Friday, August 31, 2007

Burns Glorious Past of India: FM Chidambaram

So-called fake secular leaders are victim of inferiority complex. Union Finance Minister P Chidambaram on Aug 26, 07 in Lucknow said the books that propounded the glorious past of India were liable to be burnt. Why is FIR not against the Indianless Minister? If he wants to burn our books then why should people not burn these leaders posters and their efigies? Finance Minister added India was never rich. Why blackout of this news as Mother Teresa’s self-defeating letters in fake secular media? Is this effect of any pressure tacticts?

Brain children of Marx

Maoist’s burn historical Hindu books in Nepal. Now FM becomes historian to burn them. CPM (Marxists} are the brain children of Marx. Congress is right hand of Left. UPA becomes doll to play in Italian hands. Is call of burning ancient Hindu books democratic and freedom of expression? Is this not crime? If yes than who will dare to arrest a minister? One minister has made history to go Tihar Jail. Now the same Shibu Soren makes further history to get freedom by the court order with the help of same CBI. They crossed HRD Minister in this Indianless unholy and undemocratic race. Budhia does not want to run further. But these fake secular Indialess leaders want to run. Budhia’s name is only in Limca book. But these names may be in Greenish books.

Evils of conversion and Inter Releligion marriage
Karl Marx’s father was belonging to a Jewish family but later he converted himself in Christiaity. Children of mostly religious or ideological converted leaders generally become misguided personalities and most cruel towads their families’ original religion or ideology such as heirs of the converted Hindus are more aggressive against Hindus than others. Mohammed Iqbal and Jinnah both were belonging to the families’ conveted from Hindu. Liaquat Ali Khan's wife was not a Muslim. Benazir Bhutto.s grandmother was a Hindu.

Inferiority complex in Indian Leadership

Due to this inferiority complex CPM’s ideological god is Marx. Hand symbol of Congress is still in Italian hands. PM Manoman in his speech in Oxford praised the‘British rule of India’. PM with the direction of Super PM is going to mortgage Inda’s independence through Indo Nuke Deal. Whole India is going into the grip of terrorism and Naxal Maoism as we see yesterday in Hyderabad.

Joint Mechanism of Missile Man

Now I read news today in ‘Naidunia’ Hindi daily that Missile Man now drew some painting strokes on the canvas which will be completed by MF Hussain who made nude painting of Bharatmata. Is this joint mechanism to follow PM Manmohan’s jointmechanism with Musharraf?

India is soft playground for terrorism and Conversion

Out of India Christians are Number One enemy of Muslims. In the same way in the political map of world China is Number one enemy of America. But here in India Jehadi Muslims and Christian Missionaries want to divide India on caste and religion basis. In Hyderabad bombing local and Nagpur Muslims are arrested but Christian CM says it is the hand of Pak and Bangladesh. Who is giving shelter them? Who is encouraging infiltration from Bangladesh? Who is inviting Pak sponsored terrorists through out India by joint mechanism? Who are throwing local Muslims in to the grip of terrorists by appeasement and vote bank politics?

India was never a rich country, says FM Chidambaram

As reported by Business Standard: FM is a lawyer (liar?) bye education. But see here, how he is a liar to say: The old teaching that India was a country of milk and honey about five centuries ago was factually incorrect, Chidamabaram said. “Poverty was there and is still there in India, though prosperous pockets existed here and there,” Union Finance Minister P Chidambaram said. “The poverty has always been there in India and whoever propounded the myth about India being a rich country is wrong,” he said.

Chidambaram was in Lucknow in connection with the promotion of his book ‘An outside view — Why good economics work for everyone’ at an interactive session organised at a local bookstore here today. The finance minister, however, expressed great optimism on poverty alleviation. “I would like poverty of India to be removed in my lifetime,” he said.

Finance Minister is the victim of Self-Refutation

Self-defeated ‘Mother Teresa Rajnessh and Gandhi’ were confused in the last of their lives regarding their faith and beliefs. But here Finance Minister is the victim of Self-Refutation. Self-refutation occurs when accepting the truth of a statement for some philosophical position entails the falsehood of itself. Such as which I read some where:
(1) No sentence in the English language is longer than eight words.
Sentence (1) is self-refuting because it entails its own negation (since (1) is longer than eight words). Any philosophical view that is self-refuting is either necessarily false or nonsense.

