastating effect of World War II forced the British government to dismantle its Colonial Empire.

How can any one omit the fact that All India Congress was established by the foreigner and still it is being ruled by the foreigner Italian origin?

By Premendra Agrawal


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