Indian Marxists and their Indian followers’ evil designs

Karl Marx took a dim view of India and its heritage. Chidambaram and all other ministers including various leaders of Congress and Left parties also take a dim view of India and its herigage. The dumb and blind leadership could not learn a lesson from Japanese PM Abe.

Japaneese PM Abe vs Indian leadership

During his stay in India, Japanees PM Abe instead of going to Rajghat will head to the eastern city of Kolkata to meet relatives of Indian freedom fighter Subhash Chandra Bose and Radhabinod Pal. He is a dutiful grandson of a wartime minister and passionate advocate for making his nation prouder of its past opposite to the Nehru Gandhis and their Congress. Should we learn something from Japan, worshiper of Subhash?

Subhas Chandra Bose, who fought for Indian freedom and was no Japanese stooge, was denounced as fascist and vilified by the Marxists. In today’s communist-ruled Bengal, the towering contributions of Swami Vivekananda are a distant memory and sought to be pushed out of public memory. Neither is Aurobindo Ghosh remembered. All the three are inconvenient to Marxist ideology.

Col (retd) Anil Athale rightly has written a very good article titled “Indian Marxists and their evil designs”.
Writing in the New York Tribune dated June 25, 1853 (quoted in Lewis S Feuer edited Marx and Engels Basic Writings, Anchor Books, NY 1959, pp. 474-481) he claimed that the ‘Golden Age’ of India was all myth and India was always a poor starving country. He further went on to admire and appreciate the British for destroying the Indian village industry and economy so that India could ‘modernise’.
Chidambaram has repeated the same words. Being a Hindu of Indian culture instead of as Ram in Hanuman’s heart, he keeps Karl Marx in his heart.

Tags: Export Indianless leadership Inferiority Complex India Italy Peking Brain Children of Marx CPM Left Maoist Chidambaram Finance Minister Conversion Inter Religion PM Japan Abe Subhash Bose Self Refutation Self Defeat Refutation Italina hand News Analysis India; tag this

By Premendra Agrawal
Please sign on the petition to save Ram Sethuby visiting at:

Self-Defeated: Mother Teresa Rajneesh Gandhi

Rajneesh destroyed his own teaching because he discarded truthfulness in favor of what he thought were useful lies. By late 1946, Gandhi made it clear that he would prefer to see the Congress dissolve. Now the self-defeat is hidden in the letters of Mother Teresa.

At the last Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi and Rajneesh became emty and their teaching their belief their efforts of whole life went in the vein. But OSHO, Gandhigiri and legacy of Mother Teresa also take breadth.

Is Mrityu bhoj not an evil in which a feast is given on the death of a person? by the family of the dead person?

Self Defeat of Mahatma Gandhi becomes Gandhigiri

In last time of his life Mahatma imagined the misuse of ‘Congress’ name after his death. Gandhi’s last wish was the dissolution of ‘Congress’. Even last wish of hanging accused is heard but last wish of Gandhi was not fulfilled. Nehru accepted partition and did not dissolve Congress to make Congress the property of his heirs.

So called renounces of modern sainthood of sari and pajama gandhis and teaching of Sanjay Dutt’s Gandhigiri in Lageraho Munnabhai are sweet slaps or Gere-Shilpa kiss on Gandhism. They kidnapped true original Gandhi and Congress of Pre-independence to overlook others for grabing power. They are killing Mahatma Gandhi daily in every hour and every minute.

OSHO fill up the vaccume of Self Defeated Rajneesh

Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (1931-1990) was born Rajneesh Chandra Mohan Jain in Kuchwara, a town in MP. Rajneesh wished to sink his think-tank. Followers turned it in OSHO. He saw in his end of life the destruction of his commune of struggling sanyasins. Rajneesh had dropped the title Bhagwan and, later, even the name Rajneesh.

And thus both Rajneesh and Mahatma Gandhi forced to see their death of minds at the last time of their lives.

Self defeated Mother Teresa's legacy continue

Almost ten years after she died, Mother Teresa and her nuns continue to draw the world's leaders and their families to their humble home in Kolkata to ovelook the truth of Mother Teresa’ letters.

Timesonline gives details of Mother Teresa’ letters which emerged from a book of her letters to friends and confessors.

Shortly after beginning her work in the slums of Calcutta, she wrote, “Where is my faith? Even deep down there is nothing but emptiness and darkness. If there be a God — please forgive me.”

In letters eight years later, she was still expressing “such deep longing for God”, adding that she felt “repulsed, empty, no faith, no love, no zeal”.
Her smile to the world from her familiar weather-beaten face was a “mask” or a “cloak”, she said. “What do I labour for? If there be no God, there can be no soul. If there be no soul then, Jesus, You also are not true.”

“I am told God lives in me — and yet the reality of darkness and coldness and emptiness is so great that nothing touches my soul,” she wrote at one point. “I want God with all the power of my soul — and yet between us there is terrible separation.” On another occasion she wrote: “I feel just that terrible pain of loss, of God not wanting me, of God not being God, of God not really existing.”

The late Pope, John Paul II, was a great admirer of Mother Teresa.

The Vatican has insisted on Aug 25 that Mother Teresa's course to sainthood will not be affected by the deep crisis of faith she suffered in the last 40 years of her life.

Mother Teresa wanted the destuction of her letters

Please destroy any letters or anything I have written.— to Picachy, April 1959
Consistent with her ongoing fight against pride, Teresa's rationale for suppressing her personal correspondence was "I want the work to remain only His." If the letters became public, she explained to Picachy, "people will think more of me — less of Jesus." But Vatican did not accept her request.


Self-Defeat occurs when accepting the truth of a philosophical position entails losing justification for believing that the position being advocated is true. Consider a view that no respectable philosopher has ever endorsed:
Any belief formed by a human lacks justification for believing it to be true.

Mahatma Gandhi & Mark Tully Vs Naveen Chwala

Please find the discussion in details of the following in my articles of Sep 11 and 12, 2006 at:

When “Mother” Teresa died; her longtime friend and biographer Naveen Chawla said that he once asked her bluntly, “Do you convert?” She replied, “Of course I convert. I convert you to be a better Hindu or a better Muslim or a better Protestant. Once you’ve found God, it’s up to you to decide how to worship him”

Q to Mark Tully: Do you consider yourself an honorary Hindu as well as an honorary Indian?
Ans of Tully: “I consider myself a Christian. I follow Mahatma Gandhi in that you stay in the religion that you were born in. But being a Christian doesn’t stop me from appreciating Hinduism’s contribution to this civilisation.”

“It is impossible for me to reconcile myself to the idea of conversion after the style that goes on in India and elsewhere today. It is an error which is perhaps the greatest impediment to the world’s progress toward peace … Why should a Christian want to convert a Hindu to Christianity? Why should he not be satisfied if the Hindu is a good or godly man?” (Harijan: January 30, 1937)

Let the Hindu be a Better Hindu I came to the conclusion long ago … that all religions were true and also that all had some error in them, and whilst I hold by my own, I should hold others as dear as Hinduism. So we can only pray, if we are Hindus, not that a Christian should become a Hindu … But our innermost prayer should be a Hindu should be a better Hindu, a Muslim a better Muslim, a Christian a better Christian. (Young India: January 19, 1928)

“Welcome Them Back” - Mahatma Gandhi
If a person through fear, compulsion, starvation, or for material gain or consideration goes over to another faith, it is a misnomer to call it conversion. Most cases of conversion … have been to my mind false coin … I would therefore unhesitatingly re-admit to the Hindu fold all such repentants without much ado … If a man comes back to the original branch he deserves to be welcomed … in so far as he may deem to have erred, he has sufficiently purged himself of it when he repents his error and retraces his steps.

So move for ‘Ghar vapasi (welcome back home)’ is necessary instead of save Afzal Guru move started by Congress its allies and CPM. The leaders persons who adopted conversion should come back in their original religion. This is the best sevice to the humanity. Instead of doing to save terrorists naxalites, human right groups should work for ‘Ghar vapasi (welcome home back)’.

Tags: Mother Teresa Letters Self Defeat Rajneesh OSHO Killing Mahatma Gandhi Useful Lies Gandhigire God Pope Conversion Better Christian Hindu Muslim Dynasty Rule Welcome back home Human right Newsanalysisindia; tag this

By Premendra Agrawal
Please sign on the petition to save Ram Sethuby visiting at:

Japan with Netaji ended western imprerialism in Asia

Japan with Netaji ended western imprerialism in Asia

Goebells’ clones say that India got freedom due to the non-violence and leadership of Nehru Gandhi only. Did other Asian countries of that time get freedom due to non-viloence? Does White liars of whites still rule India to insult mytryism of Subhas, Veer Savarkar, Bhagat Singh and others? Find answer by using historical microscope. 1945-1950 was a season for the independence of Asian Countries. We got independense due to those who gave blood tor freedom: “Give me blood and I will give you freedom”
Who are culprits to make Subhash “Forgotten”? Forgotten hero is in the hearts of patriots instead of road shows of Sonia and Rahul.

Abe went Kolkata instead of Rajghat

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe paid respect to Subhas Bose and Radhabinod Pal - a true historic moment in India Japan relation that started in 1940. Did that indo-Japan relation not open the gate of freedom for Asian countries?

During his stay in India, Japanees PM Abe instead of going to Rajghat will head to the eastern city of Kolkata to meet relatives of Indian freedom fighter Subhash Chandra Bose. He is a dutiful grandson of a wartime minister and passionate advocate for making his nation prouder of its past opposite to the Nehru Gandhis and their Congress. Should we learn something from Japan, worshiper of Subhash?

Mature Abe is slap on our immature leadership

Abe is not mature only due to heir of his dynasty. He obtained degree in Political Science and he showed his maturity in India aswell. India seeked support for US nuke deal during Japan PM visit. Is this subject of Japan Govt? PM Manmohan Singh did this childish behavriour to criticize the BJP on Nuke deal in his one US visit. Former External Minister at the time of his visit at China said to the Chinese leaders that Pokharana was the act of BJP. He showed sorrowness for this. Mature ruler of a great country Abe avoids saying any thing on Nuke policy of India.

In his one article Philip Delves Broughtona said: Series of violent confrontations had begun in 1931, prompted by Japan's aggression and support for anticolonial nationalist movements. The confrontations turned into open warfare in China in 1937 and, during World War II, into a series of invasions and counterinvasions that culminated, after the war, in the struggles for independence and national identity. It is these last "forgotten wars" of 1945-49 that are the subject of Christopher Bayly and Tim Harper's compelling book.

Radhabinod Pal’s judgment and Nobusuke Kishi

Japanese premier Abe is the grandson of Nobusuke Kishi, former premier of Japan. Philip Bowring said in his article: The Tokyo Tribunal process lends itself easily to the term “victors’ justice.” The only representative of a non-combatant nation, India’s Radhabinod Pal, wrote a 1,000 page dissenting judgment in which he attacked the underlying assumptions of the proceedings and asked why the atom bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not also included. Due to Pal’s judgement grandfather of Japanese PM Abe could get acquittal and after that became PM of Japan. He gave speech from Red fort of India in Dec 2004. Present PM of Japan followed him to visit India after that.

Indian Justice Radhabinod Pal (1886-1967) was the sole judge, on the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, who acquitted all the defendants from committing war crimes in his historic, dissenting judgment. Justice Pal raised by Justice Pal: (Why) "when the conduct of nations is taken into account, the law will perhaps be found to be that only a lost war is a crime"?

"Forgotten Wars"

The story of "Forgotten Wars" begins in the ruins of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where the remnants of human life scurry like animals across a wasted landscape. It then moves to the crescent of land stretching from Bengal via Burma and Thailand to the Malay Peninsula. It was an area seething with prisoners of war, starved soldiers, violent criminals and sex slaves. Over the next four years, new local powers and the returning forces of empire would clash, cooperate and clash again, laying the groundwork for the continent we know today.

Why Indochina back "into the fold of Christian civilization."

Extraordinary casts of characters populate "Forgotten Wars." When the British move into Indochina to help re-establish French control, they meet Adm. Thierry D'Argenlieu, a former monk, said by his staff to have had "the most brilliant mind of the Twelfth Century." D'Argenlieu had been assigned by Gen. Charles de Gaulle to bring Indochina back "into the fold of Christian civilization."

Cry of "Merdeka!" -- or Freedom!

In Java -- which Allied forces occupied after the Japanese were forced out in 1945 -- nationalist sentiment was stirred by the pemuda, a class of young, mostly single men who wore long hair and simple clothes and affected a classless manner. Their cry of "Merdeka!" -- or Freedom! -- Terrified the overstretched colonial authorities so much that they deployed Japanese soldiers captured in 1945 to keep the peace. In Burma, the postindependence Prime Minister, U Nu, would spend three or four hours a day in solitary prayer. Asked about this, the Indian prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, quipped: "This seems as good a way of governing Burma as any."

Period 1946 to 1949 was Asia's "revolutionary hour,"

Messrs. Bayly and Harper describe the years from 1946 to 1949 as Asia's "revolutionary hour," a brief period when the disempowered of society -- women, workers, peasants and the young -- cast off their chains. Self-expression took numerous forms, from Marxism to Maoism and religious revivalism. But ultimately conservative forces in their own countries took control. By 1949, British Asia had collapsed.

Asians in particular should also remember how much they cheered the Japanese military victories, at least initially. Not only at the general level did Japan effectively end western imperialism in Asia.

In Burma
In Burma, Aung San was trained and installed by the invading Japanese who pushed out the British though he later fell out with them when he discovered their independence was a sham.

In Indonesia
In Indonesia, Sukarno skillfully played the Japanese card in his push for independence, and future president Suharto worked for a Japanese-led force before becoming a hero of the war against the Dutch. Even Koreans, who were most obviously oppressed by Japanese occupation dating to 1910, collaborated. Park Chung Hee, the modernizing strong man of post-1960 Korea, was an officer in the Japanese army in Manchukuo.

In the Philippines
In the Philippines, many leading families also collaborated.

In the Malaysia
In the Malay Peninsula, Chinese were naturally in the forefront of resistance to the Japanese. It was a time when Peiping (as Beijing was then known) claimed the loyalty of all overseas Chinese. But Malays, even the aristocracy that the British cultivated, tended to be neutral. Meanwhile the ever-pragmatic Thais under Pibul Songkram aligned themselves with Japan before switching sides as the outcome of the war became clear. Arrested as a war criminal, Pibul later returned to power for another decade. In exile after 1960, he moved to Japan.

In Thailand
It is worth recalling now, given the problems in Thailand’s southern, Malay-speaking provinces, that in 1945 the British proposed, as punishment for aligning with Japan, these provinces be joined to Malaya. The Sultan of Pattani who preferred loose British oversight to direct rule from Bangkok had long favored this. But the US opposed it on the grounds of keeping Thailand in the pro-west camp.

Why is Abe visiting Asian Countries?
Above facts shows why Shinzo Abe present visit of important Asian countries from Indonesia to Malasia via India is important. Abe is is a dutiful grandson of a wartime minister and passionate advocate for making his nation prouder of its past opposite to the Nehru Gandhis and their Congress. Should we learn something from Japan, worshiper of Subhash?
By Premendra Agrawal
Please sign on the petition to save Ram Sethuby visiting at:

Al Qaeda grooms Kids to jehad vs Shaheedi Jor Mela & Budhia

Now media reports Al Qaeda trains 6-year children for jehad. Opposite to this martyr kids of Guru Gobind Singh and mini marathanian Budhia zoom before my eyes. In the same time I hear the birdly kids sweet sound in a baranda of the kids school.

This article is for throwing light on the above triangles. But before this please allow me to dig few more related issues in short.

Don’t groom quota

Creamy layers like Ram Vilas Paswan, Meera Kumar, Mayavati, Ajit Jogi, Ramdas, Lalu Mulayam Yadavs & such others want to make their children parrots in captivity. Don’t groom quota to make captive parrots.

Kingdomy Dynasty grooms

Pt Nehru groomed Indira and Sonia Gandhi grooms Rahul for PM. Mini party leades try to follow this. Thackarey, Mulayam, Karunanidhi are not behind in this race. Now there is news that Rahul Gandhi is being made General Secretary of Congress. Is this as per quality or belonging to reserve caste to rule India? Who will be next PM? Find related article of Aug 7, 2006 titled “Has India a Govt?’:

Organ trade, Noida Serial Killing and camel jockerying

There are 9,000 children who have gone missing from the national capital in the last three years. Over 2,500 children have been reported missing in 2006 itself, according to figures available with the missing people’s squad of Delhi Police. “As much as 90 per cent of Nithari’s population is Bengali migrated especially from Malda, Farakka and Murshidabad. Murshidabad district of West Bengal, which once supplied minor boys for camel jockeying to the Middle East, is now the biggest supplier of minor girls for clandestine prostitution rackets. Jamtala Daspara village in South 24 Parganas, West Bengal, has no more teenaged girls. Why Leftists were silent upto Jan 5?

Jehad and Conversion

I saw powerful symbolism of secularism when former CM of Karnatak a-Dharm and pesent Andhra’s Christian CM, Oscar fernadis, Margret Alwa, Jony lever and others climbed on the stage of fraud Benny Hinn at Banglore to encourage the T-tsunami affected poor coastal people for conversion. Is here any difference between violence and non-violence?

Bloody cruel deceisive acts in the name of gods in this or that way are sin and crimes. Forcefully by fraud to convert in christianty may be gandhigiri but not non-violence of Mahatma Gandhi. This conversion is not less crime than the crime of grooming children for jehad.

Slow killing through toys

I recall a report of Newyorktimes. The bomb maker, Saad Fakhri al-Naimi, 40, arrived on a commercial flight from Baghdad to prepare a suicide duffel bag for Mr. Darsi, using eight pounds of plastic explosives hidden in a child’s toy. I have written an article on the suicide of Toy Chief of China:

Doctor father groomed his twin sons for jehad?

Police sources said Kafeel and his father Maqbool Ahmed, attended a meeting at Crescent School in Basavanagudi on 19th February 2006. There is allegation that doctor father of Kafeel and Sabeel groomed his both sons for Jehad.

Now I want to throw the light on the triangles as sentenced on the top of this article.

Al Qaeda trains 6-year children for jehad

Media reports: al Qaeda and Taliban are recruiting youngsters for jehad.

The Sun has video evidence of boys barely old enough for school handling AK47 assault rifles. A video of the child recruits was posted this month on an al-Qaeda website which has attracted ten million visitors since 2003.
Experts believe it was shot at a Taliban training camp over the border from Afghanistan in Uzbekistan.

The camp is almost certainly run by the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan — which is affiliated to al-Qaeda.
It was shot at a Taliban training camp over the border from Afghanistan in Uzbekistan.
The camp is almost certainly run by the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan — which is affiliated to al-Qaeda.
An accompanying message claims they are the next generation of Mujahideen fighters in training.

Sons of Guru Gobind Singh were buried alive in bricked wall

Guru Gobind Singh gave everything for humanity including his family and disciples and still said that whatever god is doing is sweet to me. Guru Gobind's father, Guru Teg Bahadur, was beheaded in Delhi (where the Gurdwara Sis Ganj Sahib stands today) on the orders of Aurangzeb and Guru Gobind Singh's two elder sons, Sahibzada Ajit Singh and Sahibzada Jujhar Singh, died fighting Mughal troops at Chamkaur Sahib. His mother Mata Gujri and the younger two sons were cheated by Gangu, a household servant, and given away to the Mughals. Wazir Khan decreed Mata Gujri to be tortured to death, and both the boys, Sahibzada Zorawar Singh and Sahibzada Fateh Singh, 7 and 9 years old respectively, were buried alive in a brick-wall. They had refused to be converted to Islam.

Shaheedee Jor Mela of Fatehgarh Sahib

Fatehgarh Sahib, Punjab, India - The three-day annual ‘Shaheedi Jor Mela,’ held in memory of Guru Gobind Singh's two younger sons, Zorawar Singh and Fateh Singh, who were buried alive in a brick wall here, began with the commencement of an Akhand Path of Guru Granth Sahib at Gurdwara Jyoti Swarup. Lakhs of devotes paid their obeisance at Gurdwara Fatehgarh Sahib and Jyoti

Mini marathon Wonder Budhia

Wonder kid Budhia Singh on 15 th August slapped Congress led Government to say that he would never hit the tracks again as he unfurled the tricolour in the Atsalia Sahi slum where he has been living after being separated from his trainer Biranchi Das. The below 7-year-old boy was the major attraction at the city's biggest slum after shifting there with his mother Sukanti Singh and three sisters.

He is born to run. At an age when children prefer to remain close to their parents, Budhia runs 60 km a day.

He was just three when he ran his first MARATHON. Last year he ran 40 miles in less than seven hours. Now he is at the centre of a bitter legal battle between his mother, his coach and state officials. He may never run again.
Budhia’s father, an alcoholic beggar, died when he was just a year old. His mother, a domestic worker, earned just £2.90 a month and struggled to support her family of six.
Relatives have claimed Sukanti sold Budhia when he was three to a bangle salesman for 800 rupees — about £10 — to buy 100lb of rice. She has admitted selling her two daughters into bonded labour when they were just five and six.
Fitness fanatic Das apparently bought Budhia back for 900 rupees and treats him as his own son. He enrolled Budhia in the Judo School he runs and it was there he discovered the boy’s prodigious talent.
Budhia was ordered out of class for swearing and told to run laps of the courtyard. Das forgot about him but when he returned hours later, Budhia was still jogging.
Budhia’s incredible seven-hour run was recorded in the Limca Book Of Records, the Indian equivalent of the Guinness World Records publication.

Singhs (Lions/Tigers) buried alive in the brucked walls by Aurangjeb. Theer are still Singhs (Tigers and Lions) who are playing in the hands of Bhaamata as we see Budhia Singh. Who insulted Sikh Gurus in the ECERT and IGNOU books? Who pushes future of Bhart in the dark well?

UPA to sit on the elephant of maya forgets that there are tigers, tigress youths of Bharat who can attack on them to save Bharat: Wake up lions, heirs of Dushyant Bharat:

Tags: Alqaeda grooms 6-year kid children Jehad and Conversion Guru Gobind Singh Buried in wall Jor Mela Kingdomy Dynasty Nehru Gandhi Quota Slow killing Mini Marathan Budhia Wake up Lions Guinness Limca book; tag this

By Premendra Agrawal
Please sign on the petition to save Ram Sethuby visiting at:

Nuke Deal nukes honeymoon of Congress and Left

Nuke Deal nukes honeymoon of Congress and Left

PM accepts that his leader is in 10 Janpath. It means UPA government is without head. Left’s head is also in China. After marriage both were in honeymoon whcich is now wounded. Instead of soaring, loving couple is flapping. Without wing couple can walk instead of flying. One head is in the tour of West. Second head of East (China) is enjoying seeing nude birds. This article is on this theame. Readers may enjoy, act or react: Condom Bindaas Bol-campaign wins UN award

Valmiki of Ramayan and Rahu
The unholy honeymoon of Congress and Left kills the soul of Indian Constitution and the demoracy of the largest democratic country of the world. They are mistaken to think that their unholy honeymoon becomes the an incident of Valmiki Ramayan. Valmiki became panic to see the two loving male and female birds, which were wounded by a killer.

They are also in mistaken if they think that their heads are immortal as in ancient epic Rahu’s head become immoprtal due to a fraud.

Both stories are sighted in the bottom of this article in short.

Redish ‘Headless Chicken’ to com-Reds

‘As media reported Indian Ambasssdor in US Mr. Sen called Nuke deatl critics as ‘Headless chicken’. Due to this remork he himself becomes ‘headless chicken’. Why did red become red on this proverb of English? Is remark redished raw chicken, so they can’t digest it?

Is headless chiken of UPA government in the stomatch of com-reds? This is fact that unbearable pain is in their stomachs. ‘Hedless chicken’ nuked them. They become wounded birds without wings. Wounded birds may walk but can’t fly. Both the Houses Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha disturbed by them with the help of their enemy No. One BJP.

Now there is a danger of diarrhea. Unholy marriage unholy honeymoon becomes devorcable. What will be the fate of unborn politial child or children? Time to time we read news about the serial killing or born and unborn children. Few weeks back more than 400 bones of such kids found in Ratlam’s Christian Hospital.

Condom Bindaas Bol-campaign wins UN

OhI my god what happened if sanju would not get bail. I was afraiding to imagine what happened if honeymoon of Congress and Communists resulted some thing. Is this reason behind: Condom Bindaas Bol-campaign wins UN award? So many leaders honorable dishonorable were, aer the result of unholy honeymoons. Hot discussion is going on in Western Countries on the issue of abortion. Their religious head is against the right of abortion. God saves our country for this situation.

I can’t imagine the possibility of honeymoon between bodies without heads or heads without bodies but loving leaders said themselves this. I recall my two articles on the subject “ Hollywood Sex Scandal for HIV/AIDS awareness”:
And second is: Shilpi Kiss kissa: Being tolerant handles a public-sex for condom?:

In my reently written article I have suggested or adopting interacste marriage instead of intere religion or inter-racial marriage. Globlized, Inter-religion marriage of Gandhis and unmoral love affairs of Pt Nehru with lady Mountbetton would be happiest for them, if they were not big leaders. Being big leaders living in public domain, their steps pushed India’s interess in a danger well.

Transplantation in ancient India vs Fake seculars

What is the use of headless body? But Congress and Communists want to be God Shiv who transplanted the elephant’s head on the body of God Ganesh.They imported and even now import foreign heads from Italy, US, China and other countries to transplant freign corrupt heads of idealogy, religion and culture on their bodies.
Headless chicken proverb means:
Formed without a head.
Lacking a leader or director.
Lacking intelligence and prudence; stupid or foolish

Ganesh became without head. Lord Shiva transplanted the head of elephant to him. UPA’s head is in Balu (sand) as Kangroo. So they can’t see the reality of Ram Sethu (Adam’s Bridge). Spanish Doctors Performs World’s First Hand Transplantation Successfully convert a man’s right hand into his left, transplanting it onto the left arm and changing the place of the thumb, as media report in June, 2007.

Samdamanthan Canal Project to ruin Ram Sethu

Anti-Hindus Indianless government wants to ruin Ram Sethu by not changing the route of Samudramanthan Canal Project. What will remain without Hinduism in India? What will remain without the head?

India is now in a grip of duplicates in every field including politics, relegion and ideology. There are some elements in the higher positions those have no proud on the glorious ancient history of India. They may be Non-Hindus or selfish Indians followers of foreign heads, foreign hands and foreign ideology. These fake Indian leaders with Hindu names and Hindu make up to lead the country and to convert the tribal and poor innocent Hindus who are following Hindu religion, Sikh and Baudh panths.

These Anti-Hindu Indianless leaders are misusing the name of Samudramanthan to ruin Ram Sethu.

Samudramanthan and Rahu

According to legend, during the Samudra manthan, the asura Rahu, disguised himself as an Aditya, and drank some of the divine nectar. But before the nectar could pass his throat, Mohini (the female avatar of Vishnu) cut off his head with Her Sudarshana Chakra. The head, however, remained immortal. It is believed that this immortal head occasionally swallows the sun or the moon, causing eclipses. Then, the sun or moon passes through the opening at the neck, ending the eclipse.

The head, due to its contact with the amrita, remained immortal. It is believed that this immortal head occasionally swallows the sun or the moon, causing eclipses. Then, the sun or moon passes through the opening at the neck, ending the eclipse.
The story ends with the rejuvenated Adityas defeating the Asuras.

Valmiki of Ramayan cursed the killer whose arrow wounded the loving birds

Valmiki of Ramayana watched two small white waterbirds in a tree nearby. The male bird was singing to his mate when before Valmiki's eyes an arrow hit him, and the little bird fell from the limb. He thrashed on the ground an instant and then lay dead, and blood drops stained his feathers.
Heartbroken the dead bird's mate cried--Your long feathers! Your tuneful songs!

A bird-hunter came from the forest holding a bow. Valmiki's heart was pounding and he cursed the killer -- You will find no rest for the long years of Eternity, For you killed a bird in love and unsuspecting.
One look at Valmiki and the hunter ran for his life, but fever already burned in his blood; he died that day.

Tags: Headless Chicken Sen Nude deal Nukes Honeymoon Congress and Left Condom bindas Valmiki Ramayan Rahu Samudramanthan Globlized Intercaste marriage Transplant Ganesh Shiv US BJP UPA Govt Anti Hindu Indianless; tag this
By Premendra Agrawal
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